

Technology Studying on the Supporting Structure Between Primary Mirror and Second Mirror on the Space Camera

【作者】 李威

【导师】 金光;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(长春光学精密机械与物理研究所) , 光学工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 航天遥感是获取地面图像信息的主要来源之一,已成为现代军事侦察的重要手段。空间相机是航天遥感的主要设备,随着用户需求的不断提高,尤其是军事应用需求的牵引,空间相机向着高分辨力、轻型化和集成化的方向发展。目前,世界各国主要军事强国都在大力发展空间相机相关技术,而我国在此领域与美国等一些发达国家相比还有很大差距。随着人类对空间相机分辨率的要求越来越高,空间相机逐步向长焦距、大口径的方向发展,这就要求必须采用更大的主反射镜口径和更大的主次镜放大比。无论是何种型式的三反射系统,在主反射镜前方都不可避免的有一块次镜,次镜与主镜间相对位置的变动对相机的成像质量具有很大的影响。对于大口径空间相机来说,次镜是非常敏感的光学元件,由于次镜与主镜之间距离较远,导致次镜连接结构刚性较差。因此,合理地设计主次镜间的支撑结构,使其既能够满足光学设计的要求又能够适应空间相机严酷的力学环境是一个重要的研究课题。本文在分析国内外空间相机及其主次镜间支撑结构研究现状的基础上,重点研究了空间相机主次镜间的支撑结构,主要进行以下几个方面的研究工作。(1)介绍了国内外空间相机主次镜间支撑结构的形式,论述了主次镜间支撑结构的分析与优化方法和试验研究情况。(2)根据相机光学系统,通过支撑结构的对比,选择了主次镜间采用连接筒和支撑杆的组合支撑方式。研究了基于有限元法的空间相机结构优化设计方法,对主次镜间殷钢材料支撑结构进行了优化设计,确定了支撑结构主要结构件的尺寸参数;详细设计了主次镜间的支撑结构;对主次镜间殷钢材料支撑结构进行了详尽的工程分析。(3)对主次镜间碳纤维复合材料支撑结构进行了设计和研究,通过静力学和动力学分析,表明碳纤维复合材料支撑结构满足相机的要求,同时具有较好的动力学特性。(4)对两种材料支撑结构进行了动力学环境试验;采用光学测量方法定量地验证了两种材料支撑结构的结构稳定性;通过严酷的湿热试验,表明殷钢材料支撑结构要明显优于碳纤维复合材料支撑结构。综合各方面的考虑,主次镜间的支撑结构最终选择殷钢材料的支撑结构。通过分析、试验和采用光学测量方法验证了本文所设计的主次镜间支撑结构具有较好的结构稳定性和动力学特性,可以满足相机的使用要求。

【Abstract】 Space remote sensing is one of the main resources for the acquisition of ground information,and has become an important means of modern military reconnaissance. Space camera are main equipments of space remote sensing. In the military applications,space cameras should have high spatial resolution;at the same time it should be minimized and integrated. Therefore,lots of countries spare no effort to improve the characteristics of space camera. Compared with foreign counties,the development of space camera of China is relatively backward.With the constant improvement of space camera resolution,space camera having long focal length,large diameter was developed,and space camera having larger diameter primary mirror and ratio of a larger primary and secondary mirror magnification was adopted. No matter what type of three-reflector system,secondary mirror was inevitably located in the front of primary mirror,the variation of relative position between primary mirror and secondary mirror has a great impact on the camera’s image quality. For large diameter space camera,secondary mirror is a very sensitive optical components,because the distance between primary mirror and secondary mirror is far,it will result in poor rigidity for sub-mirror connection structure. Therefore,in order to meet the requirements of the optical design and the adaptation of harsh mechanical environment on the space camera,it is necessary to study the supporting structure between primary mirror and secondary mirror. Based on the analysis of research and development situations of space camera and its structure,the supporting structure between primary mirror and secondary mirror was emphasized in this paper and and several research works were done in this dissertation:(1)The form of the supporting structure between primary mirror and secondary mirror of space camera was introduced,the analysis,optimization methods and experimental study of the supporting structure were explained.(2)According to the camera optical system,the combination means of the connecting cylinder and the support bar between primary mirror and secondary mirror were chosed,the structure optimization methods based on the finite element were studied,the invar supporting structure was optimized,the size parameters of the main structure parts were defined,and the invar supporting structure between primary mirror and secondary mirror was designed and analyzed detailedly.(3) The carbon fiber composites supporting structure was designed and studied,statics and dynamics analyses show that the carbon fiber composites supporting structure has better dynamics characteristics,having reached to the camera requirement.(4)The supporting structure stability of the two materials was validated by the crescent mechanic test and optical measurement method;harsh damp heat test show that invar support structure is much better than the carbon fiber composites support structure. Taking all considerations,invar supporting structure between primary mirror and secondary mirror was chosed.Analyses,experiment and optical measurement method adopted show that supporting structure between primary mirror and secondary mirror has better structure stability and dynamics characteristics,having reached to the camera requirement.
