

The Relevance Research of Our Basic Education Curriculum Reform

【作者】 李泽宇

【导师】 袁桂林;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 伴随着知识经济和信息化时代的到来,世界各国为适应时代发展的需要,在上世纪末和本世纪初纷纷开展了旨在培养21世纪所需要的具有全球竞争力人才的教育改革。人们十分清楚地认识到,无论是政治、经济、科技、文化还是教育领域的改革与发展,其最终落脚点都是人才的培养与竞争。同历次教育改革一样,这次声势浩大的教育改革的核心依然是基础教育课程的改革。在此背景下,我国的基础教育课程改革也在世纪之交的关键时刻如火如荼地开展起来。为此,国家在2001年6月颁发了《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》。同年秋季,在教育部的大力宣传和倡导下,在各地方政府的积极配合下,教育部首先在全国29个省市设立了38个基础教育课程改革实验区,从此拉开了我国基础教育课程改革的大幕。到目前为止,我国建国以来所开展的这场规模空前的第八次基础教育课程改革已进行了近十年的时间,有关这次课程改革的情况在社会各界有着多种意见和呼声,改革的策划者、发起者和改革的执行者、实施者对此有着不同的意见和看法,无论是在理论界还是在基层中小学,关于这场课程改革的争论从其改革之初就从未停止过。教育行政部门和改革的始作俑者认为改革中存在的问题产生于中小学校课程的实施者对课改方案的理解和贯彻不到位,而广大中小学校的课程实施者却认为改革中所出现问题的症结在于改革方案本身过于理想化,没有切实考虑到城乡差异和地域差异。究竟孰是孰非至今尚无定论,关于课程改革状况的争论大有愈演愈烈之态势。本文正是基于这种背景之下,试图用事实来说话。为此,在全国范围内进行了较大范围调查研究的基础上,以基础教育课程改革的适切性理论为指导,从课程改革的社会需求维度和学生发展维度对课程改革的适切性状况进行了探讨,以期能从理想和现实、理论和实践层面客观地描述这场改革的实际效果,为进一步全面推进并完善基础教育课程改革提供可资参考的建设性意见和建议。通过走访各界与课程改革相关的人士获取了大量的访谈资料,同时针对课程改革中的实施者——中小学校长、教师和受益者——学生及学生家长做了大量的问卷调查,为研究的量化分析和研究积累了不可或缺的第一手资料。通过对这些资料的整理与分析,得出了较为客观的结论,即新课程改革的宗旨和指导思想是正确的,但在课程改革的方法上、领导上、实施上以及评价等方面还存在着诸多问题有待于从理论上加以澄清,从实践上加以改进,从而为进一步调整、修订、完善课程改革的方案和实施细则做出些许贡献。

【Abstract】 With the coming of knowledge-based economy and information age, to adapt to the social development needs, every country in the world have developed to the education reform that to cultivate the 21st century global competitiveness of the need of talent in last century and the early of this century. People are clearly aware that, whether in politics, economy, science and technology, culture and education reform and development, its ultimate foothold is training and competition in talent. Just like the previous education reform, the basic education curriculum still is the core of the reform. In this background, the basic education curriculum reform in China is developing at the critical moment of the century turn. Therefore, our country issued《the Basic Education Curriculum Reform Outline( Trial use)》in June 2001. In autumn, with the publicity of Ministry of Education and cooperate of the local government, the Ministry of Education established 38 basic education curriculum reform experiment plots in 29 provinces. Since then the basic education curriculum reform start.So far, the Eighth basic education curriculum reform, unprecedented size since the founding of our country, has been nearly ten years. The reform has many options and voice from all social classes. Different attitudes and speech of the mastermind and the sponsors of the reform, and the executors and the practice of the reform has appeared, either in theory or in Primary and Secondary, an argument about the curriculum reform never ceases to stop early of the reform. The educational administrative department and the perpetrator of the reform think that the problems exist in the reform result from the faults in the comprehension, of the understanding of the curriculum of executor from Primary and Secondary. At the same time, the executors from Primary and Secondary think that the problems in process of reform down to they idealize the course scheme, and don’t consider the urban and rural disparities or the regional disparities. No final conclusion between right and wrong. The argue about reform of curriculum has flared elsewhere.We try to research based on the facts in this background. Therefore, we conducted a investigation on the basis in the nationwide large scope, with the relevance of our basic education curriculum reform theory as guidance. we make research about the relevance of curriculum reform conditions from the dimensions of the social demand and students’ development of curriculum reform. So that we can describe the reform’s actual effect from ideal and reality, theory and practice level objectively, to provide reference constructive opinions and suggestions for further promote and perfect the basic education curriculum reform. We visited people relative to the curriculum reform and got plenty of interview material. Also, a large quantities of questionnaires were used to collect data from executors (principas and teachers) and beneficiaries (students and parents) in the curriculum reform. And those have provided indispensable first-hand materials for our quantitative analysis and study. We conclude the objective conclusion based on the collection and analysis of these data, namely the aim and guiding ideology of the new curriculum reform is correct, but there exist many problems in the method, leadership, implementation and evaluation of the reform. We need to clarify it from theory and improve it from practice, so that make some contributions to the further adjustment, revision, perfecting the curriculum reform scheme and implementation rules.

【关键词】 基础教育课程改革适切性
【Key words】 Basic EducationCurriculum ReformRelevance
  • 【分类号】G632.3
  • 【被引频次】29
  • 【下载频次】4510