

Function and Cognition of Modern Chinese Adverb "Ye"

【作者】 陈鸿瑶

【导师】 吴长安;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文以现代汉语副词“也”为主要考察对象,以主观性为视角从历时角度分析了副词“也”的来源,考察了“也”在现代汉语中的概念、人际和语篇功能,及其在复句格式中的意义贡献,并用认知语言学的理论对“也”的各种功能作出了解释。主要观点如下:(1)现代汉语副词“也”来源于古汉语句中语气词“也”,“也”的“类同”义的获得是说话者和听话者之间语用推理意义变成指称意义的过程;(2)“类同”是现代汉语副词“也”的原型意义,“并存”、“添加”、“递减”等意义是人的认知能力作用于“也”字的语义结构——比较框架,进行概念化的结果,是对“也”字语义结构中不同部分的凸显,也是“也”字语义理想化认知模式的组成部分;(3)语气副词“也”是关联副词“也”在共时平面上的语法化,而带前提句的也字句、零前提句的也字句和不带前提的也字句代表了副词“也”语法化过程中的三个阶段,随着比较框架中比较标准由现实变为非现实,主观性依次增强;(4)关联副词“也”经过主观化后具有强烈主观性,语气副词“也”表达的正是“评价情态”,虽然“类同”义已经淡化,但“比较”框架还在起作用,作为程序信息,它引导听话人把话语前提和现实事件进行比较,得出说话人对现实事件的评价态度;(5)语气副词“也”是反预期信息标记,这与“图形—背景”分离原则相关,前提句缺失是说话人利用不足量原则的语用策略的表现;(6)语法化不同阶段的“也”以不同的方式衔接语篇,当“也”字的“类同”义突显时,小句中的类同特征是它们前后衔接的理由,当“也”字具有主观性倾向时,隐性衔接体现了说话人一定的元语意识,语篇端点不都在语篇之内,听话人要经过语用推理才能实现“也”的“类同”义,而在元语否定的情况下,听话人的语用推理更是在语言表层和不同的ICM之间进行。关联副词“也”经主观化后的语气副词“也”,“类同”义隐去,过程意义突显,“也”仅仅表现为一种关联,衔接起分别存在于说话人预设和话语命题的语篇端点,成为标记说话人对命题态度的话语标记,引导听话人通过“搭桥参照”来实现话语之间的连贯。(7)“也”字关涉的复句格式主要有“并列”和“转折”两大类,这与“也”字本身的意义有关系,因为复句的形成也是人类认识对客观世界的反映。

【Abstract】 This paper mainly studies on the modern Chinese adverb“Ye”, it analyzes the source of this adverb“Ye”from the perspective of diachronic in terms of subjectivity, it also focuses on the profound contribution of“Ye”in modern Chinese concept,interpersonal and discourse function as well as compound sentence format; What’s more, it explains all these functions of“Ye”with the theory of cognitive linguistics. The main ideas are as follows: (1) the modern Chinese adverb“Ye”is derived from the modal particle“Ye”in ancient Chinese, and the acquisition of the“affinity”meaning of“Ye”is the process of the transference of pragmatic reasoning meaning to referential meaning between speakers and listeners; (2)“affinity”is the prototype meaning of the modern Chinese adverb“Ye”, other meanings like“coexisting”,“adding”,“decreasing”, etc. is the result of conceptualization of human cognitive capability towards the semantic structure(compare framework) of“Ye”; it stands out different parts of“Ye”in its semantic structure and it serves as a component of the idealized cognitive pattern of the meaning of“Ye”; (3) the mood adverb“Ye”is the grammarization of the conjunctive adverb“Ye”based on synchronic, the“Ye”sentence with or without the premise sentence or without the premise represents the three stages of“Ye”during the process of gammarization. As the comparative criterion in comparative framework changes from reality to unreality, subjectivity increases accordingly; (4) the conjunctive adverb“Ye”is quite subjective after the process of subjectivity, the mood adverb“Ye”expresses“evaluation mood”. Though its“affinity”meaning is less used, the“compare”framework still functions. Serving as the program information, it leads people to compare speech premise with actual events and then attains the speaker’s evaluation attitude towards the actual events; (5) the mood adverb“Ye”is the information marker of counter-anticipation which is concerned with the“graph-background”separation principle, thus the loss of premise sentence is the representation of pragmatic strategies when the speaker uses the inadequacy principle; (6)“Ye”connects text with various ways during different stages of grammarization, i.e. when the“affinity”of“Ye”stands out, the similar characteristic in small sentences is the result of cohesion of both the former and the latter sentences; when“Ye”has the tendency of subjectivity, recessive cohesion to some extend shows the language awareness of the speakers. As not all the text endpoints can be found within the discourse, under the circumstance of language negation, listener carries on pragmatic reasoning between the language surface and different types of ICM. After the subjectivity process of the conjunctive adverb“Ye”, the“similar”meaning of the mood adverb“Ye”fade, thus highlighting the significance of the process.“Ye”simply manifests a conjunction, connecting the text endpoints existing in pre-sequence of the speaker and subject of the discourse, thus becoming markers of the speaker’s attitude towards the subject and guiding listener through "bridging reference" to achieve coherence within the discourse. (7)the compound format concerned with“Ye”can be classified into“juxtaposition”and“transition”two categories, and it also has something to do with the meaning of“Ye”itself, because the formation of compound sentences is also the reflection of human cognition to the objective world.
