

Form and Trend: The Reserch on the Crescent Moon Poetry

【作者】 叶红

【导师】 罗振亚;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 新月诗派是中国新诗史上重要而复杂的诗歌流派。浪漫主义、古典主义、现代主义三种诗学形态相伴相生,使新月诗学观呈现出相互包容的诗学理念和不拘一格的艺术形式。由于新月诗派与中国著名自由知识分子社团——新月社之间关系复杂,决定了新月诗派不可能只是一个单纯的诗歌流派。本论文从新月诗派的生成与发展这一研究视角,将新月诗派投射于中国20世纪20、30年代的文化语境中,借助大量的历史资料,探讨新月诗派错综的发展轨迹。运用现代传媒的理论重新审视文学流派的生成与现代报刊之间的关系;借鉴“影响的焦虑”这一西方现代诗学理论中的某些观念,阐释新月诗人是如何摆脱“强者诗人”的“影响的焦虑”,通过创造性的误读,构建起新月诗学体系;运用“反优先权”的策略,研究诗派内部个体诗人间诗学理念的传承与超越;通过确认诗人的文化身份来分析诗歌流派的人员构成、诗歌气质、文化选择和审美价值形态。论文共分六个部分:绪论:新月诗派生成语境。概括论文的总纲目。报刊与流派的关系;“新诗人”(Ephebe)是如何超越“强者诗人”(Strong poet)成为诗歌流派的领袖;新月诗人的文化身份与新月诗派的文化品格之间的关系,新月诗学观的发展变化轨迹描述。本论文研究目标、研究方法及研究意义。第一章:与媒体共生:新月诗派的生成与发展。主要探讨新月诗派的文艺沙龙特质;报刊与文学流派生成的关系,办刊方针对文学流派走向的影响,《新月诗选》的出版意义。第二章:新月诗派的“反优先权”策略。本章的理论依据是现代实用主义诗歌理论“影响的焦虑”,以此阐释新月诗派“新诗人”是如何通过“修正性误读”行为,逐渐取代“强者诗人”,成功引领中国新诗潮流。并进一步探究流派稳定之后,新月内部“新诗人”又是如何对流派内“强者诗人”的诗学观提出质疑,颠覆流派的稳定格局,使诗学理念不断更新,流派呈现多元、立体的美学格局。第三章:新月诗人群的文化身份。从文化身份与文化构建的文化视角,探讨诗人的文化身份和处于不断变动中的文化身份构建,对新月诗派的形成,诗学观的确立,诗学观的变化产生什么样的影响。按照新月诗人对待外来文化的态度,将新月诗人的文化身份分为三种类型,目的是考察文化身份如何干扰诗派的政治抉择、思想取向、文艺思想和文学实践。第四章:新月诗学:在变化中坚守。重点梳理、考察新月诗派前后期不同的诗学观。前期以浪漫主义、古典主义为主,提出著名的“新诗格律化”主张。后期的诗学观逐步转向现代派,结合诗人的创作实践,重点勾勒出新月诗派诗学观的变化轨迹及内在原因。结语:总结全文,阐释新月诗派的历史地位、对中国新诗发展的贡献以及这一流派存在的历史局限和艺术遗憾。

【Abstract】 The Crescent Moon School is a significant and complicated poetic genre in the history of modern Chinese poetic schools. With the emergence of romanticism, classicism and modernism, the Crescent Moon School takes on its mutual tolerance idea and free art form. Because of its complicated relationship with the Crescent Moon Association, which consists of some famous free intellectuals in China, the Crescent Moon School can’t be a simple poetic genre. With the help of plentiful history materials, the thesis, starting from the complexity of the Crescent Moon School, studies its anfractuous development by setting it in the culture context of the 1920s and 1930s of China. Reconsider the relationship between forms of cultural genre and modern journals by using modern media theory; explain how the Crescent Moon poets get rid of“strong poet”and“anxiety of influence”by using some ideas from western“anxiety of influence”theory for reference; build a unique poetic system by reading creatively; study the individual legacy and promotion to poetic theory inside poetic genres using the strategy“anti-priority”; analyze personal structure, poetic style, cultural choice and aesthetic form of poetic genres by confirming the cultural identity of poets.Six sections as followsForeword: Form of the Crescent Moon School. Generalization of the thesis outline. Relationship between the press and poetic genres: how the ephebes go beyond strong poet and become leaders of poetic genres; relationship between the cultural character of the Crescent Moon School and cultural identity of poets; description of the development of the Crescent Moon School. Study actuality, target, method and meaning of the thesis.Chapter one: Birth with media: form and development of the Crescent Moon School. The thesis mainly approaches cultural characters of the Crescent Moon School; the relationship of the press and the form of cultural genres; the influence of guiding principles for the press on the trend of cultural genres, the publication meaning of the Crescent Moon Poetry.Chapter Two:“Anti-priority”strategy of the Crescent Moon School. From the psychological point of view, the thesis studies how some individuals stand out from so many fresh poets and realize their dream of leading a new poetic genre. It also contains how individual poets question the strong poets of their own poetic genre and renew the poetic ideas to make the poetic genre diversified.Chapter Three: Cultural identity of the Crescent Moon School. From the angle of cultural identity and structure,, the chapter expounds how influential poets’cultural identity and ever-changing cultural structure are on the form, development and variation of the Crescent Moon School. Because the Crescent Moon School mainly consists of Anglo-American overseas poets, their cultural identity is involved in some different cultures. In the thesis, the Crescent Moon Poets are divided into three groups by their accepting attitude towards different cultures in order to study how the cultural identity has an effect on political choices , thinking trend, art idea and culture activity of the poetic genres.Chapter Four: Poetic genre of the Crescent Moon School. This chapter emphasizes on the different poetic views before and after the period of the Crescent Moon School. The former is characterized by romanticism and classicism and brings forth“rhythmization of new poems”, while the poetic views tend to modernism during the later period. It explains the changing track of inside reasons of the poetic view of the Crescent Moon School according to the writing practice of poets.Conclusion: summarize the historic role of the Crescent Moon School, its contributions to Chinese poetry development as well as its historic limitation and art deficiency.
