

Hovered Around the Masquerade and Participation in Social

【作者】 石明圆

【导师】 逄增玉;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 新时期以后,由于文学内部和外部环境的变化,许多蒙尘纳垢的作家重新进入人们的视域,并由边缘地带走到中心位置,掀起了一个个的研究热潮,如“周作人热”“沈从文热”等等。在一股股热潮的激荡下,废名研究也渐渐热闹起来。废名在诗歌、散文、小说的创作领域表现都很出色,文艺批评界都给予过很高的评价。关于废名小说的研究,主要集中在以下几个方面:分期问题、佛禅精神、叙事策略、文体特征、影响研究等。但仍然存在一些研究空白,本研究以废名的小说创作为研究对象,运用文本细读的研究方法,探究了废名的艺术追求、思想变迁之路与中国传统文化的关系,以及废名的艺术创作的现代意义。废名是一位内倾型创作风格的作家,他创作风格的形成既有其个人成长经历的因素,更与中国传统文化的大背景有着密不可分的联系。凌宇把废名小说创作分为三个阶段:第一个阶段是以《竹林的故事》为代表,包括《桃园》和《枣》。第二个阶段以《桥》为代表,在艺术上进一步展现自己的表现技巧。第三阶段的代表是《莫须有先生传》《莫须有先生坐飞机以后》,但已预示废名创作的终结。(凌宇《从〈桃园〉看废名艺术风格的得失》《十月》1981年第一期)通过对各个阶段的小说文本的分析,我们发现早期的废名关注现实,很想在社会生活中有一些作为,但由于个性的原因始终处于入世与出世的矛盾当中。很快,他选择了后者,成为现代社会的一位隐士,在小说中编织美梦。此时庄子的出世思想占了上风,也因此成就了废名田园诗式的小说风格。但是,一个在现实中生活的人,是不能永远生活在美梦中的。从《莫须有先生传》开始,废名又渐渐把目光转回到现实中来。他开始表现平常的人生,在现实中寻找超脱的途径。使废名能够完成两个阶段过渡的是禅宗。道家与禅宗本来就有血缘关系,禅宗的很多思想就来自于道家,在使人的心灵获得超越的同时,禅宗没有否定现实生活,这正好是废名最想要的。在《莫须有先生传》和《莫须有先生坐飞机以后》中,禅宗的超越与儒家思想是同时存在的。就儒家文化而言,废名主张“仁政”,认为,孔孟的教训原本没有错,只不过他们的学说被“知识阶层”人为地扭曲了,传统文化中充斥了空洞的说教、八股式的文章、巧言令色的自欺。并提出了他的关于救国、关于教育人的主张。正是这种站在传统文化的土壤之上,保有清醒认识的态度,使废名具有了现代意义,也对我们今天传承传统文化提供了借鉴。废名是一个徘徊在出世与入世之间的矛盾体,无论是他的人还是他的创作。这也是那个时代很大一部分知识分子共同的心态,是一个时代心态的缩影。同时,在这个以发展经济、科技为目标的时代,人们过度追求物质、过度开发自然,将财富与科技作为文明进步的标志,已经破坏了人与自然、人与人之间的和谐,此时,废名所追求的和谐合理的生活、温柔敦厚的人格更深刻、更意味深长的意义就凸现出来。

【Abstract】 The new period, due to the literature, internal and external environment changes, Many writers of dirt dust satisfied to re-enter people’s visual field, Walked by the fringe center, setting off an upsurge of a study, such as "Zhou Zuo-ren fever" and "Shen Cong-wen hot" and so on. Unit, the agitation in a boom, the abolition of one study also gradually excited.Fei Ming in poetry, prose, fiction very good performance in the creative fields, literature and art critics have given high marks too. About Fei Ming novel study, focused on what aspects: staging issues, Fochan spirit, narrative strategies, stylistic characteristics, influence research. However, there are still some research gaps, this study in order to scrap the name of novels as the research object, using the text read the research methods to explore the abolition of the name of artistic pursuit, thought changing the way the relationship between Chinese traditional culture, as well as the abolition of the name of of artistic creation in the modern sense.Waste name is an introvert-type writing style writer, his writing style, the formation of both their personal growth experience factor, but also with the background of Chinese traditional culture is inextricably linked. Ling-yu Fei Ming novels to be divided into three phases: The first stage is based on "the story of bamboo" as the representatives, including :<< Tao yuan >> and << jujube >>. The second stage of the<< Bridge>> represented, in the arts to further demonstrate their performance skills. The third phase is represented by the << Mr. Mo Xu you Biography >>, <<r. Mo Xuyou plane after>>, but has spent the name indicates the end of creation.(Lingyu "From" Taoyuan "look at the pros and cons of Fei Ming’s artistic style" "October" 1981, Phase I)Through the various stages of the novel textual analysis, we found that the early abolition of the name concerned about the reality of life in the community would like to have some act, but the reason is always due to personality conflicts among the WTO and the birth. Quickly, he chose the latter became a hermit in modern society, in the novel weaving dreams. Zhuangzi’s idea prevailed at this time born, and thus achievement of waste were idyllic novel style. However, a people living in the real world, we can not live forever in the dreams of the. From the "concocted charges Biography of Mr." Start, waste were gradually began to look back to reality. He began to show normal life,In reality, looking for detached way. To enable waste were able to complete the two phases of the transition to Zen. Taoism and Zen Buddhism have been on the blood, a lot of ideas on the Zen comes from Taoism, the people have to get beyond the mind, while the Zen does not deny the reality of life, which is exactly the abolition of the name of the most wanted.In the "concocted charges Biography of Mr." and "Mr. Mo Xuyou after the plane", the Zen transcendence and Confucianism simultaneously exist. On the Confucian culture, the abolition of the name stands for "benevolence," that the lessons of Confucius and Mencius had nothing wrong, but their doctrines are the "knowledge class" artificially distorted the traditional culture full of empty preaching, eight-legged essay-style articles, clever self-deception. And presented his report on the national salvation, on the idea of educating people. It is this standing on the soil of traditional culture, retain a clear understanding of the attitude, the abolition of the name has a modern sense, but also on the transmission of traditional culture we have today provided a reference.whether it is his people or his creation. This is also a large part of the intellectuals of that era shared mindset, which is a microcosm of the mentality of an era. Besides, in the development of the economy, science and technology as the target age, people over the pursuit of material, over-exploitation of natural wealth and technological progress in the most signs of civilization has been destroyed man and nature, the harmony between people, this time , Fei Ming Fei Ming sought a reasonable and harmonious life, gentle personality of a deeper, more meaningful significance of the fore.
