

The Development of the Concept of the Pre-Qin Word and Meaning and Its Impact on Pre-Tang Literature

【作者】 王薇

【导师】 张世超;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在文化发展的早期,无论中国还是西方,都产生了有关语言问题的思考,这些思考对于中西思想文化的走向、特征等都发生了重大的影响。在先秦,尤其是在春秋晚期到战国末年,有关语言问题的讨论曾经是很普遍而突出的现象,当时围绕言意关系所进行的讨论更是对中国古代的文学创作与评鉴产生了极深远的影响,儒、道、墨、法、名等各家均对这个问题有自己的理解。言意问题自从于先秦时期提出之后,在汉代及至魏晋玄学“言意之辩”中,有关的探讨可以说都是对先秦诸子在这个问题上思考的某种继承与发展。南北朝之后直至近代,言意关系不再是众人争论的焦点了。如果说在唐前,先秦时期是言意关系问题的萌芽期,两汉和魏晋是先秦诸子言意观的发展和完善期的话,那么也正是经过了如此漫长的思辨之后,中国文学“意在言外”的特质才最终在唐前得以基本成形。唐代成为举世闻名的诗之王国实际上也是与前人在言意观上的探讨分不开的。言、意这一对范畴从先秦一路走来,中国的先贤们通过对言意两方面的追索,对言意关系的探讨贯穿了文学、美学的创造论、方法论、鉴赏论等诸多范畴。中国的传统文学更是在很大程度上是受言意观发展的影响,从而形成了中国文学的独特内质。本文的主要内容有:第一章:言意观之根源篇。从政治经济、思想基础、名实之争和汉语汉字的发展四个方面探讨春秋战国之际出现言意问题探讨的原因。第二章:言意观之发生篇。在梳理儒、道、墨、法、名各家言意观的同时,总结诸子言意观的内容及特征,分析诸子言意观的影响。第三章:言意观之发展篇。探讨在汉代“独尊儒术”的大一统背景下,代表性言意观对先秦言意观的发展及其在主流文学体式汉赋中的表现。第四章:言意观之完善篇。在魏晋玄学“言意之辩”的大背景下,分析以“得意忘言”、“得象忘言”为主旨的王弼言意观对文学理论及文学创作的影响。余论:言意观之比较篇。通过对中西方言意观的比较,更进一步地认识从先秦形成发展而来的中国言意观的特点及其对唐前文学乃至整个中国文学的影响。中国古代言意论,在经历了困惑与探索阶段之后,进入到它灿烂的收获期,形成了中国文学与世界文学所不同的特色,也完成了它自身理论形态与理论价值的构建。

【Abstract】 Early in the cultural development,both China and the West have had a thought about the philosophy of language, these thought influenced the trend of the ideology and cuture, characteristics . In the Pre-Qin, especially in the late Spring and Autumn Warring States Dynasty, once the language of discussion was common and prominent phenomenon. At that time around the discussion of expression and meaning produced a far-reaching impact on the ancient Chinese literature and the evaluation.Confucianism, Taoism , Mohist, Legalism and Artists were on their own understanding of this issue.Words and Meaning in question was put forward since the Qin Dynasty,during the Han Dynasty up“言意之辩”of the Metaphysics,The study were some inheritance and development for that all thinking of the philosophers on this issue .Form Southern and Northern Dynasties to Modern, the relationship of word and meaning is no longer the focus of the crowd. If we said before the Tang Dynasty, Pre-Qin was the shouting time, Han and Wei were the development and perfection, precisely after such a long speculative , Chinese Literature character——"意在言外" was finally in the basic shape before the Tang Dynasty. That Tang Dynasty became the Kingdom of the world-famous poem actually was inseparable the conception of meaning of the formersForm the pre-Qin, These categories of Word and meaning, fathers intended to the relationship between word meaning ,the founding was through literary, aesthetic creation theory, methodology, and appreciation and many other areas. Chinese traditional literature is largely affected by the development of word meaning theory, and creating a unique endoplasmic Chinese literature.Therefore, the thesis can be divided into the following parts :Chapter one: the Source of“The concept of word and meaning”. Analyze the reasons for that the problem of Word and Meaning was appeared in Spring and Autumn form Political, economic, ideological basis, Nominalism ,Realism, and the development of Chinese characters .Chapter two: the Occurrence of“The concept of word and meaning”. Put various theories in order, at the same time, Summarize the content and features, Analyze the impact of various theories.Chapter three : the development of“The concept of word and meaning”. Investigate the development of the representation of word and meaning theory and the literary expression ( han fu) In the period of the Unity Han Dynasty prospect of "Domination of Confucianism"Chapter four: the improvement of“The concept of word and meaning”. In the context of“言意之辩”, analyze the impact on Literary Theory and Literary Creation of Wang Bi Linguistic Thoughts that the subjects were“得意忘言”and“得象忘言”.Further discourses: the comparison of“The concept of word and meaning”. By comparing, We could further understand that the characteristics of Chinese word meaning that developed form the Pre-Qin, and that the influence on the literature before Tang Dynasty and the whole of Chinese literature.“The concept of word and meaning”of the Ancient China had enter into its splendid harvest ,after experiencing the confusion and exploration stage. It formed different characteristics between the Chinese literature and world literature, and also completed its own form of theory and the theoretical value of the building
