

On the Transcendence of Education

【作者】 王守纪

【导师】 杨兆山;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 教育具有超越性,教育的超越性就是教育超出既有现实规定性(物质或非物质上的限制)以及教育活动和内部诸要素在某方面超出的本质特性。教育的超越性始于人的超越性,通过人的超越性,又归结于人的超越性。人的超越性是教育超越性的出发点、连接点和最终归宿。教育作为培养人的社会实践活动,不仅是人所从事的超越性的活动,而且也是把人的超越性作为目的性的活动。教育活动的超越性与人的超越性具有内在的同一性。在超越性的教育活动中,人的超越性不仅是教育活动的目的,而且也是教育活动的存在方式。人的未特定化客观上要求人必须超越自身生理上的限制,人的自我意识使人能认识到自身的不足和局限,人对未来的希望是人们勇于超越的永久动力,因此,人具有超越性,作为超越性的人的存在是教育超越性的逻辑起点。教育的超越性在宏观领域主要表现为:教育对社会现实的超越;教育对时间空间的超越;教育思想的批判与超越;教育制度的变革与超越以及理想教育对现实教育的超越。教育的超越性在微观领域的超越主要表现为:无我对有我的超越;无形对有形的超越;无法对有法的超越;无限对有限的超越。教育的超越性还表现为:年轻一代对年长一代的超越;受教育者对教育者的超越,以及教育主体的自我超越。教育作为培养人的社会实践活动,客观上必然与社会的经济、政治和文化等产生一定关系。教育的超越性的发挥以及发挥到何种程度有赖于人们超越意识的觉醒,有赖于人们对教育相对独立性的尊重,更有赖于社会经济的发展和社会民主化进程。教育的超越性是有限度的,无论是人的超越,还是基于人的超越性之上的教育的超越都不能以损害人的生命存在为前提;教育也不能超越社会经济的正常发展,更不能危胁到国家的经济安全;教育的超越起于实践,终于实践,是此岸世界的超越。探求教育超越的限度旨在表明,强调教育的超越性,并不是对教育适应性的否定。关注教育的超越性,理应在把握教育的适应与超越之间的辩证关系的基础上,把握教育超越的限度并寻求教育适应与超越的动态平衡。

【Abstract】 Education has transcendence, which means educatiocan not only can exceed existing regularity (material and non-material restrictions) but also has transcending nature characteristic in education process and external factors.The transcendence of education has began with the transcendence of man. It attributes to the transcendence of man through the human culativing. The transcendence of man is the start point, connection point and the final goal of the transcendence of education.Education is a social practice of human cultivating. It is not noly the activity people engaged in, but also the practice taking the transcendence of manas as purpose. The transcendence of education is in accordance with the transcendence of man. In the transcending education activities, the transcendence of man is the purpose of education, and the existence way of education at the same time.The human unspecialization requires exceeding our physical limitations objectively. The self-consciousness makes people realize their own defects and limits. The hope for future is the permanent motive by which people can exceed bravely, therefore, people have transcendence, and the transcendence of the human existence is the logic starting point of the transcendence of education.The transcendence of education in the macroscopic domain is: education transcends the social reality; education transcends the space and time; the critique and transcending of the educational thought; the transformation and transcending of educational system as well as the transcending of ideal education to reality education.The transcendence of education in the microscopic domain is the transcending of non-self to existence-self, invisible to visible, lawless to lawness, and infinity to finity.Much more, the transcendence of education is also can be the transcending of younger generation to old generation, educatee to educator, and the self-transcending of the educational subject.As a social practice for human cultivating, education certainly has some relationship with the economy, politics and culture. The transcendence of education depends on the awakening of the transcending consciousness, the respect of the relative independence of education, and the socio-economic development and social democratization.The exertion of educational transcendence also depends on some subjective and objective factors such as the intensity of the self-consciousness, the transcending consciousness and the social conditions.The transcendence of education has limitations. No matter the human transcending, or the educational transcendence based on the transcendence of man, should not undermine the premise of the existence of human life. Education should not exceed the the normal socio-economic development, and futhermore can not threaten the security of national economy.The exploring the limitations of the educational transcendence to show that the emphasize of the transcendence of education is not to deny the adaptation of education. When we concern the transcendence of education, we should grapse the dialectical relationship between the transcendence and the adaptation of education firstly,then find the the limitations of the transcendence of education and the dynamic balance between the educational transcendence and adaptation.

【关键词】 教育超越适应实践
【Key words】 EducationTranscendingadaptPractice