

The Study of Building the Socialist Legal System with Chinese Characteristics

【作者】 李婧

【导师】 田克勤;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中共党史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 法律体系是法治建设的基础。任何国家法律体系的构建都是该国法治实践的产物,是与一定历史条件和时代背景分不开的。中国特色社会主义法律体系是在改革开放以来我国社会主义民主法治建设的过程中逐步构建起来的。从强调加强社会主义民主法制建设到确立依法治国、建设社会主义法治国家的基本方略再到全面落实依法治国基本方略、加快建设社会主义法治国家,贯穿期间的一个重大问题就是如何构建和完善中国特色社会主义法律体系。因此,深入研究中国特色社会主义法律体系构建的基本条件、历史脉络,总结中国特色社会主义法律体系构建的基本经验,探讨进一步完善中国特色社会主义法律体系的重大问题,具有重要的学术价值和重大的实践意义。2010年,是党的十五大提出的形成中国特色社会主义法律体系的目标时间。目前,中国特色社会主义法律体系基本形成已成为我国政府和学术界的共识。然而,在审视已取得的伟大成就的同时,我们更需要对中国特色社会主义法律体系构建进行理性的面向未来的回顾与反思。本文以中国特色社会主义法律体系的“构建”为核心话题,着眼于整体把握这一法律体系构建的过程与全局,综合运用马克思主义理论、中共党史、政治学、历史学、法学等基本理论和方法,对中国特色社会主义法律体系构建的基本问题进行研究。第一章重点从理论层面对中国特色社会主义法律体系构建的理论基础进行分析和概括。以马克思主义经典作家的法律思想为核心的马克思主义法律思想是中国特色法律体系构建的根本指导思想。马克思主义法律思想的中国化与中国特色法律体系构建是一个相互伴随的演进过程。坚持和发展马克思主义法律思想、不断推进马克思主义法律思想中国化而形成的当代中国马克思主义法律思想,为中国特色社会主义法律体系构建奠定了深厚的思想理论基础。第二章着力从实证的角度,把中国特色社会主义法律体系置于改革开放和社会主义现代化建设波澜壮阔的伟大实践中,分别从我国经济体制改革、政治体制改革、文化体制改革以及社会建设四大方面,较为深入地阐述了中国特色社会主义法律体系构建的经济、政治、文化和社会基础,提出只有立足于我国社会主义初级阶段的基本国情,才能真正构建出具有鲜明“中国特色”的社会主义法律体系。第三章侧重从比较的视角,分析中国特色社会主义法律体系构建的国际背景,提出中国特色社会主义法律体系构建要始终坚持立足国情、科学借鉴、合理扬弃、博采众长、兼收并蓄的借鉴原则。在此基础上,阐述了对构建中国特色社会主义法律体系具有重要理论价值和实践意义的借鉴内容。第四章主要从历史的维度观测中国特色社会主义法律体系构建。本文首先对中国特色社会主义法律体系构建的历史渊源进行了考察,重点对这一法律体系构建的基本脉络进行了梳理,以其构建的重心定位和主要特点为依据,提出中国特色社会主义法律体系构建的“三阶段说”。第五章重点从宏观层面探讨中国特色社会主义法律体系构建的原则、框架和特征。本文认为,中国特色社会主义法律体系构建必须毫不动摇地坚持民主、科学、社会主义的原则,提出中国特色社会主义法律体系构建的整体框架应为宏观、中观和微观三个层级的统一,并从总体上概括并阐释了中国特色社会主义法律体系构建所突显的“三个着力于”的特征。第六章从问题入手进行经验总结,进而提出完善中国特色社会主义法律体系的建议。新世纪新阶段,面对国际形势的发展变化和国内经济社会发展的阶段性特征,中国特色社会主义法律体系构建在观念、制度和操作层面,面临着如何继续坚持以中国化马克思主义法律思想为指导、如何准确把握当代中国现代化建设的实际、怎样吸收借鉴国外的有益经验等问题。站在新的历史起点上,要按照科学发展观以人为本、全面协调可持续、统筹兼顾的基本要求,进一步完善中国特色社会主义法律体系。

【Abstract】 The legal system is on the basis of law. The construction of any country legal system is producted by pacticing, it cannot be separate with historic condition and the times. Since the Chinese characteristic socialist laws system has been in our country socialist democracy government by law construction process constructs gradually in the reform and open policy. From an emphasis on strengthening the building of socialist democracy and legal system to establish the rule of law and building a socialist country ruled by law and then to the full implementation of the basic strategy of the basic strategy of governing the country. According to law, it accelerate the construction of a socialist country rule. During the period of a major problem is how to build and improve the characteristics of a socialist legal system. Therefore, It has important academic values and major The practical significance that research on the effect of constracting a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics rules, and sum up the experience of constracting socialist legal system, and then discussed further consummates the Chinese characteristic of socialist laws system.The year of 2010 is the target time of the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics which is proposed in the 15th Congress of the party. At present, basically, The Chinese characteristic socialist laws system has become consensus in our country Government and academic. However, it is a constant process of reassessment and review, While obtaining already great achievements, we need to reconstract carry on to the Chinese characteristic socialist laws system.In this thesis, the constraction of the Chinese characteristic socialist laws system is central. Focus on constructing the legal system of the whole process and the overall situation. The method is as followed the theory of CPC’s history, the theory of Marxist, the theory of political science, the theory of history, the theory of law and other basic theory of constract socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics.The first chapter focuses on rational that the Chinese characteristic socialist laws system is constructing from theory level. Taking the Marxism classical writer’s legal thought as the core of the law of Marxism thought is the Chinese characteristic legal construction basic guiding principle. The ideas of Marxism law thought Chinese with the Chinese characteristic legal construction that is the evolution process. Insisting and developing the Marxism-law-thought that to advance the Contemporary Chinese Marxism-law-thought which unceasingly the Marxismlaw thought Chinese forms, has laid the deep thought rationale for the Chinese characteristic socialist laws system construction.The second chapter relay on analyzing of demonstration,focus from the empirical point of view, the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics practiced in reform, opened up and socialist modernization. Respectively, such as economic system of chinese, political system of chinese, cultural system of chinese and the social construction of Chinese. Elaborated the Chinese characteristic socialist laws system construction economy, politics, the culture and the social basis. Proposing is bases on our country socialism initial stage fundamental realities of the country, can construct has“the Chinese characteristic”distinctively the socialist laws system truly.The third chapter is by the comparative method. Analysis on international background of the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics to contract it. To be building a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, we must always based on national conditions, scientific learning, reasonable abandon it, or adopt many, eclectic drawing on the principles. On this basis, explained the views on building a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, has important theoretical value and practical significance of the reference content.The forth Chapters is mainly by the method of historical to build a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics. A socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics and historical origins of an inspection, focusing on the Construction of the legal system to sort out the basic thesis, take its construction’s center of gravity localization and the main feature as the basis, proposed that the Chinese characteristic socialist laws system construction“three stages”.The fifth Chapters of discusses the Chinese characteristic socialist laws system construction from the principles, framework and characteristics. We insists that the Chinese characteristic socialist laws system construction must be insisted the democracy, the science, the socialism principle. To build a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, the overall framework of the macro, meso and micro levels of the unity of the three. Summarized in general, and explained to build a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, highlighted by the“three focus on”character.The sixth Chapters is analyzed on the problems of Chinese characteristic socialist laws system, we should suggested that improve China’s socialist legal system’s recommendations. In the new century and new stage, Facing development change of international situation and domestic economy social, built on the concepts, systems and operational level, are faced with how to continue to adhere to China’s Marxist legal thought as a guide, how to accurately grasp of contemporary China’s modernization drive real, how to assimilate foreign experience and so on. In accordance with the scientific concept of development to people-centered, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable, integrated basic requirements. To further improve the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics.
