

The Indigenization of Other’s Educational Theory

【作者】 李姗姗

【导师】 于伟;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 中国教育学自西方舶来,其理论架构、概念体系、研究方法、研究主题都受到西方教育学的深刻影响,因此建立中国化的教育学理论一直是学界的主题与目标。“教育学本土化”是近代以来针对“进口教育学”现象所提出,它并非是一个现今出现的概念,早在20世纪初就已经被学者提出。纵观教育学本土化的历程,在不同的发展阶段有着不同的争论焦点。从教育现代化、教育科学化到现今教育全球化背景下的教育本土化,它的发展在一脉相承中,随着研究背景的转换有着不同的侧重,但毋庸置疑的是其发展的最终指向是本土教育学的建立。教育学本土化的问题存在已久,作为一个旧问题需要在已有研究的基础上寻求一种新的解题路径。教育学本土化是一项宏观性的复杂研究,对此需要采取一种“聚焦式”的研究,找出其关键的理论内核。“他者教育理论本土化”成为了本研究的原点,从本土化的本体存在出发探索他者教育理论被引介的内在机理,凸显出对本土化过程或方式的“元研究”性质。引言从研究问题出发,立足于基本概念的“厘清”,对他者、教育理论、本土化三个关键词进行限定;从教育学以及相关学科如社会学中已有的关于本土化研究中获取启示,了解研究的前沿所在,并对本土化已有的研究特质进行归纳与总结;依据研究对象确定研究方法论与研究方法,理清研究脉络;并对研究新意有所交代。第一章是关于他者教育理论引介的前提性探究。从《比较教育研究》、《外国教育研究》、《全球教育展望》三个对外国教育理论有着重要影响的期刊入手,通过对福柯话语分析理论的运用了解他者教育理论引介的话语转向与知识构型;在对他者教育理论本土化历程的管窥中折射出本土教育理论的不同性格。第二章针对的是他者教育理论本土化的文化层面,认为教育传统所具有的基质性特征在本土化过程发挥着隐蔽的作用,是一种文化层面的过滤。在对教育传统的认知中试图突破认识论的局限从生存论上对其进行诠释;从解释学的视角出发对他者教育传统在文本意义上以及时间间距意义上的内涵进行解读;从古今中西、文化前见、价值等多方面考量教育传统在他者教育理论本土化中的作用;提出教育传统的现代转换是他者教育理论本土化之文化层面的研究目的所在。第三章是对他者教育理论本土化之学科层面的研究,提出了教育知识通约的存在。认为学科的划分、学术共同体的存在以及知识的权力话语属性构成了知识通约的前提;教育知识从知识的客观性、公共性、普遍性所获得的诸多特质是教育知识通约的本体;知识的主体间性、语言的存在确保了通约的可能;教育知识通约具有的科技整合、知识形态的增长、知识通约的单向性等特点;他者教育理论本土化知识层面的目的则是从对他者教育理论的“照着说”、“接着说”并最终生成本土教育理论的“自己说”。第四章关注他者教育理论本土化之实践层面,提出实践层面的中际互动关系。从史学视角探讨他者教育理论实践层面的存在之维与模式;对教育场域内理论的性质、实践观念以及理论对实践指导的特殊性方面进行学理性省察;中际层则是他者教育理论到达本土实践层面所要经历的不同场域,包括文化与生活世界的场域;在对他者教育理论与本土实践的互动上关注了互动的内涵、互动学理与互动目的。第五章把研究的视角转向了他者教育理论本土化的研究主体即教育研究者。认为教育研究者的文化立场、学科立场形成了对他者教育理论引介的立场;研究者的职业学者、思想者、知识分子的角色定位不同间接影响到了对他者教育理论本土化的进程。

【Abstract】 Chinese Pedagogy is imported from the West, its theoretical framework, concepts, systems, research methods, research topics are subject to the profound influence of Western education, so the establishment of Chinese Pedagogy has been the subject and objective in academic.“Pedagogy Indigenization”is put forward towards the "imported education" in modern time, it is not emerged recently. As early as the beginning of the 20th century, it has been raised by scholars. Throughout the course of indigenization of pedagogy, there is different key focus in different stages, from education modernization, education scientization to the current context of globalization of education, which the development of Pedagogy Indigenization is in the direct line of succession. Although, the different research background has different emphases, it is no doubt that the ultimate objective is the establishment of Chinese pedagogy.Pedagogy Indigenization has been as an old issue for a long time, so its solving requires a new thinking path on the basis of concerned research. Pedagogy Indigenization is a complex macroscopic topic, which need to take a "focused" type of research to identify the key theory,“The indigenization of Other’s educational theory" as the starting point. It focuses the ontology of indigenization to explore the internal mechanism of introduced Other’s educational theory, which shows the "meta-research”sense on the process or method of indigenization.The introduction starting from the problem, based on the basic concepts clarification, sets the limitation for the keywords, such as Other, educational theory and indigenization. From the existing studies on indigenization of Education and related subjects, such as Sociology, to get the comprehension of indigenization in nowadays, to sum up the specialty of existing studies. Based on the study object to identify research methodology, research frames and study innovation.The first chapter is about prerequisites of the introduced Other’s educational theory. In the basis of“Comparative Education Research”,“foreign education and research”,“Global Education Outlook”, the three significant journals have the great impact on the study of foreign educational theories. By enlightens of Foucault’s theory of discourse analysis to analyze the discourse turning and knowledge configuration of Other’s educational theory.The second chapter embarks the cultural aspect of indigenization of Other’s educational theory. Educational traditions have matrix characteristics playing a covert role, which is a cultural dimension of the filter. The ontology cognition of educational tradition tries to break out the limitation of epistemology to have a new meaning. From the Hermeneutic perspective to analyze the implication of educational traditions in time span and text for Other’s educational theory. As frame of reference has ancient, modern, Chinese, Western and cultural pre-view senses, considering the value of educational traditions during the indigenization of Other’s educational theory. Making the modern transformation of traditional education is the final goal of indigenization of Other’s educational theory in cultural dimension.The third chapter of indigenization of Other’s educational theory focuses on the disciplinary aspect, putting forward the existing of the educational knowledge commensurability. Clarification of disciplinary, academic community and knowledge/power constitute the premise of knowledge commensurability. Educational knowledge heritages the nature of objectivity, publicity and universality from the common nature of knowledge is the ontology of commensurability. Inter-subjectivity of knowledge and language ensure the possibility of commensurability. Interdisciplinary, growth of knowledge and the one-way motivation of educational knowledge are the features of commensurability. Setting up the own Chinese pedagogy is the purpose from“copy saying”,“continuing”to“express myself”.The forth Chapter concerns the praxis of indigenization of Other’s educational theory, especially the proposing the interaction of in-between space. Checking history to analyze the dimension of praxis and introduced pattern of indigenization of Other’s educational theory. On the ground of education field, exploring the specialty of theory, practice concept and guiding of the Other’s theory to local praxis. The in-between space is the inter-layer when the other’s theory to reach the local praxis which consisted of cultural field, life world. The interaction between Other’s education and local praxis focuses on interactive content, academic theory and the destination.The fifth chapter turns to the educational researchers who domain the indigenization of Other’s educational theory. The cultural standpoint and the research position in Education formed the researchers’standpoints to the introduce of Other’s educational theory; The different roles of the education researchers, such as professional scholars, thinkers, intellectuals have an indirect influence towards the indigenization of Other’s educational theory.
