

The Education in the Way Leading to Language

【作者】 谢延龙

【导师】 王逢贤;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 哲学作为教育的基础,其研究主题的变化必然会在教育领域内产生“反响”。当哲学研究出现“语言转向”之时,教育也就不可避免地出现“语言转向”,即“分析教育哲学”的出现。教育的“语言转向”使教育对语言的关注由自发转向自觉状态,语言在教育中的重要性被“唤醒”,语言真正在自觉意义上进入了教育视野。不过,教育的“语言转向”并未完成,语言只是分析哲学意义上的教育理论语言。随着以海德格尔和伽达默尔为代表的西方哲学家对语言作了本体论意义上的理解,语言彻底突破了分析哲学的框框,哲学再次出现了“语言转向”,语言在教育中的再次转向也就成为必然。这要求教育要突破语言仅存在于分析哲学视域内的局限,把语言从教育理论语言分析的意义上解放出来,走向语言本体论的理解。语言的教育学本体论理解不同于哲学。语言的哲学本体论理解是从存在的意义上对语言的解读,语言的教育学本体论理解是从人的生命本性的高度来解读语言的。本文认为,教育学本体论意义上的语言可作如下理解:语言是人存在与发展的一种根本方式,它以沟通、交流、表达等方式,关联人的思想、感情和灵魂,开显人的生命、自由和本质,是人的全面自由发展的直接现实。以此为基础,本论文提出了语言在教育中要完成的使命。教育离不开语言,教育时刻处于语言的包围之中,离开语言,教育一刻也不能存在。语言是教育的最后家园。人是一种语言存在物,教育从根本上说就是为了人的实现。从而,教育便先天地与语言有着不解之缘。文化是教育作为语言存在之源。语言一方面是比文化更原始的东西,是文化得以产生的基础。另一方面,语言亦是文化,是文化中最基本、最核心的东西。教育作为一种文化,教育文化功能的发挥,都受制于语言,都不得不在语言中进行。“教育诗意地栖居在语言中”,这一论断所描述者,乃是教育的存在状态或方式,即是说,教育是一种语言存在。语言造就了教育的各个简单要素,使教育产生具有了可能;语言又是使教育的各个简单要素实现为教育的第一个动因,最终完成了教育的实现。由此,我们完全有理由说,教育起源于语言。诗性语言时代的教育充满了人文气息,教育的人文意蕴成为主导;科学语言时代的教育弥漫着科学精神,教育的科学意味大行其道。语言的未来发展是科学性和人文性的融合,教育的发展趋势则应是走向人文科学主义教育。人之成为人,是以“自我”为起点的,语言的教育学价值,首要者就是其对自我成就的意义;人之成为人,还在于人之发展,语言的教育学价值还在于其成就人之发展的意义。就前者而论,自我是一种语言自我。自我在本质上是语言的,即是说语言不是自我的某一属性,而是自我的本质属性;自我的建构和发展是在语言中进行的,语言是自我建构的机制。教育作为一种语言存在,其在现实的教育场中,是以听、读、说、写四种最核心的语言形态展开的,自我的建构也正是在这听、读、说、写中成就的,这是每一个走进教育场的个体自我,实现其本质的必由之路。就后者而论,人之发展最重要者,在于人之素质发展,语言对教育中人之智、德和美素质的发展具有重要价值。对教育研究进行语言审视是语言面对教育重大问题时不可或缺的一环。传统教育研究是一种远离教育生活实践的研究,这是实证主义教育研究观宰制传统教育研究所致。语言引入教育研究,引起了传统教育研究的“地震”,语言带给教育研究的是一幅充满生活气息的教育研究图景。传统教育活动由于受理性主义宰制,以及主客二元思维模式所产生的“改造论”的统治,造成了教育活动中人的失落、生命的遮蔽和生活世界的疏离,从而陷入了无法自拔的价值空无状态。语言进入教育活动,对传统教育活动走出困境带来了曙光和希望。教育内容是一种语言存在,其实质是一种文本存在,因为文本是语言的。传统教育内容文本观深陷于主体遗忘的泥沼而无法自拔,新文本观凸显的是读者对文本理解的主动性,这使教育内容文本理解,由异于主体的“他者本体”转换为学生主体本体,使教育内容文本理解成为一个意义生成性的活动,学生主体成为意义生成的核心。语言与教育主体的儿童联系起来,最为重要者就是儿童语言权问题。因为语言权作为一种权利是儿童生存和发展的基点,考察儿童语言权在教育生活中的状况对儿童解放具有重要意义。语言权是儿童生存和发展的一项基本权利,自由是儿童语言权的本质诉求,民主是儿童语言权的必然导向,儿童语言权与儿童切身利益密切相关,利益是儿童语言权得以彰显的现实依据和出发点。在教育现实中,普遍存在着儿童语言无权现象,儿童成为教育中“沉默”的主体。制度禁锢、教师权威和惩罚暴力是儿童语言不可承受之重,教育权力失能是儿童语言权丧失之根由。解放儿童语言,确立儿童语言权,是走出教育中儿童语言无权之病态的必由之路,这需要:教育权力实现本真的回归,善待儿童的任何语言,走向儿童语言的自治、自律和自觉。

【Abstract】 Philosophy as an educational foundation for the changes in their research topic within the field of education will inevitably lead to“repercussions”.When the philosophy research appears“the linguistic turn”,the education also inevitably presents“the linguistic turn”, namely“analytic educational philosophy”appearance.“The linguistic turn”of education make education the concern of language shifts from spontaneous state to conscious state.The importance of language in education was“wake up”, the language truly in the aware significance enters into the educational horizons.However, education’s "linguistic turn" has not been completed, it is only the sense of analytic philosophy of education.Along with Heidegger and Gadamer as the representative of the Western philosophers of language were made ontological understanding of the language,which completely broke the frame of analytical philosophy. The philosophy presented“the linguistic turn”once more,the language changed once again in the education also becomes inevitably.This requires education to break through language existing only within the limitations of analytic philosophy, liberates the language from the the sense of linguistic analysis, moves toward the understanding of ontology language.The ontological understanding of language in pedagogy is different from in philosophy. The ontological understanding of language in philosophy is from the existence significance to the language explanation. The ontological understanding of language in pedagogy is natural disposition explaining the language highly from person’s life. This article believed that ontological understanding of language in pedagogy can be used as follows:Language is a human existence and development of a fundamental way, it is to communicate, communication, expression, and so way associated with people’s thoughts, feelings and soul, open significant people life, liberty and nature, is the all-round development of the direct reality of freedom. Take this as the foundation, this paper proposed language mission which must complete in the education.The education cannot leave the language, the education time is in the language during surrounding.Leaves the language, the education is then unable to exist.The language is the education final homeland.Human existence is a kind of language, education, fundamentally speaking, is for person’s realization. Thus, the education then congenitally has the indissoluble bond with the language.Culture is the source of education as a language existence. On the one hand,the language is compared to at the same time a cultural more primitive thing, is foundation which the culture can produce. On the other hand, the language is also a culture and is the most basic, the most core thing in the culture. The education takes one culture, the education culture function display, is restrained the language, can not but carry on the language.“Education Poetic Habitation in the language”, this judgment description, is the education existence condition or the way, that is, education is the existence of a language. The language has created the various simple elements of education, so education is emerging as a possible. Language is simply to make the various elements of education for education’s first realization of a motive and eventually completed the implementation of education. As a result, we had the reason to say completely that the education stemmed from the language. The poem language time’s education filled with the humanities breath, the education humanities implication has become the leadership; The scientific language time’s education was full of the spirit of science, the education science is meaning the big line of its road.The language future development will be the scientific nature and the humanity fusion, the education trend of development should moves toward the humanities principle education.People to become people, based on“self”as a starting point. The language pedagogy value, most important is it enables self-to become. People to become people, but also because of people’s development. The language pedagogy value is still in its achievements in the value of the significance of the development of person. Speaking of the former,self is a language of self. Self, in essence, is the language, that language is not a property of self, but the nature of self-attributes; self-construction and development is conducted in the language, the language is self-constructed mechanism. Education as a language existed in the educational field in reality is based on listening, reading, speaking, writing four kinds of language forms the core of the launch, the self-construction is also in this listening, reading, speaking, writing in the achievements of , which is entered the education field for every one individual self, the only way to achieve its essence. Speaking of the latter, the most important human development lies in quality of development.The language has the important value to educate person’s morality, intelligence and the beautiful quality development.Carriing on the language carefully examines about educational research, is indispensable for language facing the education major issue .The traditional education research is far away from the educational life practice, this is because the positivism education research view rules the traditional education research.The language into education research has caused the traditional education research“the earthquake”, what the language takes to the education research is the education research prospect filling with the life breath. Traditional education is ruled by the rationalism, and by the“transformation theory”generating from the subject-object binary mode.This caused the human to lose, the life camouflage and the life world leaves sparsely in the pedagogical activity, thus fell into the value bareness condition which was unable to extricate oneself. The language entering the educationcal activity brings the dawn and the hope for traditional education to go out the difficult position.The educational content is one language existence, its essence is one kind of text existence, because the text is the language. Text view of traditional education content has forgotten the education subject.What the new text view highlights is the reader to the text understanding initiative, this allows the text to understand the content of education from the "other body" into the main body of students, makes the understanding of education content text into a meaningful understanding generation of the activity, the studebt body becomes the core of the meaning generated.Relate the language and the child as the education main body, most important is the children’s language right.Because of language right as a child survival and development right is the starting point, it is the important meaning for children’s liberation to examine children’s language right in education. The language right is survival and a development basic right for children.Freedom is the essential demends for children’s language right.Democracy is a natural result for children’s language right. Children’s language right and the vital interests of children is closely related, the benefit is the reality basis and the starting point for children’s language right.No right to the phenomenon of child language has universal existence,the child becomes in the education“the silence”subject.A system of imprisonment, teacher authority and punishment of violence is not too heavy to bear children’s language, The anomie of educational power is the causes for children’s language right lossing.Free the children’s language, to establish the right of child language,is the only way to go out the children’s language right lossing.This requires: educational power to achieve the true return, kindly treats the child any language,moves toward the child language autonomous, the autonomy and the determination.

【关键词】 语言教育语言论语言论教育论纲
【Key words】 languageeducationlanguage theorylanguage and educationoutline