

Study on the Water Environment Change of Aksu River and Upper Reaches of Tarim River under the Influence of Human Activities

【作者】 艾尼瓦尔·买买提

【导师】 海米提·依米提;

【作者基本信息】 新疆大学 , 自然地理学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 水环境变化是目前全球变化环境的主要表现之一。水是人类生命、生活、生产和生态之重要资源,因此人类活动不可避免要与水打交道。众多与人类活动有关的过程,包括人口增长、经济增长、农业发展、城镇面积扩大、工业结构变化和水利工程的兴建等,不仅在引用河流水体影响河流水文过程,同时将大量含有各种污染物的污水排入河流,影响水环境。因此,由于人类活动引起的河流水环境变化也成为了一个热点研究领域。本论文以新疆阿克苏河流域的主要耗水区(阿克苏河干流—塔里木河上游一部分)域为研究靶区,研究阿克苏河干流—塔里木河上游河流水环境变化特征以及影响阿克苏河干流—塔里木河上游河流水环境变化的主要因素。本文在野外调查及取样测定分析以及广泛收集资料数据的基础上,采用方差分析、聚类分析、因子分析等多元统计分析方法分析河流不同断面水质时空变化特征,运用季节性肯达尔方法分析主要水质指标的1996-2004(2007)趋势特征,同时对研究区域影响河流水质特征的影响因素(主要是人类活动)进行了调查分析。研究结果表明:(1)阿克苏河支流和干流像大多数北半球河流一样,是HCO3—Ca型河流,从上游至下游离子组成比例上逐步发生变化,总变化趋势是Cl和Na所占比例逐步上升。西大桥断面水质矿化度浓度变化不大,而自从上世纪60年代起阿拉尔断面矿化度一直处于上升趋势,本世纪初这种趋势有所缓和。这与流域人类活动的变化有直接关系。(2)由于周边水利工程的完善研究区内平原型水库水质比20世纪70—80年代水质有明显好转。阿克苏河流域上游水库、胜利水库和多浪水库等三座大型平原水库水质有一定差别,水质与河流水质呈现显著相关性。(3)河流水质指标时空差异非常明显,从阿克苏河到塔里木河上游水质发生了质的变化。不同水质指标在不同断面、不同水期存在显著差异。多元统计分析法初步可以确定污染源类型以及主要污染物。2004年阿克苏河龙口段面和西大桥段面水质属于Ⅰ类(清洁水),而塔里木河阿拉尔段面和14团段面一年中7、8、9、10月份属于Ⅰ类(清洁水),其余月份属于Ⅴ类水质(重度污染水),一年中塔里木河上游水质可以分为清洁期和污染期两个阶段。(4)通过分析氨氮、CODMn、总硬度、氟化物、氯化物及硫酸盐等主要污染物在1998-2001年和2002-2005年两个时期在阿克苏河西大桥断面和塔里木河的阿拉尔断面的变化情况,以上分析的水质项目中,总硬度和氟化物在2002-2005年间比1998—2001年间稍有增加,NH3-N、CODMn、Cl和504等均有所下降。(5)污染物浓度和输送率用季节性肯达尔趋势法分析结果显示,阿克苏河西大桥断面水质比较稳定,总体变化不大,塔里木河阿拉尔断面水质变化较大,变化主要在CODMn和NH3-N实测浓度、流量调节浓度,以及输送率均出现显著下降趋势,说明从塔里木河综合治理后河流有机污染物和氨氮等污染物得到了控制。但和农业活动关系更为密切的总硬度、Cl、SO4等污染物浓度没有降低,而总硬度出现显著上升趋势。(6)阿克苏河绿洲人类活动对河流水环境的影响包括人类活动对河流水量年际年内的分配影响,绿洲耗水状况及水环境的影响,耕地变化以及农田灌溉排水对水环境的影响,城市生活污水及其对河流水环境的影响等。①使得变差系数提高,在阿拉尔断面年际变化大于阿克苏河西大桥断面,变差系数从0.154增加到了0.224。塔里木河阿拉尔断面径流量变化趋势正好与阿克苏河径流增加趋势相反,在50年来阿拉尔年径流量呈下降趋势。在源流流量增加的情况下下游来水量减小的事实说明,河流受到了人类活动强烈的干扰。阿拉尔断面年内不均匀系数高于西大桥断面,说明阿拉尔断面受到人类活动的影响而年内分布不平衡性增加。②研究区耗水及其水环境的影响主要来自于农业生产。从年内耗水分析来看,一年中3月和11月份流入塔里木河的水量最小,相应的绿洲耗水比例较高。③研究区内耕地逐年增加,同时也不断新开荒地。耕地面积扩大即种植面积的增加,使得绿洲耗水和农田排水同时在增加。也是高离子含量(高矿化度)农田排水逐年增加,特别是春灌和冬灌河流流量较低时期排入的农田排水,使得河流水环境恶化。④研究区中除了农田排水之外,排入量较大是阿克苏市城市生活污水。经分析阿克苏市城市生活污水处理厂投入运行后,下游NH3-N、CODMn值出现了下降。这个降幅有多少是属于城市污水厂的运行需要进一步研究。研究结果与分析对阿克苏河—塔里木河上游地表水环境基本特征的了解,对主要水质指标的变化特征以及影响水环境变化主要因素的认知具有一定的意义,而且对今后研究区水资源合理分配、维系河流生态系统健康具有一定指导性作用。

【Abstract】 Water environment change is one of the main parts of global changing environments. Human activities inevitably contact with water, due to water is essential to human living. Numerous processes related to the human activities, such as population growth, economical progress, agricultural development, urban area’s enlargement, industrial structure change, and irrigation works construction, not only influence river hydrological process, but also affect water quality by discharging pollutants to river. Therefore, to study river water environental change related the human activity attracts a lot of scholars. The study area is located at main stem of Aksu River and Upper reaches of Tarim River in Southern Xinjiang, where is irrigation area of Aksu river. The aim of research is to study water environment characteristics, its variation, and its influencing factors at Aksu River and Upper reaches of Tarim River.In this paper, the spatial and temporal variations of river water quality was studied by using multivariate statistical techniques as variance analysis, clustering analysis and factor analysis on the basis of field investigation, sample analysis and extensive collecting materials. And the trend study was performed using the Mann-Kendall Seasonal Test to the main water parameters during 1996-2004(2007) period. The influencing factors mainly anthropogenic and their impacts on water quality were investigated. The results of this research show that:(1)The tributary and main stream of Aksu river is HCO—Ca type river just like the Northern Hemisphere rivers, proportion of ions changes from upper reaches to lower reaches, the proportion Cl and Na gradually rises. At Xidaqiao station, mineralization rate is generally stable, but it grows all along during past 50 years at Aral station in upper reaches of Tarim river, and the trend is slowed down from the beginning of this century. These all changes owe to human activity in this region.(2) The characteristics of water quality of three large plain reservoirs in Aksu River basin were determined at dry and flood seasons. Water quality was improved than 70-80’s last century, because of better irrigation and drainage conditions. Water quality of these three large plain reservoirs, Shanyou reservoir, Shengli reservoir, and Duolang reservoir, has differences and it correlated to the Aksu river water quality.(3) The river water quality has evident spatial and temporal differences, especially between stations at Aksu river and staions at upper reaches of Tarim river. Multivariate statistical techniques help us to determine pollution source type and main pollutants. The water quality of Aksu river belongs to I grade (clean water) (GB3838-2002) in all months of a year,and it is I grade for July, August, September, October, V grade(highly contaminated water) in other months of one year. So The water quality of upper reaches of Tarim river could be divided clean water period and contaminated water period in a year.(4) Comparative analysis of NH3-N,CODMn, Cl, SO4, F, TH at Xidaqiao station and Aral station between 1998-2001 and 2002-2005 show, TH and F concentration is higher in 2002-2005 than 1998-2001,concentration of other water quality parameters is lower in 2002-2005 than 1998-2001.(5) The results of Kendall Seasonal Trend test to concentration and load of pollutants showed that water quality of Aksu River at Xidaqiao and Longkou station was stable than of Tarim River at Aral and 14tuan station. Observed values, flow regulated concentrations and pollutant Loads of CODMn, NH3-N had significant downward trend. TH, Cl、SO4 which had deep relations with agricultural activities had no downward trend,instead TH had upward trend.(6) The impacts of human activities to river water environment include alteration of flow distribution yearly and monthly in a year, oasis water consumption and its influence, changing in cultivated land and irrigation drainage, municipal domestic sewage and its influence,etc.①CV of flow was 0.154 at Xidaqiao station, and 0.224 at Aral station. Monthly variation coefficient was also higher at Aral station than at Xidaqiao station. Runoff of Aksu river was an increasing trend, but it was decreasing trend at Aral station (Tarim river) for the past 50 years. All these indicates the river was interfered by human activities.②Agricultural water consumption accounted for the most part of oasis water consumption in the study area. It could be seen when oasis water consumption proportion was relatively high in March and November, flow at Aral station was the least.③Cultivated land was growing gradually, and there was some newly reclaimed wildland areas every year. Increasing cultivated areas lead in more total sown areas, and this caused more oasis water consumption and more farmland drainage. Salty farmland drainage discharges was also increasing in amount, especially spring and winter irrigation periods, when river water flow was low.④The river had also received municipal domestic sewage from Aksu City which could impact the water quality. The influence of waste water treatment plant on river water quality need further study.The research results would help us to understand surface water environment in the study area, and to recognize characteristics of water parameters and its influecing factors. At the same time, The research results might have instructive role on reasonably distribution of water resources and maintaining healthy river ecosystem.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 新疆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期