

Study on Carrying Characteristic and Parameter Optimization of Locomotive Coupler-Draftgear Based on "1+1" 20kt Combined Train Mode

【作者】 杨俊杰

【导师】 李强;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 车辆工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 以往,由于我国铁路机车的牵引重量小、列车长度短、机车处于列车前部,列车的纵向冲击不足以将车钩纵向力转化为较大横向力,从而对机车的运行安全形成威胁。但在大秦线开行“1+1”2万吨重载组合列车后,列车中最大纵向力由原来距列车前部2/3处转移到列车中部机车(1/2)处,因此,对机车钩缓装置承载特性的研究就突显出来。本文针对大秦线重载组合列车的运行安全问题,从机车的实际工况出发,在国内首次将列车安全性理论、机车动力学和多体动力学分析方法应用于重载机车钩缓装置性能与结构的研究,采用系统工程理论,将钩缓、钩缓与机车、机车与列车作为一个有机整体进行了系统化的分析,开辟了钩缓装置研究的新领域和新方法。提出了钩缓系统的受压稳定性概念,并从车钩连挂面的受压稳定性和钩尾部与缓冲器前挡板之间的动态对中控制作用等两个层面进行了分析。通过分析得出,当车钩的连接轮廓形状、连挂间隙、三态作用、防脱连锁装置等在结构不破坏的情况下,车钩连挂面的受压稳定性是有保证的;具有对中控制功能的DFC-E100型钩缓装置,能有效地传递列车纵向力,对大秦线双机重联牵引1万吨重载列车和“1+1”2万吨重载组合列车,将车钩最大自由摆角确定为2.5-3.5°、最大摆角确定为12°,可满足机车的最小曲线通过能力,使车钩动态对中控制功能充分发挥;确保机车钩缓系统受压稳定性和列车的安全运行,还应结合列车的合理编组、机车的正确操控、电制的使用限制、线路维护等技术措施,合理地选用车钩材质、制定车钩强度指标、设计“钩缓--车体”系统的强度梯度和优化缓冲器的性能参数。通过仿真计算得出,基于以上车钩设计参数,在直线轨道上,所研究机车车钩可承担的压钩力限值为4500kN;机车以70km/h速度安全通过R300m曲线线路时可承担的最大纵向压钩力为1500kN,以50km/h速度安全通过R300m曲线线路时可承担的最大纵向压钩力为2000kN,以80km/h速度安全通过R600m曲线线路时可承担的最大纵向压钩力为2500kN。应用列车纵向动力学理论及系统分析软件,对比分析了MT-2型、弹性胶泥型和DFC-E100型钩缓装置的TPEE缓冲器等三种缓冲器以及TPEE缓冲器的性能参数变化对列车纵向力的影响,并对TPEE缓冲器的性能参数进行优化,提出优化建议。通过机车牵引单机万吨、双机重联万吨、双机牵引组合万吨和双机牵引组合2万吨及其增载的列车安全性线路试验,测试机车或相邻车辆上的脱轨系数、轮轴横向力、轮重减载率、车钩纵向力以及车钩的横向摆角等参数。试验结果表明:机车钩缓装置结构参数优化后满足大秦线列车运行的安全性要求。本文从理论层面上研究机车钩缓装置的性能与结构参数对重载组合列车安全性的影响规律;从工程应用上解决了“1+1”2万吨重载组合列车的安全运行问题。

【Abstract】 The traction tonnage of past loco is lighter, the length of train is shorter and the locomotive is often in front of the train, the longitudinal impact is not great enough to convert the longitudinal force to lateral force which will impact the train safety. But after the "1+1" 20,000T train operated in Datong-qinhuangdao railway line, the max longitudinal force among the heavy-haul train occurs in the middle locomotive (1/2) instead of 2/3 among the past one, so it becomes more important to study the locomotive coupler & draft gear.Aiming at the safety issue of heavy-haul multiple trains Datong-qinhuangdao railway line, the paper will study it from the operating situation. This is the first time in China which apply the dynamics, safety theory and multi-body dynamics in the performance and structure research of coupler & draft gear, adopt the system engineering theory to make a systematic analysis which takes the coupler & draft gear, coupler & draft gear and loco, loco and train as an integration. This develops a new area and method for the coupler & draft gear, the research makes clear that the pressing stability are show in two aspects:the pressing stability of coupling link surface and the dynamic centering control between the coupler tail and the front spacing plate of draft gear; under the condition that the coupling profile, coupling clearance and the functions of three states, anti-creep lock is not destructed, the stability of coupling link surface can be guaranteed. The DFC-E100 coupler & draft gear, which adopt the function of alignment control, could transmit the longitudinal force efficiently. For the train which tows 10,000T by double locos and "1+1" 20,000T train in Datong-qinhuangdao railway line, the max free tilt angle is defined less than 2.5-3.5°, the max tilt angle is 12°, combining in the proper coupler material,strength and strength grade in coupler-body system, which can make the coupler dynamic alignment control play a important hole in the locomotive curve passing and the train safety with the proper train organization, correct loco operating and electric braking and the line maintenance etc.The simulation shows by multi-body dynamics software that the coupler press limits for the studied locomotive are 4500kN in straight line,1500kN at 70km/h speed in curve line R300m,2000kN at 50km/h in curve line R300m and 2500kN at 80km/h speed in curve R600m.The train longitudinal forces impact against three kinds of draft gears (i.e. MT-2 type, elastic clay type and temperature plastic elastic maquetteTPEE) and parameter change of the TPEE draftgear were analyzed and compared by loco longitudinal dynamics theory and system analyzing software, and the performance parameters for the draft gear of macromolecule plastic elastic maquette was optimized and a suggestion was given.The line test for safety traction of 10,000T train by one loco,10,000T by multiple locos,10,000T by two locos,20,000T by two locos and the 22,000T by two locos are accomplished. The line test of train safety is mainly aimed at the parameters such as the derailment coefficient of loco or adjacent vehicle, wheelset lateral force, wheel unloading rate, longitudinal force of coupler and the coupler swing angle etc. The tests results show that the structure parameters of improved coupler and the draftgear may comply with the safety requirement.In the paper, the impact principle of heavy-duty train safety against the performance and structure parameter of coupler & draft gear was got theoretically. And the safety operating of "1+1" 20,000T heavy-haul combined train was also done practically.
