

On International Competitiveness of Contemporary U.S Animation Industry: Based on Innovative Advantages

【作者】 王建陵

【导师】 李杰;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文在波特钻石理论模型的基础上,结合当代国际竞争的趋势和动画产业自身的特点,建立了动画产业国际竞争力的新钻石模型,具体分析了美国动画产业国际竞争力主要影响要素的创新,并提出基于创新优势的美国动画产业国际竞争力的观点。在创意经济时代,从创新的角度出发,通过对世界上最发达和先进的美国动画产业的国际竞争力影响要素分析,揭示出创新与动画产业的国际竞争力之间的内在关系,这对于深化文化产业本质规律的认识,构建起我国动画产业以创新优势为基础的国际竞争力,实现内涵式发展,都具有一定的借鉴意义。当代美国动画产业的创新优势具体如下:1)在生产要素中,创意阶层成为美国主流社会阶层,是人力要素的创新,为美国动画产业发展提供了优秀的创意和智力支持;风险投资进入动画创业,是资本要素的创新,拓宽了融资渠道,推动了计算机动画技术的创新;2)美国动画产业庞大的国内市场是其竞争优势和成本空间,支持了美国动画产业的大制作,国内大市场规模效应与文化折扣的交互作用让美国动画市场从国际市场赢得了丰厚的利润,成为赢利空间;3)美国动画产业实现了向“以创造顾客价值为核心”的产业价值链演变,这是美国动画产业构建持续竞争优势的重要战略,实现了动画形象在传媒、时尚娱乐等多个产业的收益。4)相关和支持产业的持续创新为美国动画产业提供了直接产品输出、间接支持以及市场需求,提升了当代美国动画产业的的国际竞争力;5)灵活的文化产业政策调整体系推动着美国动画产业国际竞争力的提升。这些国际竞争力关键要素的持续创新,构建了以创新为竞争优势的美国动画产业的国际竞争力。本文共分为九个部分:第一章导论部分,提出了研究的问题,美国动画产业的创新优势究竟体现在哪里,创新与美国动画产业的国际竞争力之间又有什么内在关系?此外,在导论部分说明了研究对象和研究途径;界定了基本概念,论述了研究方法。第二章为文献综述,分为两个部分,概述了美国动画产业研究的国内外现状,介绍了国际竞争力的定义和内涵,指出创新是构建文化创意产业最为关键的要素,并提出了基于创新优势的美国动画产业国际竞争力的新钻石模型。第三章通过分析1980年-2009年3月之间的241部美国动画电影的票房收入、产量等指标,分析当代美国动画产业的三级竞争格局。第四章是阐述了生产要素的创新,具体为人才要素和资本要素的创新。创意阶层成为美国社会的主流阶层为美国动画产业发展提供了优秀的创意和智力支持;风险资本进入美国动画产业,拓宽了融资渠道,推动着计算机动画技术的创新。第五章指出在美国国内市场的规模效应与文化折扣的交互作用下,美国动画产业实现了由国内市场向国际市场的拓展,培育了新的市场需求,国内市场成为美国动画产业的成本空间,国际市场成为赢利空间;第六章分析了当代美国动画产业价值链的动态演变,并指出这种动态演变是美国动画产业获得持续竞争优势的重要竞争战略。二十世纪九十年代以后美国动画产业价值链向为以创造顾客价值为核心演变,具体表现为强化电影票房成绩的预测,在生产方面实行跨媒介、去文化化与再文化、高概念的生产策略。在发行营销上,采取与不同产业合作的协同营销,在放映节点采取全球同步上映和数字化院线的建设。第七章是相关产业的创新及对动画产业的支持。人才机构、金融业、服务业音效、录音等音乐产业、教育业和知识等产业为美国动画产业提供了直接产品输出,计算机图像与动画技术产业等;出版、玩具与游戏业、旅游接待业和信息产业等产业为美国动画产业提供间接支持;家庭娱乐业、国内外动画市场、电视网、电子游戏、电影产业集群则培育了美国动画产业的需求。第八章分析了美国文化产业政策的灵活调整体系对构建美国动画产业国际竞争力的影响。二十世纪九十年代的产业融合让美国国内的文化产业政策由反垄断走向放松管制、实施税收刺激,对外则通过美国电影协会(MPAA)、知识产权保护和WTO推动美国文化产品的对外出口。第九章是结论部分,勾画出基于创新优势的当代美国产业国际竞争力的新钻石模型图,并指出创新优势是当代美国动画产业国际竞争力的基础。

【Abstract】 Based on Porter’s Diamond Model, the new trend in international competition and the essential feature of animation industry, this dissertation proposes a New Diamond Model for international competitiveness analysis from the perspective of innovative advantages. It also claims that international competitiveness of contemporary US animation industry is based on innovative advantages.After a thorough analysis of factors exerting influence on international competitiveness of US animation industry, this dissertation reveals the inherent relationship between innovative advantages and international competitiveness of animation industry, which would further deepen our understanding about Creative Cultural Industries, and provide implications for innovation-oriented development of Chinese animation industry.The innovative advantages of contemporary US animation industry are as followings:1) The innovation of factor conditions lies on two aspects:for human resources, the rise of creative class in American society since 1990 has provided creative talents and intellectual support for US animation industry;venture capital floods into US animation industry not only innovates capital factor,but also promotes the development of CG technology.2) The interaction between US home market effect and cultural discount has expanded US animation market from domestic to international, and fostered new market demands. Domestic market has sustained high production costs of US animated films while international market has become the profit source.3) The industrial value chain of US animation industry has evolved to " Customer Value Creation" at its core after 1990s, which harvests profits in various industries, and thus becomes a most important strategy in promoting internaitonal competitiveness of US animation industry. 4) The innovation of related and supporting industries provides direct output, indirect support and market demands for US animation industry.5) Beneficial and flexible cultural industrial policies help to promote international competitiveness of US animation industry.The constant innovation of these five key factors has laid a solid foundation for international competitivenss of US animation industry. The dissertation consists of nine chapters:Chapter 1 raises the research question:what are innovative advantages for US animation industry? What is the relationship between innovative advantages and international competitiveness? Besides, chapter 1 clarifies the research methods and defines some definitions.Chapter 2 is literature review about US animation industry and international competitiveness. A new diamond model based on innovation is also proposed in this chapter.After examining box office performance of 241 US animated films, Chapter 3 introduces the tripartite competition model of US animation industry.Chapter 4 examines the innovation of factor conditions-the rise of creative class in American society since 1990 and the flood of venture capital into US animation industry.Chapter 5 illustrates interaction between US home market effect and cultural discount has expanded US animation market from domestic to international, and fostered new market demands.Chapter 6 is about the evolution of the industrial value chain of US animation industry, a most important strategy in promoting its internaitonal competitiveness. The industrial value chain of US animation industry has evolved from "with production at its core" to " Customer Value Creation" after 1990s, with various value points. Specifically, it strengthens prediction of box office performance of motion picture industry; in production, it adopts cross media, deculturization,reculturizaiton and high concept strategies; in release, it adopts synergy to strengthen cooperation with different industries;in exhibition, it adopts parallel exhibition of movies in film theatres around the world and digital screens strategies.Chapter 7 is about the innovation of related and supporting industries which provide direct output, indirect support and market demands for US animation industry.Chapter 8 is about how beneficial and flexible cultural industrial policy promotes international competitiveness of US animation industry. At home, the focus of US government policy has been shifted from anti-monopoly to deregulation and tax incentives. Abroad the Motion Pictures Association of America (MPAA) is the voice and advocate of US animation industry. Through intellectual property rights protection and WTO, MPAA promotes US cultural products export.Chapter 9 concludes that international competitiveness of US animation is based on innovative advantages, and a new diamond model based on innovative advantagesis drawn. It also discusses implications for quality-oriented development of Chinese amimation industry.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期