

A Formal Semantic Study of Time Adverbs in Modern Chinese

【作者】 贾改琴

【导师】 黄华新;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 现代汉语副词是现代汉语词汇中的一个大类,而时间副词又是现代汉语副词的重要组成部分,其数量约占副词总数的30%.以往对时间副词的研究大多是从传统语法的角度入手,而对其语义的形式分析尚不多见,但此类研究是自然语言实现信息处理的必经之路。基于上述考虑,本文以形式语义学理论(包括时段语义学、时态逻辑、事件语义学、范畴语法、类型论等)为工具,以现代汉语时间副词为研究对象,以具体的汉语实例为重要依据,深刻分析各类时间副词的形式语义,并在此基础上构建了一个包含时间副词的现代汉语部分语句系统。本文共分为七章。第一章为绪论,简单介绍了本文的选题意义、主要理论依据、语料来源、研究思路以及本研究的重点和难点。第二章着重回顾了时间副词的相关研究,包括时间副词本体研究的回顾、现代汉语时间系统的研究现状以及形式语义学理论应用于现代汉语所取得的研究成果,并在此基础上陈述了本文的研究路径。第三章到第五章为本文的核心内容,即时间副词的形式语义研究。本文把时间副词分为表时、表频和表序三大类,并分别安排一章进行具体分析,内容包括对此类副词的概述(包括语义特点、范围、再分类等)、部分时间副词的形式语义分析和小结等。在对这三大类时间副词的形式语义分析中,我们采取了相近的方法:首先,深入探析此副词本身的语义特征,在结合大量语料分析后,给出此副词的句法规则;然后,把这些自然语言翻译成逻辑语言,从而得到其逻辑翻译规则;最后给出这个副词的模型论语义解释。在对其句法规则分析时,笔者考虑了如下几个方面:该副词对其所修饰的动词的要求;对可与之共现的时间词(时段词和时点词)的要求;对可与之连用的其他时间副词的要求;与动态助词“着”、“了”、“过”共现的情况;与否定词连用的情况等。第六章给出了包含时间副词的现代汉语部分语句系统,本系统由句法部分,时间逻辑语言和翻译规则三部分组成。本系统对已有的汉语部分语句系统做了一定程度的简化,同时增加了大量的刻画时间副词语义的技术手段,而这也是本文的重点和难点.此外,我们给出了副词的语义解释,并讨论了它们相互之间的可推导关系以及其他的推导义.最后,在总结归纳时演示了一个语句在系统中的运作方式.第七章为结语.该部分总结了全文的研究步骤和发现的一些规律,并分析了论文的创新点和不足之处.最后,附录部分就文中所分析过的时间副词,给出了一个部分时间副词语义标注表,以期能对今后的研究有所帮助.

【Abstract】 Adverb is one big category of lexis in modern Chinese among which time adverbs are a significant constituent, accounting for 30% of the total adverbial group. Up till now, studies on modern Chinese adverbs of time are conducted on traditional grammaratical levels. Few studies have been seen about the formal analysis through semantic perspective which proves to be a necessary path to natural language research assisted with artificial intelligence.In this dissertation, we will make a profound analysis of the formal semantics of time adverbs based on relevant theories, including those of interval semantics, tense logic, event semantics, categorical grammar, type theory and so on. With abundant examples, this dissertation attempts to construct a fragment of modern Chinese addressed to time adverbs..This dissertation is composed of seven chapters. Chapter I is the introduction, including significance of selected topic, main theoretical evidence, source of corpus, research outline, research focus and difficulty.Chapter II presents the frontier studies on time adverbs. Firstly, a literature review is made to introduce studies on definition, classification and syntactic functions of modern Chinese time adverbs. Secondly, influential studies on modern Chinese time system are expounded. Thirdly, we also make a review of the achievements in the field of formal semantics in modern Chinese studies. The research methodology of this dissertation is suggeste at the end of this chapter.ChaptersⅢ,ⅣandⅤfocus on the formal semantic analysis of modern Chinese time adverbs,which are divided into three groups:adverbs of time, frequency, and sequence,followed by a detailed discussion about the three groups of time adverbs respectively by formal semantic means. Each chapter describes the semantic features, classification and scope of the specific group of time adverbs, and makes a formal semantic analysis with a similar procedure. First of all, by analyzing the semantic features of a specific time adverb with examples from corpus, we define its selective restrictions of sentence forming, including the rules for selection of phase type, events and so on. Thereupon, the syntactic rules of this time adverb are concluded. Then, related logical interpretation rules for the translation of natural sentence into logic language are given. Finally, semantic interpretation of the time adverb in the light of Model Theory is presented. When analyzing its syntactic rules, we take the following into consideration:its designating of verbs and its co-occurrence with time point and section expressions, other time adverbs, dynamic auxiliary verbs "zhe"、"le"、"guo" and negative lexis, etc.Chapter VI manifests a fragment of modern Chinese with time adverbs based on previous chapters. This fragment consists of syntax, time logical language L and translation rules.It simplifies some aspects of current fragments of Chinese. As the focus of the study, the semantic characterization of modern Chinese time adverbs is realized by integrated approaches. In addition to the semantic interpretation of these adverbs, we also discuss issues such as deductive relations between time adverbs, their deductive semantics and so on. The whole process of the generalization, translation and formal semantic interpretation of a sentence are also demonstrated with concrete examples.Chapter VII is the conclusion,where research processing of this dissertation is summarized, some rules are disclosed, the innovations and the deficiencies are both dealt with.In the last section, based on the time adverbs analyzed in this dissertation, we construct a semantic annotation table for modern Chinese time adverbs in the hope of promoting future research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期