

Research on HRM of Scientific Research Team

【作者】 丁强

【导师】 李思经;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农业经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着全球经济一体化浪潮的掀起和国际竞争形势的日益加剧,世界各国都普遍认识到资源的重要性以及其市场配置流动已是在全球范围内进行,科技人力资源是国家最重要的战略资源,而知识型人才出现供需矛盾提示我们必须要对人才培养和人才个人价值的实现予以高度重视。本文涉及知识型人才即科技型人力资源主体是指“是指实际从事或有潜力从事系统性科学和技术知识的产生、发展、传播和应用活动的人力资源,既包括实际从事科技活动的人员,也包括具有从事科技活动潜能的人员。知识型人才隐性人力资源是指通过教育投入、实践中学习等经过长期积累所掌握的难于被模仿、难于传授且能够创造价值的隐性知识、技巧、经验等创造性能力和独立解决关键性问题能力的高素质知识技能型、技术技能型及复合技能型人员,以及由其主体所具备的社会关系资源和情感资源。知识型人才隐性人力资源的形成和转化是在隐性人力资源管理中影响组织竞争优势的关键环节,因而全文围绕其隐性人力资源形成和转化两个环节展开。在知识型人才隐性人力资源形成机理研究中,通过个人学习和组织学习的对比以及组织学习类型的系统研究,提出了探索性学习、非正式学习和实践中学习方式是知识型人才隐性人力资源积累形成的有效途径,并分别构建了三种学习方式促进隐性人力资源形成的途径。在隐性人力资源的转化中研究中,通过分析提出“导师学生模式”即师徒制是个人间隐性人力资源、隐性知识技巧在组织内转移、扩散的有效途径;通过对SECI模型的分析,构建了源于学习机制和共享机制的个体、团队、组织3重SECI的隐性人力资源“转化过程示意模型”;提出了源于需求开发的拉动机制、源于薪酬和成就激励的激励机制、源于信任和沟通的共享机制、源于组织学习的行为机制、源于嵌入原理的环境机制的隐性人力资源转化“五大实现机制”。通过对隐性人力资源形成与转化的制约因素如资源主体素质、团队内部激励机制、知识资源自身及转化途径的粘滞程度、资源主体能动意愿、认识盲区等进行了研究,强调了学习能力和创造能力对隐性人力资源形成以及共享机制对隐性人力资源转化的促进作用关系,同时提醒组织应该更加关注人才的薪酬激励。本文提出促进隐性人力资源形成与转化的对策建议包括:构建适宜孵化隐性人力资源的环境——团队,构建学习型团队,在学习型团队中整合非正式学习;构建有效激励机制包括:薪酬、氛围激励、职业发展激励、柔性激励;探索团队资源融通管理实现人脑联网,从而在高一层组织层面上实现人力资源、社会关系资源和组织资源融合统一管理,发挥人力资源潜力,构建起团队以及组织持久竞争优势。

【Abstract】 With the deepening of economic globalization and international competition, countries all over the world have unanimously realized the significance of resources and world-wide implementation of resources market disposition & flow. Of national strategic resources, sci-tech human resources are the most important, and the sharp conflict between supply and demand of knowledge workers indicates that great attention should be paid to talents cultivation and realization of individual value. In the present paper, knowledge workers (subjects of sci-tech human resources) are defined as those who are actually or potentially engaged in the development, spread and application of systematic study of science and technology. And implicit human resources refer to those learned, technical and compound skilled workers as well as their social relation resource and emotional resource. By means of long-term accumulation such as education investment and learning from practice, the three types of skilled workers have possessed such creative and problem-solving abilities as tacit knowledge, skills and experience.As formation and transformation of implicit human resources are the keys to influencing competitive advantages in implicit human resources management, the present thesis mainly centers on these two important processes. In terms of its formation mechanism, the present author poses explorative study, informal study and learning from practice as effective approaches to accumulation of implicit human resources, and correspondingly three modes of learning are established.With regard to transformation of implicit human resources, the present author finds that teacher-student system is an effective approach to promote individual implicit human resources, tacit knowledge and skill to transfer and spread within an organization. A Transformation Model on individual, team and organization has been constructed on the basis of SECI model. Furthermore, Five Realization Mechanisms have been put forward, including pull mechanism, incentive mechanism, sharing mechanism, behavioral mechanism and environmental mechanism.By analyzing constraints on formation and transformation of implicit human resources, the current author stresses the importance of learning ability and creativity to the formation of implicit human resources as well as that of sharing mechanism to the transformation of implicit human resources. Meanwhile, more emphasis should be put on talents’incentive salary.Three proposals are tentatively made. The first one is to create an appropriate environment for cultivating implicit human resources, i.e., develop a learning team. The second one is to develop efficient incentive mechanisms such as salary incentive mechanism, ambience incentive mechanism, professional development mechanism and flexible motivational mechanism. Last but not least, to explore team resources integration management is very efficient to gain team and organization’s competitive advantage.
