

A Study on the Mechanisms of Stable Agricultural Industry Chain

【作者】 郭静利

【导师】 刘旭;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农业经济管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 农业产业链作为农业产业化经营中连接农户和市场的一种主要组织形式,在理论界受到了广泛关注。“龙头企业+农户”、“龙头企业+合作社+农户”、“合作社+农户”等多种形式的农业产业链,对繁荣农村经济、增加农民收入一度发挥了积极的推动作用。但是,在近几年的农业产业化实践中,农业产业链断链现象时常发生,原因多种多样,既有市场销路不畅问题,也有利益分配问题,还有技术创新不足、价值增值力不高等因素。农业产业链基础链的不稳,已成为制约农业产业化健康发展的最大瓶颈。如何加强合作社组织能力建设,培育形成综合实力强、具有竞争优势的农业龙头企业,构建稳定的农业产业链组织,在当前加快现代农业发展、推进社会主义新农村建设的宏观背景下,显得尤为紧迫和重要。本文从理论和实践的角度,比较系统地研究了农业产业链稳定机制,特别是运用数理经济模型、统计分析和微观经济理论,全面分析了农业产业链稳定机制演化过程的内在逻辑。在以下三个方面进行了创新性研究:一是为农业产业链稳定机制理论的框架构建提供了分析基础。本文以现有对农业产业链的理解和相关概念的区分为基础,从逻辑演变和地理空间视角,对农业产业链进行了分类和界定,超出了传统的农业产业链研究范畴,应该说比过去前进了一小步,虽然还远远不够,但这为从基于地理空间视角研究农业产业链的稳定性奠定了良好基础,从这个角度上说,具有承前启后的意义。此外,农业产业链基础链、扩展链、循环链的逻辑分类,不仅说明了农业产业链发展的市场轨迹,而且更进一步反映出农业产业链逻辑发展的内在本质。二是为农业产业链稳定机制的研究引入配套的数理经济方法。在农业产业链稳定机制研究中,除了一般的价值链分析和技术链分析之外,在构造数理经济模型的基础上,本文运用演化经济学理论,对农业产业链的演变进行了理论和实证分析,这在农业产业链稳定机制研究方面是一个创新和突破,一定程度上深化了研究方法,提高了研究深度。而且,本文还从空间地理系统的角度,阐释了农业产业链稳定机制的内在特征,拓展了农业产业链稳定机制的研究领域。三是构建了我国农业产业链稳定机制评价体系的基本框架。本文率先对农业产业链稳定机制的影响因素进行了详尽分析,并尝试构建我国农业产业链稳定机制评价体系的基本框架和评价方法。在此基础上,利用模糊评价法,对本文例证分析中的三个龙头企业引发的三条农业产业链的稳定性进行了对比评价。这不仅填补了国内农业产业链稳定机制评价体系理论研究的空白,特别是从实践的角度,尝试了对农业产业链稳定性的评价。当然,评价指标体系仅处于探索阶段,需要在实践中不断完善和发展。

【Abstract】 As a main form of organization that connects the farmer and the market, agricultural industry chain has obtained widespread attention of theorists. Many kinds of agricultural industry chains used to play important roles in promoting economic prosperity in rural areas.In recent years, however, agricultural industry chains are frequently broken due to various kinds of problems, such as bad marketing, interest redistribution, insufficient technological innovation, low value increments, etc. The existing situation has become the biggest bottleneck of agricultural industrial optimization and sustainable development. Therefore, improving cooperative organizational ability and cultivating the enterprise of the main competitive agricultural item appear especially urgent and important.This article details the innovative research conducted in the following three aspects:First, the article provides the analytical foundation for the agricultural industry chain stable machine-made theory-frame-construction. This article utilizes a logical evolution framework and a geographically specific mode of analysis, both of which have not been used in traditional agricultural industry chain studies. Therefore, the research represents a half step forward and lays a solid foundation for further research on agricultural industry chain stability that employs the geographically specific mode of analysis. In addition, the different classifications of agricultural industry chains (foundation chain, expansion chain, circulation chain) further reflect both the logical development and the intrinsic essence of the agricultural industry chain.Second, the article presents research on the stable mechanism of the agricultural industry chain that introduces necessary mathematical economic method. Besides general value chain analysis and technical chain analysis, this research employs a real diagnostic analysis of the development of the agricultural industry chain utilizing the evolutionary economic theory. This is an innovation and a breakthrough, and has deepened the research technique and enhanced the research depth to a certain degree. Moreover, using the geographically specific mode of analysis, this article also explains the intrinsic characteristics of the stable mechanism of the agricultural industry chain, which in turn has augmented the research area related to the stable mechanism of the agricultural industry chain.Thirdly, the article constructs the basic framework and the assessment method of the appraisal system of the agricultural industry chain’stable mechanism. In this framework, using Delphi appraisal methods, the author has surmised contrasting appraisals of the three main item enterprises in this article. In turn, this has filled the fundamental research blank of domestic agricultural industry chain stable mechanism appraisal system. Certainly, the ideal appraisal system is only in the exploration stage, and needs to be developed and consummated if it is to be made a reality.
