

Study on <Ying Yuan Suo Ji>

【作者】 孙琴

【导师】 马亚中;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 《瀛寰琐纪》,月刊,申报馆刊行。1872年11月(同治十一年十月)创刊,1875年1月(同治十三年十二月)停刊,共出二十八卷。文言写作,以传统诗文为主。不句逗,竖排。线装。为我国最早的文学期刊。其作为期刊中之珍本、善本,文献版本价值不亚于传统古籍善本。迄今为止,关于《瀛寰琐纪》之专题研究,尚付诸阙如。而《瀛寰琐纪》在清末民初文学期刊发展史上,起着开启先河的作用,本人选择《瀛寰琐纪》为研究对象,展开专门系统研究。本文第一章,即从近代报刊发展之准备、江南坚实之文人基础以及申报馆之成立与《申报》的创办诸方面,探讨了《瀛寰琐纪》的创刊背景。并讨论了《瀛寰琐纪》“新瓶装旧酒”之创刊特点。《瀛寰琐纪》另一特点为刊载内容来源的多样性,不但有当时传统文人的创作,亦有这些文人对朋友、乡贤或前人作品之抄录推荐。本章同时分析了申报馆第一任主笔蒋其章生平及办刊思想。并在考察申报馆早期发行网络构建(1872-1875年)的基础上,分析了《瀛寰琐纪》的发行。本文第二章对《瀛寰琐纪》的文章和诗词进行了具体介绍。讨论了传统文人关注国计民生的忠言谠论,分析了当时文人之交游酬唱,探讨了“士不遇”情怀之书写等等。同时,从序跋、传记资料、诗文选登、太平天国史料几方面研究了《瀛寰琐纪》之文献史料价值。第三章主要介绍《瀛寰琐纪》之笔记、小说,从诸皇后外传系列之辨伪、香雪草堂与四梅阁、《江户繁昌记》、文人随笔多方面加以展开。并对《瀛寰琐纪》中青楼画舫与忠孝节义两大热衷主题进行了比较。《昕夕闲谈》是《瀛寰琐纪》另一全新之尝试,本文概述了学界对《昕夕闲谈》译者的考证,并分析了《昕夕闲谈》作为第一部长篇翻译小说对于近代翻译文学的意义。第四章、第五章是对《瀛寰琐纪》作家之考证。传统文人在《瀛寰琐纪》上发表作品时,多署别号。对这些文人厘清的过程,充满艰辛。文献之残缺造成了考证之重重困难。一人多号或一号多人,又需具体甄别。最终共考证出作者九十余人。并分为已故作者、主要作者、普通作者等几大类。这些传统文人,虽少数大家名家已有相关研究,但大多作者至今寂寂,甚至连相关传记资料都极为难得,故本文的一大重点便是基于考证出的作者基本信息,连同发现的碑传文、别集序跋、题词评论并著作版本信息等资料,通过综合梳理,为其书写小传。通过对《申报》及相关文集别集之整理,发现《瀛寰琐纪》主要以江、浙、沪一带传统文人为主,同时他们之间有着各种联系,如亲缘、地缘、人缘,从而构成了强大的文人网络,为《瀛寰琐纪》的发展奠定了坚实的文人基础,同时亦是申报馆倚重之对象。因而,申报馆在《瀛寰琐纪》发行不广,积压严重,没有赢利的情况下,又不得不勉强延办,坚持了两年之久,发行28卷之多的重要原因。本文第六章分析了《瀛寰琐纪》的影响,并在《瀛寰琐纪》兴衰的基础上,探讨了以传统诗文为主的综合性文学期刊在近代文学期刊发展史上式微之原因。

【Abstract】 <Ying Yuan Suo Ji>, the monthly publication, was published by Shen Newspaper Office. It was established in November 1872 (the 10th month of the 11th year of Emperor Tongzhi), and stopped in January 1875 (the 12th month of the 13th year of Emperor Tongzhi), with 28 columns. It was written in Classical Chinese, and mainly in the traditional poetry and literary works, without any punctuation, in vertical type and binding in thread. It was the earliest literature periodicals. As the rare book in the periodicals, its literature value is no less than the ancient rare book.So far, there are not many monographic studies on <Ying Yuan Suo Ji>, but it played the connection and carrying forward role in the development of literature periodicals in the end of Qing Dynasty, with the combination of my working experience in Ancient Book Division in Library, I begin the dedicated and systematic study on <Ying Yuan Suo Ji>.The Chapter One of this paper discusses the establishing background of <Ying Yuan Suo Ji> in the terms of the preparation of modern press development, and the strict basis of Literati in the South of the Yangtze River and the establishment of Shen Newspaper Office and the founding of <Shen Newspaper>, and explores the characteristic of“new wine in old bottles”of <Ying Yuan Suo Ji>. Another characteristic of <Ying Yuan Suo Ji> is the variety and complexity of the published content source, which included not only the works of the current traditional literati but also the excerpt of their friends, country squires or predecessors by these literati. Therefore, a comparative part of the contents of <Ying Yuan Suo Ji> was not contributed by the writers themselves, and even some writers have been dead. This chapter analyzes the life of Jiang Qizhang, the first editor of Shen Newspaper Office, and his ideas in running of <Shen Newspaper>, and analyzes the issuing of <Ying Yuan Suo Ji> on the basis of investigation on the construction of the early distribution network (1872 to 1875) of <Shen Newspaper>.The Chapter Two of this paper analyzes the poetic prose in <Ying Yuan Suo Ji>. This chapter discusses the advises by the traditional literati on the national welfare and the people’s livelihood, the origin and influence of Research on the Origin and Development of Tibet. Taking the white peach flower poets society as the example, analyzes the singing and versifying by the literati at that time, and gives a sketch of the mood of the“Scholar Shi did not meet the wise emperor”in the poets. Meanwhile, this paper studies the literature values from the aspects of preface , biographic materials, selection of poetry, and the history of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.The Chapter Three mainly discusses the note and novel in <Ying Yuan Suo Ji>, developing in the aspects of discrimination of the anecdotal biographies of many empresses, Xiangxue Caotang and Four Plum Flower Pavilion, Edo hanjōk, and informal essays by the literati. This chapter comprises the two hot topics of whorehouse & pleasure boat, and loyalty, filial piety, chastity and righteousness, and explores the psychology of the wits of“Ten Miles of Luxury”after the port opening of Shanghai. There was much female poetry in Yuanying Suoji, starting the tendency and in worth of exploration.<Xin Xi Xian Tan> is the new try on <Ying Yuan Suo Ji>. This paper describes the textual criticism by the literature commodity, and analyzes the significance of it, the first translation novel, on the modern translated literature.The Chapter Four and Five verifies the writer of<Ying Yuan Suo Ji>. When the traditional literati contributed their works in which, they always signed the courtesy name. The process for the classification of these literati is difficult. The incomplete of literature brings great difficulties on the verification. It has to distinct the writer with many courtesy names or many writers with the same courtesy name. Finally, I have verified more than 90 writers, in the classification of famous person & scholar, main writers, ordinary writers, and the writers on the topic of loyalty, filial piety, chastity and righteousness, dead writers, and female writers. Though some famous writers of these traditional literati have been studied, there is no study on most of the writers, even the biographic materials of these writers are rare. Therefore, one important point of this paper writes the brief biography based on the verified basic information of the writers, with the combination of the found epitaph, prefaces and the inscription, comments as well as the edition information.Through the arrangement of Shen Newspaper and related anthology, I have found that <Ying Yuan Suo Ji> mainly includes the traditional literati from Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, who have various relationships among each other, such as genetic relationship, geographic relationship, and personal relationship, constructing the strong network of literati, which settled the strong literature basis for the development of Ying Yuan Suo Ji and which was relied by Shen Newspaper Office. Therefore, under the conditions of narrow distribution, with great overstocking but no benefit, Shen Newspaper Office had to continue to the publishing for two years, which was the important reason for the distributed 28 columns.The Chapter Six of this paper analyzes the influence of <Ying Yuan Suo Ji>, and based on the rise and decline of <Ying Yuan Suo Ji>, this chapter explores the declining reasons of the comprehensive literature periodicals, mainly with the traditional poetry on the development of modern literature periodicals.To sum up, I hope to study <Ying Yuan Suo Ji> comprehensively from the establishment background, writers and works, influence as well as the declining. In addition,there are three appendixes after the paper.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期