

Study and Design on Enterprise Information Resources Planning Methodology-ILEA

【作者】 王学颖

【导师】 马费成;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国企业信息化进程的不断深入,企业面临着IT和管理日益复杂的巨大挑战,如何合理地配置和管理企业的信息资源,对企业信息资源进行深度开发和利用,充分发挥IT的效用,实现IT的价值,使IT与业务实现融合,是企业信息化要解决的问题,也是企业信息化的终极目标。开发利用信息资源,提高信息资源的共享程度既是企业信息化的出发点和归宿,也是企业信息资源管理的目的,因此也使企业信息资源管理成为企业信息化的核心。企业信息资源管理离不开企业信息资源规划,做好信息资源规划是保证企业信息化成功的关键。企业信息资源规划,既需要理论的指导,又需要方法论的创新。在对信息资源规划理论和方法分析、综述的基础上,以企业架构EA(Enterprise Architecture)为基本理论依据,结合信息生命周期理论,提出了基于信息生命周期的企业架构框架ILEA (Enterprise Architecture Based on Information Lifecycle),全面系统地阐述了ILEA框架的基本构成,并设计了ILEA的开发方法,即ILEA开发流程,最后通过某制造业企业-—XXX机床有限公司的信息资源规划案例研究,对ILEA的实施和应用提出了建议。全文共分6章,主要内容如下:第1章:绪论。根据我国信息化的总体目标,分析了我国企业信息化的现状,指出了我国企业信息资源管理和信息资源规划面临的问题,提出了解决这些问题的基本思路,对EA以及ILEA的概念进行了基本的阐述,同时也给出了ILEA研究和设计的基本框架。第2章:企业信息资源规划相关理论。首先分析了企业信息资源的特征,对企业信息资源规划的概念和方法进行了梳理;然后着重介绍了EA理论以及流行的四种EA方法:Zachman框架、TOGAF、FEA和Gartner流程,并对它们进行比较,为企业的选择提供建议;同时介绍了三种EA成熟度模型:NASCIO、GAO和E2AMM;在这一章的第三部分从生命周期的基本定义出发,分别介绍了产品生命周期、企业生命周期、信息系统生命周期等,重点阐述了信息生命周期的相关概念、理论、方法以及最新的研究成果;最后对企业信息生命周期管理的需求和管理方法做了详细的介绍。第3章:企业信息资源规划ILEA设计。本章是全文的核心,对ILEA框架进行研究和设计。ILEA是基于信息生命周期的企业信息资源管理架构,设计的目的是为企业信息资源规划工作提供理论依据和方法指导。首先定义了ILEA设计的目标和原则;然后以目标和原则为基础,对ILEA的框架组成进行了深入的研究,并设计了框架的基本模型,包括九个组件:环境架构、战略架构、业务架构、信息架构、技术架构、安全架构以及交流沟通和架构治理环节,对每一个组件进行了细致的分析,提出了构建方法和具体内容。本章研究的目的是站在企业整体的角度,从企业业务战略出发,以企业业务架构为基本依据,制定企业信息的分类、存储、传输和使用的标准,形成规范和制度;分析IT系统和IT技术的需求,提供完整的企业信息资源管理的解决方案,为企业的信息系统构建和实施提供支持,从而实现对企业信息资源的规范化管理,实现企业信息化建设的意义和价值。第4章:ILEA开发方法。这一章也是全文的重点之一,基于ILEA框架,制定了ILEA的开发原则,对ILEA的开发方法进行研究和设计,构建了一套具有实用性的、可操作性较强的开发流程模型。ILEA开发流程模型由八个环节组成:ILEA开始、ILEA愿景、目标架构、当前架构、差距分析、迁移方案、架构实施和架构维护,本章对每一个环节的开发步骤进行了详细的设计和说明,并对ILEA开发过程中的监管工作提出了基本建议,最后介绍了ILEA开发工具的选择标准和常用的开发工具。本章的研究目的是利用ILEA开发方法,从企业现状出发,设计企业目标架构蓝图,构建企业信息资源管理机制,为企业的信息资源管理和利用制定规划方案,并实施应用,以最大化实现架构价值,发挥信息资源的最大效用。第5章:ILEA应用研究。利用ILEA框架和开发方法对XXX机床有限公司的信息资源规划方案进行研究与设计,详细阐述了整个规划方案的设计过程,并给出了总体设计方案。同时,本章也明确指出ILEA及其开发方法是一种通用的架构和方法,并不是一成不变的,企业可以根据自身所属行业的特点以及本企业的状况对其进行修改和调整,并设计出特定的基于本企业的架构框架和相应的开发方法,以期得到更好的信息资源规划的结果。第6章:结论与展望。对全文进行梳理和总结,并对未来的研究工作提出了设想。本文的研究成果具有一定的学术价值和实际的应用价值,既丰富了企业信息资源管理和信息资源规划理论,又为企业的信息资源规划工作提供了指导思想和方法,为我国企业的信息化建设提供了借鉴。但是本文的研究成果还处于研究期和探索期,需要大量的应用实践的检验和验证,有待于在今后的研究工作中进一步完善和提高。

【Abstract】 With the development of informationization, Chinese enterprises have to face some challenges derived from complex technologies and management. How to allocate and manage information resources, deeply develop and utilize information resources, use IT effectively, realize IT value, and align IT with business is the big objective and issue of every organization. Developing, utilizing and sharing information resources are the start, and also the final end of enterprise informationization, as well as the goal of enterprise Information Resources Management (IRM). Thus, IRM becomes the core of enterprise informationization. Information Resources Planning (IRP) is the foundation of IRM. It is the key successful factor of the informationlization.Enterprise IRP requires the theory guidance and methodology innovation. After the review and analysis of IRP theories and methods, a framework called ILEA which is based on Enterprise Architecture and combined with information lifecycle is put forward. ILEA are the abbreviation of Enterprise Architecture Based on Information Lifecycle. In this dissertation, the basic components of ILEA and ILEA development method are designed comprehensively and systematically. And in the final part, a case study of a mechanical Chinese manufacturer on its IRP solution is presented in detail.There are six parts in the dissertation:Chapter 1:Introduction. According to our general goal of the whole country informationlization, this dissertation analyzes the situation of enterprise informationlization, the concerns of IRM and IRP, put forward the basic idea to deal with the issues, presents some terms of EA and ILEA, and describes the whole research outline of this dissertation.Chapter 2:Related theories of enterprise IRP. The first part in this chapter is about analysis of the features of enterprise and the synthesis of the basic concepts and methods of IRP. The second part highlights EA theory and its four popular methods including Zachman framework, TOGAF, FEA and Gartner process, compares them and gives the suggestion for the choice of different frameworks. Three EA maturity models which are NASCIO, GAO and E2AMM are also introduced in this part. In the final part of Chapter 2, some concepts, theories and methods which focus on information lifecycle and information lifecycle management are also presented deeply.Chapter 3:Design of ILEA. This is the core of the whole dissertation, which is about the research and design of ILEA. The objective is to guide the enterprise IRP program. In this chapter, we declare the objectives and principles of ILEA, and design the general ILEA framework consisting 9 components which are Environment Architecture, Strategy Architecture, Business Architecture, Technology Architecture, Security Architecture, Communication and ILEA Governance. The main objective of this chapter is to support the IT requirements analysis, IT systems building, and IT implement.Chapter 4:Developing method of ILEA. This is one of the critical chapters, which is about the research and design of ILEA developing method. The developing method is a practical method which consists of 8 steps, including ILEA Initiate, ILEA Vision, Future State Architecture, Current State Architecture, Gap Analysis, Migration Roadmap, ILEA Implement and ILEA maintenance. This chapter designs every step in detail, then gives some advices of the developing process governance, finally introduces some criteria of developing tools choosing. The objective of this chapter is to help enterprises design their specific architecture blueprints and implement it in order to maximize the value of information resources.Chapter 5:A case study of ILEA. This chapter focuses on an IRP solution which is about a mechanical Chinese manufacturer. It describes the detail design process of IRP solution and gets the final delivery.Chapter 6:Conclusion and future work. This is the last chapter of this dissertation which summarizes the whole research work and talks about some ideas of the future work.The research work of this dissertation has not only the academic value but also the practical value to the enterprise application. It extends the theory system on IRM and IRP. Meanwhile it provides the guidance and methodology to IRP program and to the enterprise informationlization as well. But due to some reasons, the research needs to be verified. I hope to do more research work on this issue.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期