

The Research on the Relationship between the Central Government and Local Governments in Tang Dynasty

【作者】 陈翔

【导师】 朱雷;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 中国古代史, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 中央与地方的关系问题无论是在历史上还是在现实中都一直受到重视,乃是中国古代政治的一个重要问题。自唐后期开始,中央王朝就出现了分裂的趋势,离心力日趋加强,由一个大一统且强盛的时代急转而下,这种变化在中国古代史上是颇为罕见的。因此这一时期的中央与地方关系的变化、发展就很值得我们重视、研究。本文拟以京官兼任之地方官、带京衔之地方官及州县摄官为切入点研究唐代中央与地方的关系。可以说,探讨这几类地方官的变化是本文的主要内容;探讨有唐一代中央与地方关系的变化则是本文更深层次的目的。上篇主要探讨唐代京官兼任地方官出现的原因、前后期的变化及其表现,指出:唐前期京官兼任地方官现象的出现有着极为多样的意图:军事层面上的意义如加强对割据势力的平定、边疆地区之征讨、防御异族或叛党的讨伐;政治层面上的意义如加强对两京的政治管理或对功臣、诸王藩维王室的重视;行政层面上的意义如重视地方州郡的建设;经济层面上的意义如加强对河南、北地区的经济管理。但是到了开元年间,京官兼任地方官现象出现了象征化的趋势、衰弱的迹象,表现在宗室诸王以京官兼任地方官之政治意图趋于象征意义。到了后期,京官兼任地方官在意图、功能上更趋衰弱:肃代时期,其是以军事、经济为主;到了德宗时期,则是经济为主,军事层面的意图、考量不如经济因素突出。本篇在开篇之处还探讨了在具体的史料中如何区分京官兼任之地方官与带京衔之地方官,指出复合型官衔中两个官衔记录的顺序若是“京官书写于前、地方官书写于后”即是京官兼任之地方官的书写习惯;若是“地方官书写于前、京官书写于后”的叙述即是带京衔之地方官的书写习惯。中篇主要是根据所搜集到的带京衔之地方官之实例讨论前后期带京衔之地方官的变化,指出带京衔在前期更多地是授予边疆甚或军事要冲之地的地方长官,同时也存在授予地方长官任绩出色者;带京衔现象在前期体现了个体性、局域性的特点。随着政治形势、时局的变化,这一现象也在内容、特点上发生了巨大的变化,带京衔被授予者包括前期两类地方官的同时,增加了内地军事要冲地、归顺中央的、立有战功者甚至贬官者,类型、内涵大大增加,这也使得其特点有所变更,即分布更趋均衡、普遍,呈现出日趋制度化的迹象。而在州郡长官带防御、团练使的类型中,其分布更集中于内地,体现了朝廷军事防御重心的变化。第四节则在带京衔者类型、内容、特点的基础上继续探讨兼京衔的意义、作用、功能,指出京衔属于虚职,其作用的发挥更多地是因为社会、民众对于京官的敬畏,这可从某种程度上解释为什么其属于虚衔,而中央政府仍会以此授予官员。其中原因还包括其有一定的实际利益包括兼官在官员仕途升迁上的作用及其可使兼官者在班序、朝位上有所提升等等。本编把京衔的变质放在最后一点作一论述,指出带京衔之地方官到唐末发生了质的转变,到了晚唐时期要获得宪官、检校官等告身需要先交纳礼钱,这成了获得此类告身的必经程序。这使得京衔的本质发生了一个根本的变化,使得本来用于鼓励久任、劝勉地方官治理、抚慰归降之政策演变成了一种“变相的卖官鬻爵”。下篇主要探讨州县摄官问题。首先论及州县摄官的身份及其变化,指出前期中央政府仅仅允许现任州县官摄职,到后期则逐渐允许前资官摄职,穆宗、文宗以后更是在部分地区允许散试官摄职,且被允许的区域在此后逐渐扩大。次及使府僚佐摄职州县官规定的变化,该节在进行后期规定的探讨时主要根据州县官的不同类型进行分类探讨,主要指出对于使府僚佐的摄职,中央政府在前期有部分的允许,而这种许诺的限度是很小的;到了后期,穆宗以前基本上是强令禁止的,穆宗以后才对使府僚佐差摄各种州县官的规定渐渐放宽,只是不同的官员被允许的程度、区域都有差别,这是与它们所在区域的富庶程度及它们各自的地位有关的。最后本编在前两节论述的基础上探讨摄官的特点,指出摄官的特点即是摄官任命方式的任意性、强制性越来越强;摄官奏正的机会越来越大;摄官的身份越来越低;摄官的待遇越来越低。此特点是与中央政府对州县摄官身份的限定政策、幕职官差摄州县官政策及其变化有着密切关系的,双方是互为因果的关系。余论则在正文三篇的基础上指出京官兼任之地方官、带京衔之地方官及州县摄官这三类地方官本身各自的变化揭示出上位包含下位的中央集权体制正处于逐步的消解之中。而这三类地方官正是在这种中央权威日益消减、中央政府极力维持集权体制与地方肆意破坏集权的运作过程中结合在一起的。

【Abstract】 The relationship between the Central Government and Local Governments catches our attention in History and Reality, and it becomes an important issue. Since the late Tang Dynasty, there was the trend of splitting in the Central Government, the centrifugal force redoubled, the unified and strong dynasty turned down sharply, and this change in the ancient history of China was quite rare. Therefore, the changes of this period in the relationship between the Central Government and Local Governments are worthy of our attention and research.This article is intended to research Local Government Officials which Central Government Officials hold concurrently, Local Government officials having the Central rank and the officials Local Governments appointed, by means of which to research the relationship between the Central Government and Local Governments in Tang Dynasty. It can be said that there is a main content to research the changes of these local officials;and there is a deeper content to research the relationship between the Central Government and Local Governments in Tang Dynasty.The first chapter is to discuss the reasons and changes of Local Government Officials which Central Government Officials hold concurrently. We think there were kinds of reasons of Local Government Officials which Central Government Officials hold concurrently’s appearing in the early Tang Dynasty:the significance of the military affairs, such as strengthening pacification of the separatist forces, crusade the border areas and defense the alien or betrayed; the significance of the political affairs, such as increasing the political management of the capitals or to draw one’s attention to the Hero and Royal members; the significance of the administrative affairs, such as being emphasis on constructing of the Local; the significance of the economic affairs, such as strengthening economic management of Henan and Hebei. But in the period of Kaiyuan(开元),there was the trend of weakness and symbol in the Local Government Officials which Central Government Officials hold concurrently. For example, there was the symbolic trend in the Local Government Officials which Central Government Officials hold concurrently of royal members. In the late Tang Dynasty, the intent and function weakened in the Local Government Officials which Central Government Officials hold concurrently:in the period of Suzong(肃宗)and Daizong(代宗),its intent and function were the military and economic affairs;in the period of Dezong(德宗),its intent and function were the economic affairs;the political and administrative intent and function demised in the late Tang Dynasty. The first chapter also discusses how to distinguish the Local Government Officials which Central Government Officials hold concurrently between Local Government officials having the Central rank.The second chapter is to discuss the changes of Local Government officials having the Central rank. We think that in the early Tang Dynasty, the Local governors having good performs and governors of the military hub and the frontier were awarded the Central rank. In the early Tang Dynasty, there were the features of individuality and locality in Local Government officials having the Central rank. With the changes of the political situation, there were great changes in its contents and features. For example,the people who establish a merit or demote or surrender and governors of the military hub in the mainland were awarded the Central rank also. In the late Tang Dynasty, there were great changes in the contents and types and features of Local Government officials having the Central rank. Its distribution was more balanced, and Local Government officials having the Central rank became institutionalized. In the types of governors of the military hub, its distribution was more concentrated in the mainland, which was reflecting the change in the military defense. The fourth section is to discuss that the meaning and role and functions of the Central rank. We think that the Central rank was virtual. Its role could be played because the community and people feared for the Central rank. And this can explain why theirs were symbolic titles to some extent, the Central Government would award them the Central rank. Of course, the Central rank could give them certain practical benefits. The last section is to discuss that there was a qualitative change of Local Government officials having the Central rank in the late Tang Dynasty.The third chapter is to discuss that the officials Local Governments appointed. Firstly, to discuss that there were changes of identification the officials Local governments appointed. We think that in the early Tang Dynasty, the Central Government only allowed members of official staff, and allowed Qianzi guan (前资官) gradually, and allowed Sanshi guan (散试官) after the period of Muzong(穆宗)and Wenzong(文宗). And the allowed regions were expanding gradually. Secondly, to discuss that the changes of the provision about assistants holding a post of the Local officials. We think that the Central Government partly allowed assistants to hold a post of the Local officials in the early Tang Dynasty. Of course, the limitation of such an undertaking was very small. Before the period of Muzong (穆宗), the Central Government banned assistants from holding a post of the Local officials severely. After this period, the Central Governments loosened the provision about assistants holding a post of the Local officials. Of course, there were different degrees in the being loosened of the provision of different regions. Finally, to discuss that characteristics of the officials Local Governments appointed.We think that there were four characteristics in the the officials Local Governments appointed. On the basis of three chapters, we would draw that the changes of the three kinds of local government officials reveal that the highly centralized system of the location was dispelling. And these three kinds of local government officials conbined together in the cutting down and keeping up and destruction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期