

A Research on the Construction and Development of the Rural Social Security System in Xinjiang

【作者】 阿布都外力·依米提

【导师】 邓大松;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 社会保障, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 社会保障制度是国家防范和缓解公民社会风险、经济风险和自然风险的制度体系。西方国家最早建立社会保障制度的目的之一是为了缓和国内的社会矛盾和紧张的劳资关系。而社会保障体系的建立和健全为国家的长久稳定和繁荣提供了良好的基础,由此社会保障制度的重要性逐渐为各个国家所认识,并且被称为社会经济运行中的“安全网”和“减震器”。国际劳工组织有一句名言:没有社会安全,就没有社会发展;没有社会保障,就没有社会安定。社会保障制度已成为现代社会不可缺少的一种社会经济制度,是社会安定和经济发展的重要工具,是一项涉及社会多领域与各个层面的系统性综合工程。中国人口多、国土面积大;农村人口的比例高、农民工的数量多;城乡差距、区域差距、收入差距不断扩大;影响社会稳定的因素也日益增加。虽然我国的社会保障制度体系不断发展和完善,但是仍然存在着城乡二元的社会保障体系,和制度碎片化的现象。大部分社会保险项目仍然停留在县级统筹层次,不同区域的保障模式和保障水平等也存在着较大的差距,全国范围统筹的社会保险项目还未真正建立起来。鉴于以上问题的存在,在建设公正、公平、稳定、可持续发展的和谐社会主义国家过程中,必须高度重视社会保障制度建设。努力实现到2020年建立起覆盖全国、类型齐全、待遇合理、公平正义、与经济发展水平相适应的中国特色社会保障制度的目标,同时为和谐社会的建设提供制度支撑和环境基础。2007年党的十七大明确提出要“加快以改善民生为重点的社会建设”,要让全体人民“学有所教、劳有所得、病有所医、老有所养、住有所居”,进一步确立了社会保障作为国家保障民生与改善民生的核心制度安排的地位。中国是一个多民族国家,广大民族地区的社会保障事业的发展是全国社会保障事业不可或缺的一部分。新疆是边疆民族地区,新疆的农村社会保障事业与全国同步发展,制度模式基本一致,但与内地经济发达地区相比,新疆农村地区社会保障水平低、发展滞后。总体上看,新疆农村地区以新型农村合作医疗制度、农村最低生活保障制度、农村医疗救助制度、农村五保供养制度、自然灾害救助制度等为主要内容的农村社会保障体系初步形成,被征地农民、农民工社会保障工作取得了长足进展,13个县(市)开展了农村养老保险试点,初步保障了农民基本生活。笔者在本论文中梳理了建国以来新疆农村地区社会保障体系发展历程,并在总结新疆农村社会保障建设取得的成就的基础上,提出了改革和完善新疆农村社会保障制度的观点和思路。笔者于2009年6月对新疆博州精河县大河沿子镇四个村(其中两个是维吾尔族聚居村,两个是哈萨克族聚居村)600多个农村家庭进行了有关农村社会保障方面的社会调查。调查问卷在经过筛选之后,录入相应数据库,数据经过核查、检验后,使用spssl7.0统计处理,进行了描述性分析和相关性分析。在理论与实践相结合的基础上,提出了完善新疆农村社会保障体系的建议。全文主要包括5个部分:第一章,导论。本章介绍了论文的研究背景、研究依据和研究意义。对国内学者关于新疆社会保障的相关研究成果进行了梳理、归纳及简单评价,为整个论文的研究奠定了理论基础。第二章,新疆建立健全农村社会保障制度概述。本章从宏观方面出发,论述了新疆建立农村社会保障制度的意义,分析了新疆农村社会保障制度存在的问题及制约因素,在对新疆精河县大河沿子镇农村社会保障情况进行实证分析的基础上,提出了完善新疆农村社会保障制度的相应对策。第三章,新疆新型农村合作医疗制度研究。本章首先对新农合和农民健康之间的关系进行理论分析。其次,阐述了新疆农村合作医疗制度的历史沿革。其三,对新疆少数民族农民生活质量与健康水平进行了讨论。其四,介绍了新疆新型农村合作医疗制度运行现状。其五,分析了新疆新农合制度存在的问题并提出建议与对策。最后,对新疆精河县大河沿子镇新型农村合作医疗制度进行了实证分析。第四章,新疆农村社会养老保险制度研究。本章首先阐述了新疆农村养老保险制度历史沿革。其次,介绍了新疆农村人口老龄化情况和农村社会养老保险制度运行现状。其三,分析了制度建设制约因素,在此基础上提出了完善农村养老保险制度建设的观点。最后对大河沿子镇农村养老保险制度进行实证分析。第五章,新疆农村最低生活保障制度研究。本章首先讨论了贫困与低保制度的相关问题。其次,阐述了新疆农村贫困救助制度的历史沿革。其三,对新疆农村低保制度运行现状和农民贫困原因进行了分析。其四,分析了新疆农村低保制度存在的问题,并提出了完善该制度的对策建议。最后,对大河沿子镇农村最低生活保障制度进行实证分析。第六章,新疆农村社会福利制度研究。本章首先分析了新疆农村社会福利制度运行现状。再次,分析了新疆农村社会福利制度存在的问题。最后,提出了进一步发展新疆农村社会福利事业的对策建议。

【Abstract】 The social security is the institutional system of a country to counter social, economic and natural risks. Western countries had long ago established a social security system to alleviate the domestic social contradictions, resolve labor problems and maintain long-term stability and prosperity. Scholars believe that social security system is a safety net of a country. International Labor Organization (ILO) states that, without social security, there would be no social development and social stability. The social security system has become indispensable tool to maintain the social stability and economic development in the socio-economic system of a modern society.China is a populous country with a high proportion of the rural population. It has a widening urban-rural income gap and large regional disparities. These factors are increasingly affecting the social stability. Currently the social security systems are not mature, and not linked up with each other. Unfair treatments and unscientific managements still exist. To build the social equality and sustainable, healthy and harmonious development of a socialist country, we must attach great importance to the social security system. A nationwide social security system suitable to the level of economic development can be set up by 2020In 2007, the 17th CPC National Congress clearly put forward a goal of "accelerating the social development with the focus on improving people’s livelihood". We must do our best to ensure that all our people enjoy their rights to education, employment, medical and old-age care, and housing. China is multi-ethnic country. The development of a national social security system in large ethnic minority areas is also important. Xinjiang is a border area with ethnic population. Xinjiang’s rural social security system is established at almost the same pace as the nationwide system. However, compared to developed areas, Xinjiang’s rural social security system is underdeveloped. Xinjiang has established a new rural cooperative medical care system. The rural minimum livelihood security system, the rural medical assistance system, the disaster relief and other social assistance systems have also been improved. The new rural pension system has also been experimented in 13 counties. The social security system is now effectively protecting the basic livelihood of the farmers in Xinjiang. It has provided an institutional guarantee to the reform and development in Xinjiang.In this paper, I first discuss the development process and achievements of the rural social security system in Xinjiang. Then I put forward some suggestions about the establishment and improvement of the rural social security system in Xinjiang. I investigated 555 farmers in Daheyanzi township of Jinghe county (four villages, two of which are inhabited by Uighurs, two of which are inhabited by Kazakhs). Using SPSS 17.0 statistical data analysis, I conducted a descriptive analysis and a correlation analysis. Linking the theory with the practice, I put forward reasonable proposals and comments. The paper consists of six main parts. The main contents of the parts are as follows:The first part is the introduction. The research background, research bases and research significance are described in this part. The research of the domestic and foreign scholars on the social security is summarized and briefly commented. The theoretical foundation of the research paper is laid.The second part is the analysis of rural social security system in Xinjiang. In this part, I first discuss the significance of the establishment of rural social security system in Xinjiang. Then, I analyze the status of the rural social security system and its problems. And then, I put forward some suggestions about the establishment and improvement of the rural social security system in Xinjiang. Finally, I give an empirical analysis of the rural social security system in Daheyanzi township.The third part is the analysis of the new rural cooperative medical care system in Xinjiang. In this part, I first discuss the relationship between the new rural cooperative medical care system and the health of the farmer. Secondly, I discuss the development of the rural cooperative medical care system in Xinjiang. Thirdly, I discuss the health problems of the minority farmers. Fourthly, I introduce the current status of the new rural cooperative medical care system in Xinjiang. Sixthly, I put forward some suggestions about the establishment and improvement of the rural social security system in Xinjiang. Finally, I give an empirical analysis of the new rural cooperative medical care system in Daheyanzi township.The fourth part is the analysis of the new rural pension system in Xinjiang. Firstly, I discuss the development of the new rural pension system in Xinjiang. Secondly, I introduce the aging population problem of the rural Xinjiang and the current status of the new rural pension system. Thirdly, I analyze the system construction constraints and put forward some suggestions about the establishment and improvement of the new rural pension system in Xinjiang. Finally, I give an empirical analysis of the new rural pension system in Daheyanzi township.The fifth part is the analysis of the rural minimum livelihood security system in Xinjiang. In this part, firstly I discuss the theory of rural poverty and the minimum livelihood security system. Secondly, I discuss the development of the Rural Poverty Relief System in Xinjiang. Thirdly, I discuss current status of the rural minimum living security system and the causes of poverty. Fourthly, I analyze the problem of rural minimum livelihood security system and put forward some suggestions about the establishment and improvement of the rural minimum livelihood security system in Xinjiang. Finally, I give an empirical analysis of the rural minimum livelihood security system in Daheyanzi township.The sixth part is the research on the rural social welfare system in Xinjiang. In this part, I first discuss the status of rural social welfare system in Xinjiang. Then I analyze the problem of the rural social welfare system. Finally I put forward some suggestions about the establishment and improvement rural social welfare system in Xinjiang.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期