

A Study of Human Size Difference of Local Government at Province-level in China and Determinants

【作者】 李丙红

【导师】 李和中;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,政府公务人员的规模问题备受社会各界关注。关注的焦点集中在我国公务人员规模是否过大的问题上,争论的双方大都通过中外古今比较来立论,主要局限于从纵向和横向两个基本视角对中国政府的人力规模进行历史考察和国际比较,意欲构建适度的中国政府人力规模。但实际上,我国疆域辽阔,各地区在地域面积、人口数量和素质、交通通讯设施、公务人员素质、经济发展水平和市场成熟度等方面存在较大的差异,即使构建的全国政府人力规模是适度的,也并不意味着各地区政府的人力规模就一定适度,而且我国的绝大多数公务人员在各级地方政府工作,因此,笔者认为研究中国地方政府的适度人力规模更具理论发展和政策指导意义。基于这一认识,笔者将通过引入公共选择理论与新制度经济学等理论,结合定量分析,对我国省级政府人力规模差距及其影响因素这一问题进行研究。在对我国省级政府人力规模差距及其影响因素这一问题进行研究时,本文采用了这样一种分析逻辑,即先对省级政府人力规模差距进行纵向研究,主要从制度的角度揭示制度因素之于省级政府总体人力规模增长(或缩小)的作用和影响;然后在纵向研究的基础上,对省级政府人力规模差距进行横向研究,分析我国政府人力规模的省际分布样态及其决定因素;接着对政府人力规模省际差异的原因进行实证研究,从而印证和应用前面的理论分析;最后分别提出消解不合理省级政府人力规模纵向差距和横向差距的政策建议。总的来说,本文遵循着提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的逻辑思路。研究的基本结论:造成省级政府人力规模总体差距过度扩大的因素很多,除了软职能约束、软机构编制和人事约束、权力失衡制度环境下的逆向软预算约束以及软权利约束等正式制度因素外,还有以官本位为典型的不良非正式制度因素;经济因素、人口、地域与行政区划因素、社会因素、长期历史的沉积扩大政府人力规模地区间差距的作用明显。基于以上研究结论提出以下建议:控制省级政府人力规模总体差距过度扩大的制度化途径,必须从加强正式制度建设和非正式制度建设两方面着手,只依靠其中一种,都不能真正解决问题。针对上述引致省级政府人力规模总体差距过度扩大的正式制度因素和非正式制度因素,本文提出了控制省级政府人力规模总体差距过度扩大的制度化途径。具体而言,从调整公共行政权力结构、加强机构编制立法、深化干部人事制度改革、提升社会自组织力等方面加强正式制度建设,并且从增加意识形态资本的投入、培育创业创富环境和推进民主政治建设等方面加强非正式制度建设。而且,在此基础之上,对于造成政府人力规模地区间不合理差距的因素提出了打破“职责同构”、调整行政区划、促进省际平衡发展的消解对策。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the problem of government human size is concerned extremely by various circles of society. It is the main focus of attention that if government human size in china is too large, the both sides of dispute mostly set forth their views by making a comparison of all times through China and foreign countries, mainly limit to history survey and international comparison of human size of Chinese government from longitudinal and crosswise angles of view, aim at constructing the appropriate government human size in china. However, in actual fact, the territory of our country is vast, there is greater difference between every district in the area of region, quantity and quality of population, traffic and communication facilities, government functionaries quality, economic development level and market maturity, etc. For this reason, even the national government human size is appropriate, it doesn’t mean that the human size of every local area is certainly appropriate, furthermore, the most government functionaries of our country work for local government at all levels, consequently, I think it is even more possessed of theory development and policy guidance significance to study the appropriate human size of local government in china. In view of this understanding, I will inquire into this important issue of the cause of human size increase of local government at province-level and the determinants of government human size cross-province difference in china on the basis of the theories of Public Choice Theory and New System Economics, combined with quantitative analyses.Therefore, the problem that this thesis should study is to clarify the cause of human size increase of local government at province-level and the determinants of government human size cross-province difference in china. That is to say, at first, this thesis throws light on the function and influence of system factors on human size increase(or decrease) of local government at province-level in system terms to offer an explanation for the cause of human size increase of local government at province-level; Secondly, it analyzes the determinants of government human size cross-province difference in china; Finally, it carries empirical research on the determinants of government human size cross-province difference to confirm and employ previous theory analyses.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期