

The Empirical Research on the Relationship between Authentic Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior

【作者】 周蕾蕾

【导师】 关培兰;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 随着华尔街一系列会计丑闻事件的曝光,诚信领导的概念被比尔·乔治正式的引入了人们的视角,或许是长久以来对明星领导者的追捧和对完美业绩无限崇尚,丑陋与残酷的现实让人们霎时间对曾经光环笼罩的领导们信任坍塌,领导者的“不诚信”行为给员工、组织,甚至整个社会都蒙上了阴影。近年来在中国,三鹿奶粉事件所引发的一系列信任危机同样给中国企业诚信带来了巨大的挑战,由此折射出的一大批企业诚信问题被带入人们的视野,作为企业中的核心,领导者被人们寄予了重树诚信的巨大期待。与此同时,诚信领导是否与企业追求业绩、利润的经济目标有所冲突;对于组织公民行为(OCB)这一被广泛认知能够促进企业绩效与效能的员工“角色外”行为,诚信的领导是否能够直接影响它的展现;而如果存在影响作用,在领导者与下属的互动过程中,具有中国背景特征的“圈子”文化——领导成员交换质量(LMX)将在中间起什么作用。本文的研究结论不仅将为企业领导者衡量自己的“诚信度”提供一些参考标准,更为他们提高领导有效性提供了一定理论依据,具有一定的实践意义。目前,由于对诚信领导的研究还处于起步阶段,在有限的文献中可以发现,关于诚信领导的内容结构还并没有统一结论,特别在中国,对于诚信领导内容的讨论大都停留在对西方文献梳理和总结的基础之上,学者谢衡晓(2007)基于凌文辁教授的CPM理论,对中国情境下的诚信领导结构内容做过尝试性探讨,而对于我们所关心的诚信领导是否能够正向预测组织公民行为,并且领导—成员交换质量是否在其中起中介效应的问题都暂时没有涉及,这些都构成本文的研究动机。本研究将基于中国学者所开发的诚信领导内容结构,综合融入西方学者在这一领域所认可的两个最核心的维度,提出诚信领导结构内容,并以此作为自变量,深入探讨它对组织公民行为的影响力大小、方向,并检验领导—成员交换质量在其中的中介效应。由于所研究的三个变量都不是单维度结构,因此涉及的外延十分广泛。本文不仅从概念层面出发,构建了三个变量之间相互影响作用关系的框架,更加深入到因子层面,详细探讨了各个维度之间的作用力大小及方向等问题。文章基于研究框架提出22个假设,并通过问卷调查的方式,将回收的数据用SPSS 11.5和LISREL8.7软件进行处理,通过方差分析、回归分析、结构方程模型等统计方法逐一验证了所提出的假设。研究得到的主要结论归纳如下:1)本文基于谢衡晓(2007)和Walumbwa等人(2008)对诚信领导的内容开发,得出企业诚信领导的核心结构包括:“下属导向”、“内化道德观”、“领导特质”和“诚实不欺”。通过验证发现,此四维度结构具有不错的信度和效度,也具有中等相关度。但是与OCB和LMX这两个相对成熟的研究领域比较来看,不论在诚信领导的模型拟合或题项完善方面还具有提高的空间,因此,对于诚信领导量表的确定还需要进一步的研究与验证,而本文所做的工作将可以作为下一步完善的参考基础。2)诚信领导对组织公民行为有显著影响。本文通过在中国地区收集的实证数据,运用回归分析检验发现,当把诚信领导和组织公民行为都作为一个高阶的概念进行研究时,诚信领导对组织公民行为的影响在p<0.001的水平上达到显著,而其影响的解释力达到24.5%。证明诚信领导是比较有效的领导行为。另外,本研究运用结构方程模型进一步探索了两个概念下不同维度之间的作用关系,结果发现:a)诚信领导者的“内化道德观”对组织公民行为的“自我管理”有显著正向影响(γ=.38);b)诚信领导者“领导特质”对员工的“主动行为”有正向显著影响(γ=.21);c)诚信领导者“诚实不欺”对员工之间“帮助同事”行为具有显著正向影响(γ=.23)。3)领导—成员交换质量在诚信领导对组织公民行为的影响过程起部分中介作用。本研究将领导—成员交换质量三维度结构作为一个二阶构念,通过回归分析对其中介效应进行检验发现,LMX在诚信领导对组织公民行为的影响过程中起部分中介作用。进而,本文运用温忠麟所提出的三步检验法逐一对LMX的三个维度的中介作用力进行探究,结果显示,LMX的三个维度“情感”、“贡献”和“专业尊敬”都在诚信领导对组织公民行为的影响过程中起部分中介作用。其中,领导—成员交换在“领导特质”与员工“主动行为”之间起到完全中介的作用。4)组织及个人特征对诚信领导、组织公民行为和领导—成员交换质量的影响力十分有限。本文通过方差分析分别检验了组织特征和领导者及员工个人背景特征对诚信领导、组织公民行为和领导—成员交换质量的影响力,结论显示:a)组织性质对诚信领导的“下属导向”和“领导特质”产生显著影响;b)领导者的年龄、教育程度和任职年限对诚信领导的大部分维度影响显著;c)领导者的婚姻状况只对OCB中的“拥护参与”具有显著影响;d)领导者与其下属员工的性别、年龄、婚姻状况和教育程度的一致性都不能带来更高的LMX质量。进而,本研究通过层次回归分析将对三个概念产生显著影响的特征变量(组织类别、领导者婚姻状况、教育程度、年龄及任职年限)加入回归方程对因变量和中介变量进行回归分析发现,相对于诚信领导的影响力,组织或个人特征变量对OCB和LMX的影响力是微乎其微的,解释力只有0.2%。

【Abstract】 With a series of accounting scandals on Wall Street exposure, the concept of Authentic Leadership was introduced by Bill George in 2003. For the reason that long term chasseing of perfect performance, employees had lost their trusts to all these ugly and cruel realities. Those in-authentic behaviors of leaders cast a shadow over the whole community. In China, confidence crises (e.g. San Lun milk powder incident) had brought great challenges to Chinese enterprises recent year, which reflects a large number of business integrity situations. Leaders had been placed great expectations to rebuild credibility as the core figure of an enterprise. At the same time, many entrepreneurs and scholars are wondering is there any conflict between pursing authentic and business performance, especially the economic profit? Will Authentic Leadership bring more presence on Organization Citizenship Behavior since it is known as "extra-role" could enhance business performance? Will the Chinese "Circle" culture influence the procedure that Authentic Leadership affect to Organization Citizenship Behavior. This study led with practical significance, which not only suggested a standard for business leaders to improve their integrity, but also provided a theoretical basis to the effectiveness of leadership.The research of Authentic Leadership is still on its early stage, therefore, unified conclusion can not be found among the limited literatures. Chinese scholars who concerned to this issue are even less, and most of them remains in the collations and summarized the theatrical basis. Xie Hengxiao (2007) has proposed a scenario based on the Chinese leadership structure contents (i.e. CPM theory), which is not exactly same as the Western literatures, and there is no following confirmation proves. Furthermore, limited empirical articles had discussed the relationship between Authentic Leadership and other variances in further step which consist of the motivations for this study.This article suggested four dimensions of Authentic Leadership based on the content proposed by Xie (2007), and integrate two core concepts "self awareness" and "internalized moral perspective" proposed by Walumbwa et al. (2008). Meanwhile, it discussed the predict impacts that Authentic Leadership to OCB and LMX as independent variance. Since three variances are not a single-dimension structure and all with wide range of extensions. Our study not only exploded from the conceptual level, but also discussed various dimensions of the correlations deeply into factor level. The research presented 22 hypotheses based on theoretical reviews, and collected required data by using questionnaire surveys. Statistic calculations had then operated in SPSS 11.5 and LISREL8.7, which including regression analysis, structural equation modeling and other statistical methods to verify the proposed assumptions.The Conclusive researches of this study are shown as follows.1) Based on the content proposed by Xie Hengxiao (2007) and Walumbwa et al. (2008), this article concluded that Authentic Leadership consists of four dimensions, "subordinate-oriented", "internalized moral perspective", "leadership qualities" and "honesty". This four-dimensional structure was verified with good reliability and validity, as well as with moderate correlation. However, compared with the relatively maturity discussion in OCB and LMX, the structure of Authentic Leadership still not as good as these two both in the model fitting and specific items, therefore, further studies and verifications of the Authentic Leadership Scale is necessary, and our study provided with a reference basis for improving for next step.2) Authentic Leadership has significant effect on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors. This study collected empirical data in China, and the result shows that Authentic Leadership as a second order concept affects OCB in a significant level (p <.001), and the cumulative of explanation reaches to 24.5%. Specifically, a) "internalized moral perspectives" significantly positive influence on "self-management" (y=.38); b) "leadership qualities" significantly positive influence on "initiative behavior" (y=.21); c) "Honesty" significantly positive influence on "Help staff"(y=.23).3) Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) quality is a mediator variance affects the process between Authentic Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. The regression analysis result indicated LMX is a partly mediator variance as a second-order concept affects the process between Authentic Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Furthermore, the research examined the mediator influence of specific three dimensions of LMX used three-step testing method proposed by Wen Zhonglin. The result shows that all three dimensions are partly mediators of this process. Especially, LMX is complete mediator between "leader qualities" and "initiative behavior". 4) The influence of organizations and individual characteristics are limited. The research examined the influence of organizational and individual characteristics (both leaders and employees), the result states, a) Ownership has significant impact on "subordinate-oriented" and "leadership qualities"; b) Leader’s age, education level and serve years have significant impacts on the most dimensions of Authentic Leadership; c) Leader’s marriage status is only significantly impacts on "supporting the participation"; d) The consistency between leaders and their subordinates on gender, age, marriage status and education level will not improve LMX qualities; e) Compared with Authentic Leadership, organizational and personal characteristics had limited influence to OCB and LMX with their cumulative of explanation only reach to about 0.2%.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期