

New Media and Chinese Citizen Participation

【作者】 严利华

【导师】 石义彬;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 传播学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 进入新的世纪,中国已成为全球经济的大国,政治体制改革和民主政治发展也在不断进步。从宏大的人大立法到中观的行政过程再到具体的微观治理,公民参与的实践已经将民主的基本气质与精神扩散到社会转型中更加广泛的角落。同时,伴随着信息社会的到来以及互联网的发展,人类进入了一个全新的信息时代。在中国,新的传播技术日益普及,互联网、手机等新媒介迅速发展并已经作为了人们信息沟通的主要工具,也因此逐步成为公民表达和参与的重要渠道。尤其是近年来,互联网、手机等新媒介的出现和勃兴,让公民参与渠道更加便捷、广泛和互动,也让我们看到了中国公民参与的强劲势头和“互联网政治”的新景观。通过网络等新媒介,人们用一系列生动的案例演绎了新媒介时代的公民参与景象。从1998年“中国南联盟大使馆被炸事件”带动“强国论坛”的崛起,到SARS中公众对公共危机的知情权的反思,到“孙志刚事件”、“黄静案”等对基本人权的关注和呼吁,再到近些时候的“虐猫事件”、“周老虎”、“躲猫猫事件”、“邓玉娇案”,都凸显了公民权利意识和参与意识的觉醒。使公民关注权利的触角逐步由自我延伸到他人,从关注个人正当利益扩展到了社会和集体公共利益。可见,以互联网为代表的新媒介在中国民意崛起和公民参与实践的发展进程中发挥了重要作用,使公民参与已成为中国公共生活领域越来越重要的社会事实。然而,互联网、手机等新媒介在近年来声势浩大的民意浪潮和不断发展的公民参与实践中发挥重要作用的同时,也带来了新的困惑。那么,我们该如何去审视纷繁复杂的新媒介景观以及潜藏其中的权力结构关系?从这个问题出发,论文从大众媒介与公民参与的理论关联入手,构建了新媒介时代公民参与的理论,并放置到中国的现实土壤中去审视。然后关注新媒介背景下中国公民参与实践发展的基础和现实困境。在遵循这一分析思路的基础上,最后探讨中国公民社会的走向,并对新媒介时代的公民参与进行再思考,找到本论文的落脚点。具体来说,论文共分六章探讨新媒介与公民参与问题,主要是聚焦于新媒介时代的中国公民参与的理论和实践问题。第一章是“导论”部分,主要分三部分分别对选题背景和意义、解决的问题及难点、研究现状和新媒介、新媒介时代和公民参与三个概念进行了概括性的介绍。第二章关注理论基础和新媒介时代公民参与的发展。从对“公共性”的分析入手,找到新媒介与公民参与的理论关联。同时,对公民参与从西方到中国的发展进行了历史的爬梳。在此基础上对传统媒介时代和新媒介时代的公民参与进行阐述,回答了为什么对新媒介时代的公民参与进行研究。第三章聚焦中国语境下新媒介时代公民参与理论的构建和表达。从参与主体——“媒介公民”、参与范式——“公共协商”、参与目标——社会公正三个角度构建了新媒介时代公民参与的理论。并分别结合典型案例进行分析、阐释。第四章通过对新媒介时代公民参与理论的审视,探讨了中国语境下理论构建的障碍。主要从文化逻辑、制度逻辑和市场逻辑分别对参与主体、参与范式和价值追求进行审视。第五章就中国公民参与实践的基础和现实困境展开分析。执政党的政治承诺、政府信息公开等制度的出台和完善,以及非政府组织的发展壮大,都使我们仍然有理由期许,“表达”和“参与”成为一种国家价值观和公民的生活方式,成为中国公民参与发展的基础。但同时我们不能忽视新媒介背景下的“数字鸿沟”的存在和“公共理性”缺失给公民参与带来的现实困境。第六章进一步探讨了中国公民参与的走向及再思考。经济的发展、制度的变革和公民权力意识增强,在一定程度上意味着中国公民社会的转向已经悄然发生。但我们仍然需要透过纷繁复杂的新媒介景观找到潜藏其中的权力结构关系。这才是本文研究的目的和落脚点。最后,需要指出的是,“民主”的本质在于追求平等的参与机会和共同的表达权利。正是基于此,本文对新媒介与公民参与之间碰撞、纠结的讨论过程总体上是充满乐观的。因为这一探讨过程本身就是在“参与”。

【Abstract】 Entering the new century, China has become one of the largest economic countries in the world, political system and democratic development is also progressing. From the NPC’s legislation in macro-area to administrative process in medium-area and then to the specific micro-governance, the practice of citizen participation has been made the basic temperament and spirit of democracy spread to the broader corner in the social transformation.At the same time, with the arrival of the information society and the development of the Internet, human being has entered a brand-new information age. In China, new media communication has been increasingly widespread. New media, such as the Internet and mobile phone, have been developing rapidly and become the major vehicles of communication, and thus gradually become a significant channel of expression and participation for China’s citizens. Especially in recent years, with the emergence and bloom of Internet, mobile phones and other new medias, the channels of citizen participation become more convenient, extensive and interactive. We can see strong momentum of Chinese citizens participate, and the new landscape of "Internet Politics".Through the Internet and other new medias, people act a series of vivid case of citizen participation scene in new media age. From "the Bombing of Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia Event" in 1998 spured the rise of "Prosperity Forum", to the reflection of public right to information in the SARS crisis, to the "Sun Zhigang Incident", "Huang Jing case" Etc. demonstrated the concerns and appeals of basic human rights, and to the recent "cat abuse case", "Tiger Zhou", "hide and seek incident", "Deng Yujiao case", highlighted the awareness of civil rights and participation consciousness. The concernence of Citizens’ self rights has extended to others, and the awareness of the legitimate interests of individuals extended to the public interest of society and the collective. This shows New media, especilly the Internet plays an important role in the process of public opinion’s rise and the practice of Chinese citizens participation, enabling the citizen participation has become an important social fact in public life.However, Internet, mobile phones and other new media, played an important role in the massive wave of public opinion, and in the practice of growing citizen participation. At the same time, the new media has brought new confusion. So, how to examine the complicated media landscape and find the potential power structure relations in them?Just from this point, the paper starts from the theory association between mass media and, builds the theory of citizen participation in new media age, and examine it in the chinese reality. Meanwhile, the practice of Chinese citizen participation in new media has its own characteristics, including the basis of development and the real dilemma. Following this analysis, Finally, the paper gives thinking about the trend of China’s civil society and rethinks the citizen participation in new media age, this is the foothold of this paper.Specifically, the thesis is divided into six chapters explore new media and citizen participation, mainly focusing the theory and practice of Chinese citizen participation in new media age.The first chapter, "Introduction" section, Consists of three parts, It gives a Brief introductionabout background, significance, problems and difficulties, the current situation of research, and the definition of three definitions:new media, new media age, citizen participation.The second chapter concerns the theory association and development of citizen partipation in new media age. Starting on the, finds the theory association between new media and citizen participation. At the same time, Cardings the citizen participation from the West to China’s in the history. On the basis, explaines the citizen participation in traditional media age and new media age, answers why I choose the citizen participation as the research object.The third chapter focus on the theory construction of Chinese citizen participation in new media age and it’s expression. The subject of participation—"media citizen", the paradigm of participation—"public deliberation", the goal of participation—the social justice, from the three points, it builds the theory construction of citizen participation in media age. And analysises the typical cases to explain them.The fourth chapter Examines the theory of citizen participation in the media age. It investigates the obstacles of theory construction in Chinese context. Mainly from the cultural logic, system logic and the logic of the market examines the subject of participation, paradigm of participation, the goal of participation.The fifth Chapter analyzes the basis and the reality difficult of Chinese citizen participation practice. The political commitment of ruling party, the information disclosure system of government, and the improvement of non-governmental organizations, we still have reason to expect:"expression"and "participation"has become a kind of national values and way of life of citizen, and become the basis for the development of citizen participation. However, we can not ignore the exists of "digital divide" in new media age and the lack of "public reason", they give the reality difficulties of citizen participation.The last chapter discusses the trend of Chinese citizen participation and the rethinking of citizen participation in new media age. With the economic development, institutional transformation and the improving awareness of civil rights, to some extent, it means that civil society in China has quietly shifted. But we still need to find the hidden structure of power relations through the complex landscape of new media. This just is the purpose of this study and the result.Finally, It must be pointed that the essence of "democracy" is the pursuit of equal participation opportunities and co-expression rights. Based on this, there is an optimistic view of discussions process between media and citizen participation, although including collision and kinky. Because the process of analysis just is "participation".

【关键词】 新媒介公民参与公民社会
【Key words】 New Media Agecitizen participationcivil society
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期