

The Emergence and Realization of Global Environmental Law

【作者】 吴宇

【导师】 王树义;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 作为环境法的客体,自然环境天然就是一个不可分割的整体。我们这个社会处于整体性的生态系统之中,这一特性决定了环境法从产生的那一刻起就注定是一个全球性的法律领域。环境法作为一个新兴的法律部门,随着全球化进程同步成长,全球化进程给它带来了不同的观察视角、不同的活动领域和不同的社会结构。在这样的背景之下,提出全球环境法是人们认识发展的必然。就目前而言,研究全球环境法并不是个为时尚早的行动。现代的科学技术已经将时空压缩到使人们可以开始从全球的高度开始考虑问题的程度。而且,随着人们考虑问题的视角发生转变,开始意识到一些全球性环境问题无法以个体国家之力来应对,必须结合全球的力量以共对。然而,目前的国际政治经济秩序存在内在的缺陷,无政府状态下的国家关系不足以组织起足够的力量来应付全球环境危机。于是,一个基于跨国民间环境保护活动的思考成为理解新的全球力量的起点。本文就是基于这样一个世界主义的视角从私部门跨国活动的领域考察一种未来可能形成的法律现象,即全球环境法的形成与实现。第一章基于对各国环境法立法趋同发展现象的思考,提出全球环境法概念的内涵和基本特征。从20世纪末开始,就有学者提出各国环境立法有朝着趋同方向发展的趋势。不仅是立法目的,法律原则与管制工具也都具有趋同的趋势。通过对各国现行环境立法分析,特别是诸如美国《国家环境政策法》、中国《环境保护法》等这样的环境基本立法,可以很明显地发现这个趋势。究其根本原因,国际环境法与国内环境法的互动导致可持续发展等理念被各国所接受,同时,被接受的还有环境影响评价和排污许可交易这样的管制手段。此外,由于国际环境保护组织与会议的推动也使得各国环境立法也受到来自外部的推动力朝着趋同的方向发展。可是,环境法律趋同的发展并不意味着当然地出现全球环境法。我们现在所处的国际秩序是基于1648年《威斯特伐利亚和约》而建立的体系,民族国家才是整个国际关系的主体。这样具有民族主义的视角,一直统治着全球的交往。它虽然有其自身的历史意义,但随着全球化的进程加快,这种视角阻碍了今天的人们从更高的角度去观察全球环境问题。只有将视角从民族主义转向世界主义,才能突破现有体制的桎梏。世界主义从没有在政治思想家的脑海中消亡,它只是缺乏实现的土壤。全球环境危机提供了实践世界主义的舞台。全球环境法的提出正是这样一种视角转变下历史发展的必然存在。第二章考察了全球环境法的载体。如果说,国家是一个民族的共同体,那么法律则是这个共同体成员彼此约定的规则。法律的实现,必然需要一个以人为根本的群体作为载体。全球环境法同样离不开人所组成的社会。全球环境法是一个突破了国家疆界的法律体系,那么作为民族共同体的国家就不再适合当作全球环境法实现的载体。我们必须另寻他路。幸好有学者观察到了全球公民社会的形成,在这样个理论之下,形成一个全球环境保护共同体变得有可能。它以作为实现全球公民社会的形式而存在。全球环境保护共同体以实现对全球公共产品——全球环境保护——的管理而出现,并且伴随着全球环境运动发展壮大起来。它是个“想象的共同体”,不可能像国家那样有着真正的官僚体系,只是私部门的跨国联合。所以,以国际环境保护非政府组织为主,结合国际环境保护政府间组织和跨国公司的力量,以跨国民间环境保护行为促成全球环境治理的实现。这一过程中形成了一种“共同的实践”——人们在保护环境中不可避免地要依赖科学技术的发展和信息的交流。共同实践的存在,就有了共同管制的需求。政治哲学家们在他们的著作中早就提出了这种具有世界主义的共同体和全球公民身份的理论。康德、哈贝马斯和罗尔斯虽然分属不同时代,有着不同的理论信仰,但是对于这种世界主义的共同体却有共同的现实主义乌托邦式理想。第三章提出了全球环境法表现形式以及实现的机制。全球环境法并不是个现有可观察的现象,它只是学者根据现实需要和理论分析提出的一种问题解决机制的构想。所以,就有必要考察它可能存在的表现形式。根据全球环境法是全球环境共同体的共同行为规则这个前提,我们很容易联想到已经逐渐淡化出法律领域的共同法的理念。共同法的理念早在很久以前就存在于法学家的思考与实践之中,只是随着历史的发展经历了几次起伏,逐渐被人遗忘。近些年来,共同法又出现在人们的视野当中。现代商人法即是这样的现代共同法,全球环境法也同样具有现代共同法的特征,它也必然是一种新的现代共同法。同时,全球环境法又是一种跨国习惯法。罗斯科·庞德说,法律体系中,除了制定法以外,还存在着大量的习惯法。而跨越国界的习惯法,是因为人们对共同实践的管制需要而发展出来的行为规范,它虽然在不同的国家中同时被实践着,但是为的是一个共同的可持续发展目的。所以,它与国家的发展目的并不相悖,应当得到权力机关的认可,从而获得它的合法性。从第四章开始,分析转入了可行性论证的层面。前述关于现象的观察和理论的构想都应当找到其可行性的基础。第四章考察的是全球环境法实现的现实可行性。这种现实可行性是我们目前可以观察到的现象。正是这些正在发生和即将发生的事实,让全球环境法具有了实现的土壤。无可质疑,全球环境问题切切实实地存在于我们的身边。前辈们已经认识到这个问题的存在和严重性,并发现环境问题不仅仅只是个地方性问题,它同样是个全球性问题,就必然要求全球性的解决机制。在应对环境问题当中,法律的应对是必不可少的。正在发生的法律全球化给人们提出了,环境保护领域是否应当成为率先全球化的问题,毕竟应对全球环境问题这个行为天然地具有全球性。况且,全球环境问题中存在着全球环境利益,作为利益分配器的法律,必然要对全球环境利益作出相应的反应。第五章是在理论上分析全球环境法形成与实现的可行性。这章既是全文最重要的理论基础所在,也是对全文的总结。对于全球环境法的形成与实现,最终还是要落到环境法本身的性质之上开展分析。笔者寻求以法律文化分析作为分析工具,以对全球环境法律文化的同质性分析深化到对环境法的性质的剖析,以求发现环境法为什么会趋同发展,进而又为什么会发展出全球环境法这一系列相继、相关的问题。从全球环境法律意识的同化到全球环境法律规范的同质性,全球环境法律文化内在结构的各个层面都具有趋同的潜质。现代的科学技术不仅把环境伦理思想从西方带到了全球,也把科学的理性植入了环境法律规范的内核。类似的环境伦理引发的环境法律意识具有同质性,而同质的法律意识所引发的环境法律规范制定就具有了同质性的基础。而且,环境法律规范根本性质就是对最佳环境治理技术的选择规则。所以,世界各国的环境法律规范只因科学技术的先进与落后产生差异,而本质上却具有惊人的相似性。

【Abstract】 As the object of environmental law, natural environment is an indivisible entirety. The globe exists in a holistic ecosystem, which determines that environmental law is a globally legal field since it has been made. Environmental law is a new developing legal field and globalization brought a different perspective, a different aspect of activities, and a different social structure into the new field. In the context, it is inevitable to advocate the global environmental law. Today, it is not premature to research global environmental law. Modern scientific technologies compress time and space to allow that human being to think about the issue of environment in a viewpoint as high as global level. Moreover, when people change their perspectives and realize that environmental problems are global issues which can not overcome by an individual state, they would start to combined global powers. However, the current international political and economic orders have their inherent defects so that the anarchic state-relationship could not organize enough powers to deal with the challenge of global environmental crisis. Therefore, a starting point to understand the new global power would base on a considering of transnational civil activities of environmental protection. This dissertation is a research on a coming legal phenomenon from a cosmopolitanism perspective based on the analysis of transnational activities of private sectors.In the chapter I, the research begins with the concept of global environmental law and its characters. Since the end of 20th century, some scholars commented that environmental laws in different states have been becoming similar. The tendency of convergence exists not only in aims of laws, but in legal principles and tools of regulation. Through the analysis of environmental laws in different states, especially such basic environmental laws as National Environmental Policy Act in U.S. or The Law of Environmental Protection in China, there is a clear trend in those legislations. Two fundamental reasons are, firstly, the interaction between international environmental law and domestic environmental law which promoted the idea of sustainable development as well as regulated tools such as Environmental Impact Assessment and Emission Permit Trade accepted by most of states, and, secondly, international environmental protection organizations and conferences push the trend of convergence from the outside. However, the convergence of the development of environmental laws does not mean certainly that the emergence of a global environmental law. We are in a world order which is a system established based on the 1648 Peace of Westphalia and nation-states are subjects of the system. Such a nationalism perspective ruled the world for a long time. Although it has its historical significance, as the process of globalization, it impedes people to observe global environmental issues today in a higher global level. So, it only can break through the limit of the institution with changing the perspective from nationalism to cosmopolitanism. The idea of cosmopolitanism never has faded out from the mind of political philosophers. The problem is that there is absent a soil for the achievement of the idea. The global environment crisis gives a stage for the cosmopolitanism to practice. The proposal of global environmental law is a certainty in such a historical process of the changing of perspectives.In the chapterⅡ, the article addresses the carrier of global environmental law. If we say that a state is a community of nations, then, the law is an agreement between the members of this community. Implementation of the law requires a carrier which is a group of peoples and global environmental law also can not implement alone outside of the society composed of people. Global environmental law is a legal system which is a breakthrough of national boundaries. Therefore, the state can not continue to be a carrier for global environmental law and we need to find another way. Fortunately, some scholars observe the emergence of global civil society and a global community of environmental protection would come to be true as a formation of global civil society under such a theory. This global environmental community, which is an Imagined Community formed with global environmental movements, emerged to manage global environment which is a global public goods. It has not a real bureaucratic system like what states have, but it is a transnational community of private sectors which combined mainly with international environmental non-governmental organizations and some international environmental protection inter-governmental organizations and transnational corporations. Global environmental community aims at better global environmental governance with promoting transnational private sectors’ activities of environmental protection. In the process, a Common Practice is emerging because that people can not avoid use the same technology of environmental protection and information exchange. So, a common practice needs a common regulation. A long time ago, political philosophers in their writings already showed their thoughts of cosmopolitan community and global citizenship. Kant, Harbemas and Rawls have a common realistic utopian idea of such a cosmopolitanism community, though they are in different times and belong to different theoretical beliefs. Chapter III presents forms of global environmental law and its institutions of implementation. Global environmental law is not a real phenomenon can be observed in current. It is only a conclusion argued by scholars based on real requirements and theoretical analysis. Therefore, it is necessary to exam its possible formation. Global environmental law is a common rule of environmental protection activities. In this premise, we can easily find it have characters of ius commune which is fading out of our legal systems. The idea of ius commune had been in thoughts and practices of jurist long time ago and with time passing, it endured several ups and downs. Recent years, modern lex merctoria come into vision of people and ius commune was reborn. Global environmental law must be an ius commune as well. In the same time, it also is transnational customary law. Roscoe Pound wrote that there is large number customary law in our legal system in addition to statutory laws. Transnational customary law is a rule developed from requirements of regulation of common practice. It was implemented in different state but all of them have a common purpose which is sustainable development. In the context, transnational customary law does not conflict with the aim of states and it should be confirm by the powers to get its legitimacy.Beginning with chapter IV, the analysis comes into the level of feasibility. Feasibility should be found based on previous observation and theoretical analysis. Chapter IV would exam the realistic feasibility for global environmental law. This realistic feasibility is originated from realities which are happened and happening facts in the real world. Those facts give a soil to global environmental law to develop. Undoubtedly, global environmental problems are realities around us. Predecessors have recognized the existence and severity of the environmental problem and found that the environmental problem is not just a local issue, but also a global problem. An inevitable requirement for a global resolution mechanism would be argued by scholars. The Law is essential in response to global environmental issues. In the process of globalization, environmental field is a typical field to globalize. Global environmental problems are naturally global issues. Moreover, there is global interest in global environmental issues so that the law, as a interest-distributor, should response this fact.In the final chapter, the article will start a pure theoretical analysis of global environmental law. The chapter V is an important chapter of this dissertation and it also is a conclusion of the article. The analysis ultimately comes into the nature of environmental law itself. The author use legal culture as a methodology to analysis the homogeneity of global environmental culture. The homogeneity was originated from the nature of environmental law and it promotes environmental laws in different states become convergence and finally it turns to global environmental law. From global environmental legal consciousness to global environmental statutes all have a potential to become convergence. Modern science and technology brought western environmental ethics to the whole world, and planted scientific rationality into the core of environmental statutes. Similar environmental ethics directs to similar environmental consciousness which has homogeneity and such similar consciousness lead to similar environmental statutes. Moreover, in the practice, environmental statutes, which insist the principle of Best Available Technology, is surprisingly similar in the nature, but there only is difference in legislation due to advanced or not technologies.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期