

A Study on the Agricultural Insurance Organization Form in China

【作者】 刘素春

【导师】 程承坪;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 政治经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 农业保险是农业自然风险管理的重要工具之一,也是各国政府保护农业、补贴农业的重要手段。但由于农业风险的多发性、系统性和农业保险标的的特殊性,农业保险也是世界性的实践难题和理论研究的热点。我国农业保险试验进行了几十年,一直未能突破农业保险经营的困境;在新一轮农业保险试验中,政府对农业保险进行了直接干预和财政补贴,虽然促进了农业保险保费收入的增长,但作为经营主体的商业保险公司或者受政策所迫经营农业保险,或者为了获得“以险养险”的盈利性保险业务而勉强为之。在现有农业风险管理手段和农业保险经营技术的约束下,从农业保险经营组织形式的视角来审视中国农业保险经营的困境,并通过组织形式和组织体系的创新为中国农业保险的发展提供思路,是本研究的目的所在。本研究主要运用交易费用理论、组织环境理论、政府理论、风险和保险理论,尤其是企业组织的经济学研究成果来分析农业保险组织形式。依据这些理论,结合农业保险组织的基本形式,构建了农业生产特征、农业风险特征、法律环境、政府干预等因素影响农业保险组织形式的理论框架,考察了中国历史上的农业保险组织形式,比较了国外成功的农业保险组织形式。依据中国农业保险组织资源环境,基于节约交易成本和分散农业风险的原则,提出了中国农业保险组织形式创新构想,并以山东省政策性农业保险计划为例做了实证研究。本文的研究主要由三部分组成:第一部分对农业保险组织形式进行理论分析。从理论上系统地研究了农业保险的四种基本组织形式-国有农业保险公司、股份制农业保险公司、相互制农业保险公司、农业保险合作社等的内部治理结构与特征,以组织的外部资源依赖理论为依据,分析了农业风险、农业生产特征、法律制度、政府财政补贴等外部资源环境因素对农业保险组织形式的影响。本部分旨在为研究我国农业保险组织形式构建理论框架。第二部分对中国农业保险组织形式进行创新构想。农业保险发展的困境既有农业保险经营技术的限制,也有组织形式单一和组织体系不健全的原因。本研究从组织的角度寻找农业保险发展的突破途径,研究在保险体系内部如何有效地分散农业风险。从经营组织的角度看,我国长期由商业保险公司单层次经营农业保险,没有农户互助合作组织先行分摊风险,同时缺少国家农业再保险公司为其提供最后的财务支持,导致商业保险公司经营农业保险业务长期亏损,目前各地进行的政策性农业保险依然没有解决这一实质问题。基于此,本文提出了建立农户互助合作保险组织和国家农业再保险公司两种新型农业保险组织形式,并以风险分散理论和交易费用理论为依据,在节约交易费用的前提下构建了中国农业保险新型组织体系:农户互助合作保险组织向商业保险公司进行再保险,商业保险公司的业务向国家农业再保险公司分保,形成层层分保、分散农业风险的组织体系。第三部分是省级政策性农业保险计划的案例分析。在全国范围内采取统一的农业保险政策不符合各省农业资源和财政资源存在差异的现状,而且在国家农业再保险公司成立之前,省级农业风险基金是商业保险公司经营农业保险的后盾,因而我国新一轮农业保险试点是分省而治。本部分的研究对象是山东省政策性农业保险计划,在分析山东农业生产条件和农业自然灾害的基础上,对山东省2006-2009年的政策性农业保险运行机制进行实地调查,对地方政府财政补贴分摊机制、政策性保险项目和保险条款、省级政策性农业风险基金等问题进行了深入研究。本部分的研究旨在为其他省份农业保险试点提供参考素材,同时也为本文的理论创新提供实证支持。

【Abstract】 Agricultural insurance is one of the important tools of risk management of agricultural natural hazard, as an important means of governments to protect agriculture and agricultural subsidies. However, the multiple, systemic of the agricultural risk and the subject of the special nature of agricultural insurance, which is a worldwide practice problems and the hot topic of the theory. China’s agricultural insurance tests for decades has been unable to break through the predicament of agricultural insurance business, the direct intervention and financial subsidies of government for agricultural insurance in a new round, promoting the agricultural insurance premium growth, but as a business entity of the commercial insurance company is engaged in agricultural insurance because of policy prevailed, or it is for " other insurance to support agricultural insurance" of the profitability of insurance business and tries to do so. In the context of being short of new agricultural risk management tools and agricultural insurance business technology, from the perspective of organizational form to look into the plight of China’s agricultural insurance, and through organization form and system innovation, it is a purpose of this research to provide ideas for China’s agricultural insurance development.The research analyzes the organizational form of agricultural insurance, using economics, management, insurance theory, especially the achievements of economics research of enterprise organization. Based on transaction cost theory of new institutional economics, the contingency theory and resource-dependence theory of organizational theory, the state intervention theory of welfare economics, the risk and agricultural insurance theory, combined with the basic form of agricultural insurance organization to build a theoretical framework of the agricultural insurance organization which is affected by feature of agricultural production, agricultural risk characteristics, legal environment and government intervention, Inspected in the history of China’s agricultural insurance organizations, compared with foreign successful agricultural insurance configuration of organizations. According to resources environment of China’s agricultural insurance organizations, the principles of saving transaction costs and spreading agricultural risks, putting forward innovative ideas of China’s agricultural insurance organizations form, and doing an empirical study on provincial agricultural insurance scheme.This research mainly consists of three parts:The first part is theoretical analysis of the research of the agricultural insurance organization form. This paper studies inner structure characteristics of different agricultural insurance organization forms relies on business theory, systematically researches the internal governance structure and characteristics of the four basic organization of agricultural insurance forms:state-owned agricultural insurance company, agricultural joint-stock insurance company, mutual system of agricultural insurance company, agricultural insurance cooperatives, abandoneds a single organizational form of agricultural insurance research in the past. Then the agricultural insurance organizations as a whole studies its external dependence and constraint basing on external resource-dependence theory, selecting agricultural risks, agricultural production characteristics, government subsidies and other factors analysis on the external environment which impacts agricultural insurance organization. From the theoretical research on the characteristics, governance structure, agricultural insurance organization, development and change, the adaptation of the external environment of various types of agricultural insurance organization, in order to provide a theoretical framework for researching China’s agricultural insurance organizational form.The second part is the innovation idea of Chinese agriculture insurance organization form. The development of agricultural insurance not only exists in agricultural insurance business technical constraints, but also in a single organizational form and imperfect organization system. From the angle of organization, we find ways to break through the development of agricultural insurance and study how to effectively scatter internal agricultural risk. From the angle of business organization, our long-term management of agricultural insurance by commercial insurance companies is a single-level, no farmers mutual assistance organization Shares risks, meanwhile the lack of national agricultural reinsurance company to provide the final financial support for agricultural insurance that leads business insurance companies long-term losses, but the current policy around the agricultural insurance is still not to resolve the substantive issues. It is proposed to establish two new organizational forms of agricultural insurance:farmer’s coadjutant collaboration organization and national agricultural reinsurance company. All sorts of agricultural insurance organization are composed of agricultural insurance organization connection system should play a layer of allocating and dispersing agricultural risk. Based on risk diversification theory and transaction cost theory, under the premise of saving transaction cost to construct the new China’s agricultural insurance system, commercial insurance business is sure to reinsurance farmers coadjutant collaboration, which itself is reinsured by the national agricultural reinsurance company, formed layers of reinsurance, scattered agricultural risks organization system.The third part is case analysis of the provincial plans of the policy-based agriculture insurance. In the establishment of a unified national agricultural insurance plans do not conform to the differences of the agricultural and financial resources of difficult provinces, before the national agricultural reinsurance company has been founded, provincial agricultural risk fund is the supporter of commercial insurance company to engage in agricultural insurance, therefore new round of agricultural insurance pilot is provincial. The research object of this part is policy-based agricultural insurance plans in Shandong, on the analysis of agricultural production conditions and agricultural natural disasters in Shandong, on the basis of investigation on operation mechanism of the policy-based agriculture insurance in 2006-2009,deeply research on sharing mechanism of the local government subsidies, policy-related insurance projects and clauses, fund for provincial policy-based agricultural risk in order to provide reference material for other provinces.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期