

The Disputes on Water Conservancy in Plain Areas of Now-called Hubei Province and Hunan Province during Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty

【作者】 王红

【导师】 张建民;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 专门史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 中国是个传统的农业大国,水利是农业的命脉。自古以来,水利就受到国家和各级地方政府的高度重视。两湖平原水土资源大规模的开发源起于明代,一直持续至今。由于降雨丰沛,且年内分配不均,河湖密布,地势低洼,洪涝渍灾害频仍,在此地发展农业,防洪和排涝是必须面临的首要的也是最大的难题。为防洪和排涝,两湖平原的人们沿江河两岸修筑了绵长的堤防,将江河洪水束缚于两岸大堤之间的主河床内,并发明了独特的农田水利工程——垸田。垸田仰赖于垸堤,垸堤可以起到二次防洪的作用。垸田颇类似于长江下游平原的圩田,各有闸剅,可灌可排,是适宜两湖平原独特的地形、地貌和气候特征的独特农田水利工程型式。江河堤防和垸田在两湖平原的经济崛起过程中可谓功勋卓著,明中叶,“湖广熟,天下足”的民谚已在全国范围内流传开来。然而,事物总应一分为二地看待。在总体“湖广熟”繁荣的表象之下,实则掩盖了环境问题。江河堤防和垸田的修筑,虽保证了丰收,却干扰了两湖平原河湖水系自然演变的规律,改变了泥沙的淤积规律,以前呈面状散漫地在两湖平原平均落淤的泥沙,则呈线状地淤积在主河床之中。于是,江河便频频溃口,垸田则积水难消。当人们更加努力地坚筑江河堤防、更加完善垸子的防洪和排水功能之后,仍无法改变洪水、泥沙、地势低洼、气候等自然条件和自然现象对两湖平原洪涝渍灾害的侵袭之时,人们被迫“饮鸩止渴”,即通过筑塞江汉各分流穴口或支河港汊以阻止洪水进入己境,如此来,江汉主河床的淤积进一步加速,河湖水系环境更加恶化,江河防洪压力继续加大,决口泛滥更加频繁。两湖平原陷入了“河湖水系生态失衡——洪涝渍灾害——以邻为壑——河湖水系以剧变的方式寻求新的生态平衡——再破坏河湖水系的自然生态环境——洪涝渍灾害加重——再以邻为壑”的恶性循环之中。每当人们在自然规律面前显得无能为力时,惟一的出路就是人与人之间相互倾轧,以邻为壑,水事纠纷不可避免。随着人口的增加,环境压力的增大,两湖平原的环境愈加不堪重负,愈往后水事纠纷愈加频繁复杂,两湖平原的垸田经济发展史在相当大的程度上就是两湖平原不同水利利益群体之间水利利益的争斗史。两湖平原的水事纠纷种类繁多,如按河湖水系的自然布局和人工修筑的江河堤防划分,可分为左右岸之间的水事纠纷、同岸上下游之间的水事纠纷、堤外洲滩与堤内广大平原之间的水事纠纷;如按行政区划划分,可分为湖北省与湖南省之间的水事纠纷,湖北省内部各级行政区划之间的水事纠纷;如按垸子划分,可分为垸与垸之间的水事纠纷和垸内水事纠纷;如按血缘划分,可分为宗族间与非宗族间的水事纠纷;如按行业划分,有航运业、水产业、种植业、商业等不同行业间的利益冲突而引发的水事纠纷;如按工程类型式划分,可分为疏堵纠纷(或称开塞纠纷)、围垦纠纷、协修纠纷和排渍涝纠纷。此外,平原和山区之间也曾发生过协修纠纷。以上这些水事纠纷往往群发,即交相发生,各类水事纠纷相互纠结,难分彼此,某个或某类水事纠纷往往历经数朝数百年的时间反复地长期地发生,足见两湖平原水事纠纷的密集程度和复杂程度。面对如此密集和复杂的水事纠纷,欲理出头绪,异常困难。本文尊重水事纠纷的客观史实,抽像出水事纠纷的共同特性——地缘特征、行政区划特征、以邻为壑特征和宗族血亲特征;将水事纠纷按照其依托的水利工程分成四类——疏堵纠纷、围垦纠纷、协修纠纷和排涝渍纠纷;通过查找大量文献、档案等资料,在弄清大量水事纠纷的基础上,将两湖平原水事纠纷中的当地人群关系进行了较为切合实际的界定,即居住在同一个地缘的人们拥有共同的水利利益,他们别无选择地(不分贵贱贫富、不计恩怨情仇、不论宗族血亲)组成一个利益群体(也称利益同盟,或称利益共同体),此群体牢不可破、坚不可摧,共同保卫着他们的水利利益不被他方侵害,同时,还争取他们能获得最大限度的水利利益;中央政府和各级地方政府是水利管理部门,享有水事纠纷协调权,本应当站在全局的高度协调水事纠纷,但由于官僚阶层的管理模式和官员之间的微妙关系,或者迫于对河湖水系环境的变迁的无奈,或者是迫于民生问题,或者是迫于政治局势等复杂的自然和社会因素,导致官员在协调解决水事纠纷时会有失公允。总之,水事纠纷是两湖平原水土资源开发到一定程度后的必然产物,水事纠纷的发生和发展又进一步加深了人类对两湖平原自然河湖水系的干扰和破坏,水事纠纷势必升级,人群关系进一步恶化,最终导致两湖平原河湖生态更大程度上的破坏。如何顺应自然规律,保护好我们赖以生存的水环境,当是摆在两湖平原人们面前永远都不会过时的一个永恒的话题,只有在两湖平原的人们与水环境和谐共处的基础之上,才会出现两湖平原各水利利益群体之间的和谐相处。

【Abstract】 Water conservancy has been very important for an agricultural country like China since ancient times. In plain areas of now-called Hubei Province and Hunan Province where there are many rivers, lakes and plenty of rainfall, villagers there have build dykes and dams along rivers and lakes and invented special protective embankment projects which surround low-lying farmland and uses sluice-gates to regulate water volume. These water-control works are still utilized until now because they can solve difficult problems of controlling floods, draining off floods and irrigation to a certain extent under local conditions.In spite of a guarantee of bumper grain harvests, building dykes and protective embankments causes some serious environmental problems and disturbs the natural evolution of water system in the plain areas. Thus mud and sand silt up in the main riverbed and bring about floods bursting dykes and embankments frequently. When people make greater efforts to build higher dykes and embankments, more mud and sand silt up in the main riverbed, more floods happen. When people become helpless in dealing with floods, they are often forced to seek quick relief regardless of the consequences, namely blocking the outflow of water from tributaries and branching streams into their own fields. In doing so, people create a vicious cycle:"ecological imbalance of water system→serious floods→using neighbor’s fields as a drain→seeking new balance of water system in an abnormal way→further destroying ecological environment of water system→more serious floods→using neighbor’s fields as a drain again".In the process of above-mentioned cycle, many disputes arise over water matters. In a word, the history of agricultural economy in the plain areas of Hubei Province and Hunan Province is the history of struggle among different interest groups for hydraulic benefits.The present article respects objective historical facts and classify the kinds of disputes over water matters, analyses complex human relations among interest groups, points to higher authorities’ mistakes in arbitrating these disputes and tries to find some historical lessons for today.Generally speaking, disputes over water matters are an inevitable product during the process of exploiting water and soil resources on a large scale in the plain areas of Hubei Province and Hunan Province. These disputes further deteriorate the ecological environment of local water system and human relationships among different groups, which leads to more difficult problems.In order to find solutions, we think only by living in harmony with water environment, can different groups in the plain areas of Hubei Province and Hunan Province live together harmoniously.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期
  • 【分类号】K248
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】585