

Study on the Mode and Strategy of Industrial Restructuring in Oil-Gas Resource-Based Cities

【作者】 李军

【导师】 孙彦彬;

【作者基本信息】 大庆石油学院 , 石油工程管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 油气资源城市在我国资源型城市中占有相当大的比例,作为油气资源的供应者,油气资源城市不仅是社会经济发展所需能源和原料的提供者,而且是社会经济发展重要的推动者和拉动者,为促进社会经济发展做出了巨大贡献。如何实现油气资源城市产业结构优化与社会经济可持续发展,成为一个亟待解决的问题。本文研究的内容是管理科学、区域经济学、产业经济学等众多学科综合交叉所形成的一个新的研究领域,属于战略管理范畴。本文以可持续发展、资源经济学、区域经济学、产业经济学和管理科学等理论为基础,系统研究了产业结构形成理论、产业结构变动理论和产业结构优化理论;针对油气资源城市的特点和发展现状,全面分析了国际石油产业结构调整对我国石油产业的影响,在借鉴国内外油气资源城市产业结构优化经验与教训的基础上,采用实证研究与规范研究相结合的方法,根据经验性实证研究成果,对研究结果进行解释与讨论,从油气资源城市产业结构发展状况、产业结构优化的动力机制、目标原则、制约因素、影响机理和战略对策等方面进行了研究与探讨,给出了我国油气资源城市产业结构优化的战略选择。本文利用系统理论与方法,以经济增长、充分就业为目标函数,以产业结构合理化和产业结构高度化为约束条件,构建了产业结构优化模型。该模型系统考虑了产业结构对市场需求的适应度、产业结构效益与产业均衡发展、进出口贸易的有效补充与调节,以及技术进步和环境友好等因素。基于规模、弹性和比较优势等基准,构建了在实践上具有可操作性的主导产业选择定量评价模型。该模型包括产业专门化率、产业关联度和产业市场需求潜力三项指标。基于马尔萨斯、威赫尔斯特和伏特拉产业集群增长模型的基础上,构建了多产业集群发展模型。该模型比较全面地考虑了集群间的竞争关系、互利关系和掠食关系,并给出了各种关系下的产业均衡点。

【Abstract】 Oil-gas resource-based cities occupy a large proportion in resource-based cities in China. As suppliers of oil and gas resources, oil-gas resource-based cities are not only the providers of energy and raw materials for social and economic development, but also the important catalysts for social and economic development. They have made tremendous contributions for promoting the social and economic development. However, with the exploitation of oil and gas resources, to some extent these cities have fallen into plights of core competitiveness declining. How to achieve the industrial restructuring and the sustainable development of oil-gas resource-based cities has become a pressing problem.The study on industrial restructuring of oil-gas resource-based cities is a complex system. The content of this dissertation is a new interdisciplinary research field formed by management science, regional economics, and industry economics and so on. It belongs to the scope of strategic management. On the basis of sustainable development, resource economics, regional economics, industry economics and management science, this dissertation systematically studies the theories of industrial structure formation, industrial structure change and industrial restructuring; In view of the characteristics and the status quo of oil-gas resource-based cities, it makes a comprehensive analysis of the effects of international oil industrial restructuring for our oil industry; On the basis of learning from domestic and international experiences and lessons of industrial restructuring of oil-gas resource-based cities, it combines the empirical and normative research methods to explain and discuss the research results in accordance with empirical evidences. It probes into the status quo of the industrial structure development, the dynamic mechanism, objective and principle, constraint factors, influence mechanism and strategic countermeasures of industrial restructuring. Then it proposes the strategic choice for the industrial restructuring of oil-gas resource-based cities in China.In this dissertation, adopting the ideas and methods of systematic engineering and operational research theories, it constructs the industrial restructuring model with economic growth and full employment as its objective function, industrial structure verticalization and rationalization as constraint conditions. This model systematically considerers these factors such as the adaptation of industrial structure to the market demand, industrial structure performance and the balanced development of industry, effective complement and regulation of import and export trade, technological progress and environment-friendly development and so on. Based on the scale, flexibility and comparative advantage, it constructs practically operational quantitative evaluation model of choosing the leading industry. This model includes three indicators, that is, the rate of industry specialization, industrial linkage and the potential industrial market demand. In the light of industrial cluster growth model of Malthus, Verhulst and Volterra, it constructs the multi-industry cluster development model. This model comprehensively considerers the competitive, cooperative and predatory relationships among the clusters. And the industrial equilibriums of all the three relations are solved.

  • 【分类号】F121.3;F426.22
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】692
  • 攻读期成果