

Study of Comprehensive Design for Profile Modification Program at Bei301 Block of Hailaer Oilfield

【作者】 党庆功

【导师】 贾振岐;

【作者基本信息】 大庆石油学院 , 油气田开发工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 由油层的非均质造成的吸水剖面非均衡性使纵向注水波及系数降低,注入水沿高渗层的突进,形成水窜。另外,由于注入水与地层岩石颗粒和骨架的长期接触和冲刷作用,使原高渗透条带的渗透性变得愈来愈大,形成高渗透通道。从而极大地降低注入水的利用率,使油井的含水迅速上升,高含水油井快速增多,因此应该从区块整体上来考虑油水井的堵水和调剖。本文针对海拉尔贝301区块的实际情况设计了调剖决策技术,即利用模糊综合评判方法,进行选井选层;利用物理模拟方法,研制了新型的调剖体系并对其性能进行综合评价;采用数值模拟方法,深入研究了调剖效果的影响因素,并预测调剖效果。在模糊评判工作中,把注水井的视吸水指数、吸水指数、压降曲线、渗透率非均质性、吸水剖面非均衡性及对应油井的总产液量、平均含水率、连通油井剩余储量和采出程度等9种参数归纳为反映注水井吸水能力、油层非均质性、对应周围油井动态的3类主要因素,利用模糊数学理论,计算各项因素决策因子,进一步将上述因子进行多级评判,最终得到定量化处理的决策因子FZ,据其大小来对整个区块选择调剖井,同时优化了调剖选层的模糊综合评判决策技术。并以实例计算了调剖井的调剖半径、调剖剂用量、施工时的注入压力及注入速度等参数。确定贝301区块调剖半径为3m,调剖储层温度在45~60℃之间,储层小层有效厚度范围为0.3~24.3m。针对贝301区块的油藏特征及模糊综合评判的结果,研究了以PAM-单酚(苯酚)弱凝胶为基础、利用多酚(间苯二酚)活性较高的特点、以PAM和混合酚(苯酚和间苯二酚)为主要原料的高强度、快速交联的调剖体系,通过对该体系进行优化,凝胶强度最高可达105mPa·s,成胶时间在1~5天内可控;并进一步研究了矿场应用环境(地层水,PH值,温度)对成胶时间及凝胶强度的影响;同时通过抗剪切性能评价、突破压力测定及耐冲刷能力测定对调剖体系综合性能进行了评价,结果表明:调剖剂体系对水相的封堵率在99%以上,且具有很强的耐冲刷能力;地层水矿化度不影响调剖体系性能;调剖剂体系对提高采收率有很好的效果。利用数值模拟技术,针对贝301区块用petrel软件建立了三维精细地质模型,采用eclipse软件进行水驱历史拟合和剩余油分布状况研究,结果表明:日产油量拟合结果相对误差小于3.1%,累计产油量拟合结果相对误差小于1%。在此基础上利用数值模拟方法研究了封堵率、调剖半径、调剖时机、非均质性和层间窜流等因素对调剖效果的影响,并对该区块水驱及调剖后驱油效果进行了预测。结果表明:贝301区块调剖时机为采出井含水为40~90%;调剖半径3m;封堵率为80~90%时,采收率提高程度最大;调剖目的储层非均质性越高,垂向渗透率级差越大,调剖后的采收率提高程度越高;层间窜流程度高不利于增加调剖效果。论文依据贝301区块井层的厚度、渗透率、空间尺度分布较宽的特征,研制出成胶时间和凝胶强度可调的新型调剖体系。并从能量转换引发官能团构造、构型、构象结构的变化,导致缩合物的特殊功能,描述出调剖体系三个阶段的加成缩合反应过程的机理和本质内涵。

【Abstract】 Reservoir heterogeneity is a widespread existence which makes the water intake profile not uniform to cause reduction of the vertical sweep efficiency of the water injection. Hence the water channeling is formed by this injected water. And due to the act of long contact and flush between the injected water and the rock particles and skeleton, the high permeable band becomes larger and larger to form the high permeable path which might reduce the efficiency of the injected water to a great extent. Then the water cut of oil wells would increase swiftly. While the water production of a oil well is the comprehensive results of several water injection wells, water plugging and profile adjustment should be considered according to all the block.Based on the perfection and the accuracy, the decision-making techniques were designed for two blocks such as the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and the numerical simulation. Taking advantage of physical simulation,we developed a new profile control system and gave a comprehensive evaluation for its performance.By the mutual verification and their complementation, a mathematical model was built on the program optimization for block profile adjustment and water plugging.On the bases of the original studies, a large number of reservoir engineering parameters were used completely, such as in the injection wells the apparent water injectivity index, water injectivity index, pressure drop curve, permeability heterogeneity, water intake profile heterogeneity, and in the oil wells the total liquid production, average water cut, residual reserve of the linked oil wells and the degree of recovery. After selection of the three primary factors indicating the water intake capacity of water wells, the heterogeneity of oil layers and the related dynamic status of the around oil wells, Calculate all the the decision-making factors, according to the results of multi-level decision to calculate the final decision-making factor FZ, according to its size as a option profile control wells conditions to whole block, while further study is optimized for transferring profile control layer of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation decision-making techniques. And an example calculation of the profile control wells: profile control radius, profile-modifying agent dosage, profile-modifying agent injection pressure and injection rate during the construction .With the established numerical simulation simulations also considered the closure rate, profile control radius, profile control timing, heterogeneity and inter-layer crossflow swap profile control effect.The results from both the fussy comprehensive evaluation and the numerical simulation show that at the block 301 of Halar Basin the reasonable profile adjustment radius is about 3m, the aim formation temperature was among the range of 45~60℃, the effective thickness of the sublayers was among the range of 0.3~24.3m. At the same time, based on the weak gel of PAM-monophenol, a profile adjustment system with high strength and quick crosslink capacity was designed and optimized including the PAM and the mixed phenols (monophenol and multiphenol). This new system has the gel strength about 105 mPa·s and gelling time within the range of 1~5d. Other studies such as the field application environment effects (formation water, pH value and the temperature) on the gelling time and strength, the comprehensive performance, the resistance to shearing, the breakthrough pressure, the resistance to flushing were also make. Finally, the degree of recovery was evaluated for the new system on a man-made rock sample with the variation coefficient of 0.5.Taking use of numerical simulation techniques,we established a three-dimensional geological model with petrel software for Bei301 blocks,made waterflood history match and remaining oil distribution with eclipse software. The history matching resulted that:the relative error of fitting results on oil production was less than 3.1%,and the relative error of fitting results on cumulative oil production was less than 1%. On this basis,with the established numerical simulation simulations also considered profile control effect of the plugging rate, profile control radius, profile control timing, heterogeneity and inter-layer crossflow.The result showed that: for Bei301 blocks,when 40~90% of the moisture content of production wells was the profile control timing, profile control radius was 3m, the plugging rate was 80~90%, the increase degree of recovery was maximum;the heterogeneity of profile purpose reservoir was higher, the vertical permeability ratio was greater, the increase degree of recovery after the profile was higher;the high layer channeling is not conducive to increase the profile results.Based on the features of the fermation thickness, permeability, wide-scale distribution at Bei301 Block, a new profile control system with the both gelling time and gel strength djustable was developed. And the reaction mechanism and nature of the profile control system in their three stages of addition-condensation process was also described deeply according to the special functions of the condensation compound caused by the change of organic polymer functional groups attributed by energy conversion.
