

Enhanced Oil Recovery Research of TaZhong 4 Oilfield in Low Reserve-production Rate Stage

【作者】 刘红卫

【导师】 刘义坤;

【作者基本信息】 大庆石油学院 , 油气田开发工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 储采比是指一个国家、一个地区或一个油气田,在某年份剩余的可采储量与当年年产量的比值。通过储采比可以分析、判断油田所处开发阶段,稳产状况及其资源保证程度。如果储采比过大,会形成资金以储量存在的形式积压,储采比过小,产量保证程度低。合理确定储采比,既能保证原油产量正常增加,又能对油气勘探进行合理投资。因此,研究储采比对于石油工业具有极其重要的意义。本文根据塔中4油田的原油特性和地层特点,针对塔中4油田存在的问题,主要做了以下工作:1.分析塔中4油田现阶段储采比的特点,确定了现阶段塔中4油田合理储采比。分析认为塔中4油田目前储采比远低于稳产极限储采比,油田产量快速递减是油田正常开发规律的具体体现。塔中4油田在目前特低储采比的前提下维持稳产的可能性小,总的调整原则应立足于减缓递减,确保产量尽可能平稳递减。2.分析了低储采比下塔中4油田的开发效果,分析认为塔中4油田无水和低含水采油期较长,初期产能贡献较大,开发效果较好,均质砂岩段明显好于含砾砂岩段;均质砂岩段能量保持稳定,含砾砂岩段地层压力下降过快;层间矛盾突出,建议分层开采1、2、3小层,4、5小层和均质砂岩段。3.应用实验方法、油藏工程方法和数值模拟方法明确了塔中4油田剩余油分布,TZ4油田剩余油类型包括:注采不完善、层间干扰、井间滞留、断层遮挡、夹层干扰,注采不完善、层间干扰是形成剩余油的主要因素,其储量占剩余储量的77.7%,剩余油挖潜的方向主要在注采不完善、层间干扰;TZ402CIII油组均质砂岩段采出程度较高,剩余油主要分布在轴部;含砾砂岩段采出程度较低,剩余油成平面分布。4、在开发效果评价的基础上,确定低储采比开发阶段下塔中4油田各区块的调整对策。TZ402区块CIII油组含砾砂岩段1、2、3小层利用直井采用环状加点状注水开发方式进行调整效果最好,推荐采用“8注17采”直井注采调整方案;CIII油组4小层以下利用水平井采用衰竭式开发方式进行调整开发效果最好,推荐沿轴部交错布井(5口)调整方案;CIII油组含砾砂岩段1小层建议利用目前井网和后来调整井的过路井段进行调整挖潜;通过数值模拟方法和分析动态数据,本文认为气顶98年附近出现气窜,出现先膨胀后收缩的过程。目前402CIII气顶指数2.3,气顶对开发效果的影响小,建议不单独考虑气顶保护的问题。

【Abstract】 Reserve-production ratio is referred as the ratio of the remaining recoverable reserves and annual production of one country, a region or an oil and gas field in a year. Reserve-production ratio can reflect an important ratio relation in the internal of oil industry, and apply an important indicator for analying and judging a reasonable development and construction size, production form and stable situation in the development of oil and gas field. Through the reserve-production ratio can analyze and determine which development phase the oil field is in, stable level and resources assurance level. If the reserve-production ratio is too large, the funds will be backloged in the form of reserve existence, if the reserve-production ratio is too small, the assurance level of production will be low. Determine a reasonable reserve-production ratio, can not only ensure a normal increase in crude oil production, but also a reasonable investment for oil and gas exploration. Thus, it is extremely important to study reserve-production ratio for oil industry.In this paper, based on the crude oil properties and formation characteristics of Tazhong 4, for the problems existed in Tazhong 4 oil fields, we mainly do the following works:1. Analying the characteristics of reserve-production ratio at this stage of Tazhong 4 Oilfield, identified the characteristics of reserve-production ratio at this stage. We believed that from the analysis the currently oil reserve-production ratio is far below the stable limit reserve-production ratio, the rapidly declining oil production is a concrete manifestation of the normal development law in oil fields. The possibility of Tazhong 4 Oilfield to maintain a stable production in the premise of current low reserve-production ratio is small, so the total adjustment principle should be based on the slow decline,and ensure that the production decline as smooth as possible.2. Analying the development effect of Tazhong 4 Oilfield under the low reserve-production ratio, we believed that the period of no water and low water cut oil production time is long, the initial capacity is larger, development effect is better, homogeneous sandstone paragraph is significantly better than the pebbly sandstone paragraph; the energy of homogeneous sandstone remained stable, pebbly sandstone paragraph formation pressure fell too fast; contradiction between layers is prominent. So we propose to mining stratified 1, 2, 3 layer, 4, 5 layer and homogeneous sandstone layer.3. Determining the remaining oil distribution of Tazhong 4 oilfield by the application of experimental methods, reservoir engineering methods and numerical simulation, TZ4 remaining oil field types include: injection-production imperfect, interlayer interference, crosshole stranded, fault block, laminated interference. Injection and production imperfect and interlayer interference is the major factor in the formation of residual oil. The reserves accounted for 77.7 percent of the remaining reserves, and the main direction of the remaining oil potential is in the injection-production imperfect and interference layer; TZ402CIII homogeneous sandstone paragraph oil recovery is high, residual oil are mainly distributed in the axis; pebbly sandstone paragraph oil recovery is low, the distribution of remaining oil is into a plane.4. On the basis of development evaluation, determine the adjustment countermeasureBased on the low reserve-production ratio development stage of blocks in TZ4 Oilfield TZ402 block CIII oil group pebbly sandstone layer 1,2,3,using vertical well ring plus point water injection to adjust can meet the best effect, recommend "8 inject 17 product" vertical well injection and production adjustment programs; CIII oil group layer 4 below using horizontal wells exhaustion development means can meet the best effect, recommend staggered arrange wells (5 wells) along the axis adjustment programs; CIII oil group pebbly sandstone layer 1 is proposed to use current and subsequent well pattern to adjust crossing well paragraph to adjust potential wells; through numerical simulation and analysis of dynamic data, this paper argues that gas cap occurred gas channeling in the vicinity of 1998, and occurred contraction after the first expansion process. TZ402 block CIII oil gas cap index is 2.3 now, which has a small influation for development effect, so we recommended not to consider gas cap protection separately.
