

A Study on Nanshe Poet Cohort

【作者】 邱睿

【导师】 罗时进;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在清末民初的舞台上,南社诸子作为“革命的文人”进行了“文人的革命”,既参与到近代历史的建构中,也成为了近代文学史一个不可分割的组成部分。南社最具代表性的文学成就是诗歌创作,诗歌是南社群体建构历史的方式,颇具政治行动力;诗歌也是南社群体表达文化态度的载体,颇具文化思考力。本文通过对南社诗人群体的考察,探讨在清末民初文化转型阶段,一个别具特色的诗歌群体如何展开其文化影响力的。本文还原南社的社团活动和诗歌创作的历史现场,在历史的还原中去找寻诗歌走向的可能与必然,给古典诗歌命运一个合理的解释。绪论部分介绍了本文的选题意义、研究现状与拓展空间、研究方法与研究思路。正文共分三个部分:第一部分为上编:南社诗人群体认同,包括两个章节。第一章,论述南社史与南社诗歌史。一方面梳理南社的社团史,理清南社作为一个群体集结的背景。南社史通常认定为1909-1923年,这是一个与近代史相依倚的过程,南社在反清反袁的政治标举中成就了近代史上的“南社精神”。一方面梳理南社的诗歌史,将南社诗歌创作还原到近代诗坛的具体环境中,观察南社如何登上诗坛并参与其中建构的。第二章,南社诗人群体创作概述。将南社诗人作为一个群体来考察,从题材和风格两个方面论述南社诗群的共同创作风貌。从题材上讲,南社诗群既热衷历史内容也强调当下记录。从风格上讲,南社诗群体现了布衣之诗的风貌和宗法龚自珍的倾向。第二部分为中编:南社诗人群体编成机制,包括两个章节,旨在讨论南社群体形成的内在理路。从社团整合方式而言,刊物与雅集扮演了重要角色;从传统结社方式而言,地缘与亲缘仍然在支持着南社的构成。这一部分以总论和个案研究相结合的方法,切入南社运作的内部结构,解释南社聚与散的内在原因。南社的社规、社刊、雅集等建立了南社统一的社团话语,让南社可以作为一个整体呈现一致的创作风貌,但是深入的个案研究揭示,最为密切的诗歌关联还是建立在传统的地缘和血缘关系基础之上的。特别是在南社内讧之后,这种小团体的活动进一步消解了南社作为一个整体的存在。第三部分为下编:南社诗人群体与近代诗坛格局,包括三个章节。这一部分将南社还原到诗歌现场,去定位南社的近代诗坛地位。近代的诗歌流派与南社在不同程度上存在关系,通过梳理南社与唐诗派、诗界革命派、湖湘派这些近代诗派之间的关联,以发掘南社诗歌的近代意义。南社诗人群最重要的活动场所在上海,而上海是近代一个重要的文学场域。南社在其中的活动影响到这个场域的力量变化,也进而影响到整个近代诗坛格局的走向,导致南社走向分裂的“唐宋诗之争”也是以这个文学场域的力量变化作为大背景的。在综合研究和个案分析的基础上,本文论述了南社诗人群体的聚合背景及方式样态,揭示了南社诗人群体的文学史意义,并由此探讨古典诗歌的命运走向。

【Abstract】 In the year of late Qing and Early Republic dynasty, Nanshe philosophers as a "literary revolution" to "civilian revolution", not only to participate in the construction of modern history, but also became a modern literary history as an integral component. The most representative achievement of Nanshe is poetry, by which Nanshe constructs its way in history, quite political action force. Poetry is also the carrier of cultural attitudes that Nanshe expressed, with deep cultural terms of thinking. In this paper, through the study of the poets of the Nanshe group to explore how a group of distinctive poetic start their cultural influence at the end of the Qing cultural transition phase. This article aims to restore the community events and poetry site to find out the reduction in the direction of poetry may be inevitable, give the fate of classical poetry a reasonable explanation.Introduction section describes the meaning of the topics of this paper to study the status and expansion of space of this topic, research methods and research ideas.The body is divided into three parts:The first part is on the compilation:Nanshe poets group identity, including the two chapters. The first chapter discusses the history of Nanshe’s history and Nanshe’s poetry. On the one hand carding the history of Nanshe as a community, clarifing it how to assembled,and then take it as background. Nanshe’s history is usually identified as 1909-1923, it’s a period that interdependent with morden history. The anti-Qing-anti-Yuan’s political accomplishments touted o the "Nanshe spirit" in the modern history On the one hand carding the history of poems of Nanshe to restore the creationg of Nanshe poems to a specific atmosphere of morden poetory, observe Nanshe how to construct them on board and participate in the poetry world. ChapterⅡ, Nanshe create an overview of the poet groups. Nanshe poet, will be studied as a group, from both subject matter and style discussed in the joint creation of Nanshe poetry group style.From the content perspective, the Nanshe poetry group also emphasized both the historical themes are keen to record the moment. From the style of speaking, the Nanshe poetry group reflects the commoner’s poetic style and patriarchal Gong Zizhen marks.The second part of series:Nanshe Poets compiled mechanisms, including the two chapters, to discuss the formation of inner logic of Nanshe groups. Integrated approach from the community, the Publications and Aristo has played an important role; from the traditional forms of association, the geographically and relatives are still in support of the composition of Nanshe. This part of the remarks and individual case study with the carding method, cut into the operation of the cell structure of Nanshe to explain the underlying reasons poly and scattered. Nanshe’s social rules, social journals such as the establishment of the Nanshe Aristo a unified community of discourse, so that Nanshe as a whole showed the same creative style and fun. But the in-depth case studies reveal, the most closely associated with poetry, or based on the traditional geographical and kinship basis. After internal strife, particularly in Nanshe, this small-group activities and further it’s digestion as a whole existence.Part III is divided into the next series:Nanshe and the Modern Poets poetry pattern, consists of three chapters. This section will restore the ecological of Nanshe’s poetry creation scene, to locate the relationgship of Nanshe with modern poetry. Schools of modern poetry to varying degrees with the Nanshe there is a relationship between the establishment, as well as the meaning behind the focus of our attention. By carding the relationship of Nanshe with Tang poetry camp, revolutionary poetry camp and Modern Poetry Hunan send these linkages to explore the meaning of modern poetry. Poets of Nanshe conduct their important poetry venues in Shanghai, and Shanghai is an important modern literary field. Nanshe’s activities made impact on the strength of this field and the changes of the domain, but also thereby affecting the pattern of the whole trend of modern poetry. Nanshe’s internal conflict e is also a battle carried out in this literature Field. In the comprehensive study and case analysis, based on this paper, expounding the background and method of polymer-like state of poets of Nanshe, revealing the meaning of Nanshe Poets in literary history, and explore the fate of classical poetry.

【关键词】 南社诗人群体文人结社诗歌演进
【Key words】 NanshePoets groupsliterary associationPoetry Evolution
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期