

The Study on the Circular Economy in Japan

【作者】 李岩

【导师】 徐平;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 世界经济, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 人类社会经历了工业现代化高速增长期,创造了丰富的物质财富,但与此同时,资源衰竭、环境恶化、生态失衡等问题正在制约人类社会的前进脚步。为了有效缓解经济发展和资源环境之间的矛盾,世界各国进行了不断的探索,至20世纪90年代,循环经济发展模式被越来越多的国家所接纳,发展循环经济已成为国际共识。特别是日本二战后伴随着经济快速增长而来的诸多环境公害事件产生了深刻的社会矛盾,以“大量生产、大量消费、大量废弃”为特征的传统经济模式又迫使日本面临着资源、能源匮乏以及大量废弃物急待处理的困境。经过长期的实践和摸索,日本汲取了以往经济发展中的教训,终于确立了明确的循环经济发展战略,从构建法律支撑体系到确立科学的推进计划,从资源循环产业化到公民参与意识,均将发展循环经济、建立循环型社会看作是实施可持续发展战略的重要途径和方式。昔日的“公害大国”,通过推进循环经济的发展,逐步解除了传统经济模式的桎梏,并引导日本正在走向可持续发展道路。我国面临资源总量偏少、资源效率偏低和环境破坏严重这三大亟待解决的问题,促使我国必须积极发展循环经济。并且,我国已经无法享有发达国家工业化时的廉价资源和环境容量,经不起传统发展方式带来的资源消耗和环境污染。近二十年来,我国城市垃圾以7%左右的速度增加,城市化进程中的“垃圾围城”难题问题日益突出,我们必须以最小的资源代价发展经济,而以最小的经济成本保护环境更是当务之急。为此,我国“十一五”规划提出大力发展循环经济的战略目标,标志着循环经济在我国已经从一种学术理念和一般实践升华为国家战略。面对我国目前存在的类似日本工业化中期的诸多环境挑战,研究日本循环经济,将对我国当前努力发展循环经济有极大的借鉴意义。本论文研究以循环经济相关经济理论为切入点,共分六章对日本循环经济发展轨迹、发展战略、政策措施、绩效评价等问题进行深入地系统研究,目的是为中国发展循环经济提供富有积极意义的借鉴。第一章绪论重点揭示了研究背景和意义、研究的主要内容及创新点。第二章是本文的理论基础,主要讨论循环经济的基本内涵、梳理循环经济的定义,确定循环经济的基本内涵。探究发展循环经济的理论基础,并针对日本循环经济的研究及实践,追溯其理论渊源。第三章至第五章是本文的重点内容,第三章通过日本循环经济发展的历史沿革,横向定位描述了其发展轨迹,并对影响其发展的历史和现实因素进行分析。对日本实现其循环经济发展的战略进行详细地阐述,包括它的构建、实施、保障条件、影响因素。第四章主要对日本发展循环经济的政策措施进行了研究。第一部分探寻了政府发展循环经济的理论依据,第二部分阐述了日本政府发展循环经济的主要政策措施。第五章对日本发展循环经济进行评价是本文的难点。既有基于物质流分析模型的定量评价,又有基于经济理论的定性评价。第六章在对上述内容综合论证分析的基础上,总结了日本发展循环经济对我国的启示,并在我国循环经济发展的可行性路径选择方面提出政策建议。纵观日本循环经济的发展,得出如下主要贡献:一是通过循环经济的理论梳理,把握支撑循环经济发展的经济理论;二是通过对日本循环经济发展现状进行的系统分析,描述了日本循环经济发展的历史轨迹和横向定位,并对日本循环经济发展特点、历史及现实因素进行了论述;三是通过分析日本循环经济发展战略和政策,提出制定正确循环经济发展战略以及相应政策措施是循环经济实施的重要保障;四是从物质流指标视角对其宏观和微观绩效进行定量分析,从对策指标视角的定量分析,另外还从资源环境、经济和社会效益角度进行了定性分析;五是提出了日本循环经济发展结论及对中国的启示。认为中国循环经济发展要借鉴日本经验,谋划长远的、可行的发展战略规划,制定有效的循环经济措施,确立适宜的循环经济评价体系。六是得出我国应汲取的教训。本文发现日本在环境保护方面仍有一些方面效果不够理想,相对于在废弃物循环利用方面取得的成效而言,日本在减少排放方面进展比较缓慢。从统计情况看,目前废弃物产生量的削减程度不够,这是值得我国重视的教训。本文创新点主要有三个方面:一是在系统梳理文献的基础上进行了日本循环经济宏观层次上的系统研究;二是应用物质流分析和对策指标分析对日本发展循环经济的绩效进行了定量评价;三是弥补原有研究循环经济问题的理论研究之不足。本文发现大多学者关于循环经济的理论研究集中在生态经济、环境经济领域,而支撑循环经济的主流经济学理论更是几乎游离于循环经济研究视野之外或较少提及,基于此,本文结合日本循环经济发展,汲取了各领域关于循环经济理论研究的先进思想当然,本文也存在不足之处。一是需要对日本循环经济理论进行深入挖掘,本文只是初步提出了理论的框架,研究不够深入;二是对日本循环经济各主体和行业的发展状况阐述不够详尽。三是相关案例佐证需丰富。

【Abstract】 Human society has experienced a period of high growth of Industrial modernization and this has created a lot of material wealth but, at the same time, exhaustion of natural resources, environmental degradation, ecological imbalance and other issues are restricting the pace of the progress of human society. In order to effectively alleviate the conflicts between the economic development and the negative effect on resources and the environment, countries in the world have been exploring the use of the Circular Economic Development mode. Since the 1990s, the circular economic development mode has become accepted in more countries. In fact, the development of circular economy has become an international consensus.Particularly after World WarⅡ, Japan’s rapid economic growth along with many environmental hazard incidents has produced profound social contradictions as stated in the statement "mass production, mass consumption, a large number of abandoned". The characteristics of traditional economic methods have forced Japan to face natural resource and energy shortages, and a number of pressing waste disposal problems. after a long period of practice and exploration, the Japanese have learned the lessons of past economic development in establishing a clear development strategy of circular economy: From building a legal support system to establishing a science promotion plan; from the natural resources recycling industry to the sense of civic participation, Japan is building a circular society as an important means and method to arrive at a sustainable development strategy. The previous "pollution power", by promoting the development of circular economy, and gradually lifting the shackles of the traditional economic model, is guiding Japan to move towards sustainable development.Total natural resources in China are too short supply,and using them inefficient as well as the mining process is causing serious environmental destruction. These three problems need to be solved, which encourages us to actively promote the development of circular economy. Moreover, China has not enjoyed cheap natural resources and the good environments of the industrialized countries and can not afford to continue with natural resource consumption and environmental pollution using the traditional mode of development. During the past two decades, with China’s urban waste increasing at a rate of 7%, the urbanization process in the "junk Fortress Besieged" is an increasingly prominent problem. Minimizing the natural resource cost of economic development, and minimizing the economic costs of protecting the surrounding environment is a priority. To this end, China’s "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" has put forward a plan to develop the strategic goal of circular economy, which means the circular economy in China has grown from an academic concept to a general practice of distillation of the national strategy.The face of China with its existing many environmental challenges is similar to the situation of the middle stage of industrialization in Japan. Studies of Japanese circular economy will have great reference for the development of circular economy in China.This study takes the Circular Economy related economic theory as the starting point. It is divided into six chapters on the Japanese cycle path of economic development, development strategy and policy measures, performance evaluation, and other issues, and is an in-depth study aimed at the development of circular economy in China for reference.The first chapter reveals the focus of the research background and the significance of the main content and innovation.The second chapter is the theoretical basis for this article. It focuses on the basic connotation of circular economy. In it we will explore the theoretical basis for the development of circular economy, and the circular economy in Japan in practice to, trace it back to its theoretical sources.The third chapter through the fifth chapter are focused on the main content of this article. The third chapter first describes the development of circular economy in Japanese History, and its horizontal comparison with other countries, Then the development of historical and realistic factors will be analyzed. Chapter Four covers Japan’s strategy for the development of circular economy and policy measures that have also been studied. In terms of developmental strategy, this elaborates on the strategic development of circular economy in Japan in detail, including the construction, implementation and support conditions. Policy measures will follow in two parts. In the first part, the Government explored the theoretical basis for the development of circular economy, while in the second part it discusses the development of circular economy and the Japanese government’s key policy initiatives. The purpose of the fifth chapter is mainly to evaluate the development of Japanese circular economy, which makes it a difficult chapter. Both a quantitative evaluation based on material flow analysis model, but also a qualitative assessment based on practice will be included.ChapterⅥ, on the basis of comprehensive analysis and argument, we will sum up the Enlightenment in Japan in the development of circular economy and put forward the policy recommendations.Through the development of circular economy in Japan, one comes to the following main contributions:first, comb through and grasp the theory of circular economy; second, describe the history of the Japanese circular economic development trajectory and horizontal positioning, and discuss the historical and realistic factors. Third, analyze Japan’s economic development strategy and policy cycle and consider that the correct cycle of economic development strategies and corresponding policies and measures is an important guarantee for the implementation of circular economy; fourth, quantitative analysis of the macro and micro performance will be done based on the indicators of material flow and measures as well as from the natural resources and the environment and economic and social point of view of the qualitative analysis; fifth will show how the development of circular economy in Japan provides conclusions and Implications for China. The development of circular economy in China will benefit from studying the Japanese experience, and through long-term and viable development strategic planning, China can develop effective measures of circular economy, and establish an appropriate evaluation system of circular economy. Sixth, China should draw from lessons learned. We find that in Japan there are still some aspects of environmental effects that are not ideal. For example the waste recycling results achieved and Japan’s slow progress in reducing emissions. From the statistical case, the current extent of reductions in waste generation is not enough, this is a lesson worthy of our attention.This innovation consists mainly of three aspects:First, a lot of reading of literature, based on research from the macro level, of Japan’s circular economy. Second, based on material flow analysis and measures index analysis, make an evaluation of the performance of circular economy in Japan. Third, attempt to correct the deficiency of the original theory by supplementing mainstream economic theory of circular economy by drawing on various areas of theoretical research on circular economy thinking. Of course, this is also deficient. First, circular economic theory of Japan needs to be studied in-depth, This is only a preliminary proposal of a theoretical framework for research, and it is not deep enough. Second, the subject of Japanese recycling economy and industry development is not described in detail. Third, relevant case evidence is not rich.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期