

Research on the Social Responsibilities of Resource-based Enterprises from the Perspective of Stakeholders

【作者】 吉海涛

【导师】 赵德志;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化的发展,企业社会责任问题越来越受到全球的关注。学术界目前对于企业是否应该承担责任问题的争论早已停息,关于不同类型的企业所承担的社会责任内容是否相同,企业究竟应该对谁承担责任,应当承担什么样责任的问题的研究正在成为理论界研究的热点。资源型企业是一种特殊类型的企业,它以不可再生性自然资源的开采和初级加工为生产方式,以自然资源的拥有或独占为其竞争优势,其投入的原材料和产品都是自然资源,因此生产过程中对自然资源破坏巨大。可见,这一类型企业社会责任具有明显异于其他类型企业的特征,主要表现在:作为国家重要的能源企业,资源型企业担负着保护国家能源安全的重任;由于资源的不可再生性,资源型企业自身可持续发展的要求更加迫切;由于一线员工群体的弱势性及生产环境的高危性,资源型企业对员工的生命健康负有重要责任;由于生产过程对自然资源具有巨大破坏性,资源型企业对自然环境负有保护和修复责任。但目前在我国,这一类企业的社会责任缺失状况表现得尤为严重,由此引发的社会问题如矿难事故、严重的环境污染等也给社会造成了严重影响,因此,结合资源型企业特殊性,具体探讨资源型企业社会责任的主要内容,构建资源型企业社会责任评价体系,探讨资源型企业社会责任提升的对策和途径,就具有十分重要的理论和现实意义。引入利益相关者理论对企业社会责任问题进行研究是企业社会责任研究的新思路和新趋势,它能够弥补企业社会责任理论的不足之处,使企业对谁履行责任和为什么要履行责任的问题变得更容易理解和接受。从利益相关者的角度对资源型企业社会责任问题进行研究,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。本研究的理论意义主要表现在:强化了人们对于资源型企业社会责任概念的认识,明确了资源型企业社会责任的对象和内容;探索了以利益相关者分类为依据对企业社会责任优先性进行研究的新思路;提出了以资源依赖理论为依据对资源型企业利益相关者进行分类的新角度。研究的现实意义表现在:建立了利益相关者视角下资源型企业社会责任评价体系,可以有效解决资源型企业社会责任理论指导欠缺的问题;监管部门可以依据本文所建立的评价体系对资源型企业履责情况进行监管和测评,资源型企业自身也可以据此进行社会责任的自评,因而有利于推动资源型企业社会责任发展。本文的研究思路是:对企业社会责任理论和利益相关者理论进行分析,发现其内在的联系:利益相关者理论可以明确企业社会责任的对象和动因,是对企业社会责任理论的新拓展。在文献分析的基础上,对资源型企业社会责任缺失现状和原因进行分析,认为现有企业社会责任理论很难直接用来指导资源型企业社会责任实践,因此应引入利益相关者理论对资源型企业社会责任进行研究。为确定资源型企业社会责任优先性,在对以往利益相关者分类局限性进行分析的基础上,结合资源型企业的特点,以资源依赖理论为依据对资源型企业利益相关者分类进行实证研究,按实证分析的结果将资源型企业利益相关者划分为关键利益相关者、重要利益相关者和一般利益相关者,以此作为资源型企业社会责任优先性的次序,构建了利益相关者视角下的资源型企业社会责任评价指标体系,并依据所建立的指标体系对资源型企业社会责任情况进行实证研究。最后提出了资源型企业社会责任提升建议。本文主要包括以下内容:第一章是绪论,主要介绍了本文的研究目的和意义、研究对象和研究方法、研究思路和主要内容、研究的创新点等。第二章是文献综述。对企业社会责任理论和利益相关者理论的相关研究进行了梳理,认为现有文献对企业社会责任的研究已经开始逐步转向对企业社会责任的对象和内容的研究,更多地关注利益相关者,关注自然环境和员工的权益维护问题,但仍然存在不足:对不同类型企业社会责任的特殊性缺少探讨;对各利益相关者的责任层次问题缺少探讨;对于如何将利益相关者理论具体应用于企业社会责任中研究缺乏探讨。第三章是资源型企业社会责任的缺失及原因分析。分析了资源型企业社会责任的特殊性、社会责任的缺失表现及存在的问题,并从企业内外两个角度对资源型企业社会责任缺失的具体原因进行了深入分析,得出结论:(1)资源型企业社会责任具有特殊性,其社会责任的履行对于国家、社会和企业自身都具有重要意义;(2)资源型企业社会责任缺失情况比较突出,引发了严重的社会问题,急需约束和规范;(3)当前缺少对资源型企业社会责任的系统研究及相应的标准。因此本文的研究具有重要意义。第四章是资源型企业利益相关者的识别和分类。对资源型企业利益相关者进行了界定,认为这些利益相关者对企业的重要性程度会因其所控制的资源对企业的重要性程度而有所差异,这种差异应该在企业社会责任上有所体现。因此需要对资源型企业利益相关者进行分类研究,以确定其社会责任优先性次序。针对资源型企业的特点,选择资源依赖理论作为分类标准对资源型企业利益相关者分类进行实证研究。依实证研究的结果将资源型企业利益相关者划分为关键利益相关者、重要利益相关者和一般利益相关者。第五章是利益相关者视角下的资源型企业社会责任优先性及内容。这一章主要是以上文的利益相关者分类为依据,对资源型企业的社会责任优先性进行分析,并分析企业对各利益相关者的社会责任具体内容。第六章是利益相关者视角下的资源型企业社会责任的评价。对国内外企业社会责任评价体系进行评析,认为现有的社会责任评价体系缺少对具体行业的个性化研究,并且没有考虑到各利益相关者责任的优先性差异,因此构建了利益相关者视角下的资源型企业社会责任评价体系,从对关键利益相关者的责任、对重要利益相关者的责任和对一般利益相关者的责任三个维度设立了资源型企业社会责任评价指标体系,选择模糊综合评价方法对资源型企业社会责任进行评价研究,并以典型案例对资源型企业社会责任评价体系有效性进行了实证分析。第七章是利益相关者视角下资源型企业社会责任的提升。从强化资源型企业外部监督机制、促进利益相关者共同推动方面提出了资源型企业社会责任提升对策,并研究提出了资源型企业社会责任目标模式:关键利益相关者责任优先模式和利益相关者责任全面推动模式。第八章是研究结论和展望。本文的主要创新点在于:(1)以利益相关者理论为切入点对资源型企业社会责任进行研究,明确了资源型企业社会责任的概念;(2)提出企业社会责任优先性的观点,并以利益相关者分类为依据对资源型企业社会责任优先性进行研究;(3)依据资源型企业的特点,以资源依赖理论为依据对资源型企业利益相关者进行分类研究;(4)建立了利益相关者视角下的资源型企业社会责任评价体系,使资源型企业社会责任自评和社会监督有据可依。(5)提出了利益相关者视角下资源型企业社会责任目标模式,为资源型企业履行社会责任提供了可供参考的标准。

【Abstract】 Along with the development of economic globalization, the social responsibilities of enterprises attracting increasing concern from all over the world. The arguments about whether enterprises should shoulder these responsibilities have long dropped in the academic field. What become the focuses of the theoretical field are as follows:Should enterprises of different types shoulder same social responsibilities? To whom should enterprises be responsible? What responsibilities should they shoulder?Resources-based enterprises is a special category among all enterprises, whose producing mode is based on the exploitation and preliminary processing of undeniable natural resources, and whose competing priority comes from their possession and monopolization of natural resources. The producing process of them brings serious damages to natural resources because materials and products of them are all natural resources. Obviously, the social responsibilities of this kind of enterprises have some features different from other types:As the important energy enterprises of the country, they shoulder the important responsibility of protecting national energy security; because the natural resources are undeniable, the demands of sustainable development of resources-based enterprises are more imperative; for the disadvantages of frontline employees and the highly dangerous working environment, resources-based enterprises shoulder important responsibility of ensuring the life and health of them; due to the damages to natural resources they made during producing process, resources-based enterprises shoulder responsibilities of protecting and preserving the natural environment. However, nowadays in China, the absence of social responsibilities of this kind of enterprise becomes very serious. Social problems arisen by it, such as devastating accidents in the mine and severe environmental pollution have brought grievous influences to the society. Hence, it is of very important theoretical and practical significances to discuss the main contents of social responsibilities of resources-based enterprises in detail combined with the particularities of them, and to construct the evaluating system of social responsibilities of resources-based enterprises, which can provide basis for self-evaluation and third-party-evaluation of social responsibilities of enterprises.It becomes a new approach and trend to introduce the stakeholder theory into the research of the social responsibilities of resources-based enterprises. It can make up for the weakness of the enterprise social responsibility theory, and can clarify to whom enterprises are responsible why they are responsible. It has great theoretical and practical significances to study the social responsibilities of resources-based enterprises from the perspective of stakeholders. The theoretical significances are:enhancing the reorganization of the concept of social responsibilities of resources-based enterprises and defining the objects and contents of it; establishing the new approach that study the priority of social responsibilities of enterprises according to stakeholders category; exploring the new aspect of classify stakeholders of resources-based enterprises according to the theory of resource dependency. The practical significances are: establishing the evaluation system of social responsibilities of resources-based enterprises from the perspective of stakeholders, which can effectively solve the lack of theoretical guidance for them; supervising departments can supervise and evaluate the performance of resources-based enterprises according to the evaluation system established by this thesis, and resources-based enterprises can achieve self-evaluation of their social responsibilities by themselves according to it, which is helpful to promote the development of social responsibilities of resources-based enterprises.The approach of this research is:analyzing the enterprise social responsibility theory and the stakeholder theory to find their internal relationship, which indicates that the stakeholder theory can define the objects and contents of enterprise social responsibility, and is a new extension of social responsibility theory. Based on literature review, the particularities of social responsibilities of resources-based enterprises and status quo of its absences are analyzed, which concludes that current enterprise social responsibility theory can hardly direct its practice, so stakeholder theory should be introduced to research the social responsibilities of resources-based enterprises. In order to define the priority of social responsibilities of resources-based enterprises, empirical research on the classification of stakeholders of resources-based enterprises is produced according to the resources dependency theory, which is based on analyzing the limitations of previous classification of stakeholders, and combined with the characteristics of resources-based enterprises. According to the findings of empirical research, the stakeholders of resources-based enterprises are classified into those related to the key interests, those related to the important interests, and those related to the general interests. The priority order of social responsibilities of resources-based enterprises is defined by this classification; the evaluating indicator system of social responsibilities of resources-based enterprises is established from the perspective of these stakeholders, and the situation of social responsibilities of resources-based enterprises is empirically researched according to this indicator system. At last, suggestions of improving the social responsibilities of resources-based enterprises are brought forward.This paper is divided into eight chapters:The first chapter is introduction. It mainly introduces the purpose and significance, the object and method, the approach and main content, and the innovation, etc. of the research.The second chapter is literature review. The related researches of enterprise social responsibility theory and stakeholder theory are reviewed, which concludes that the researches on enterprise social responsibility in current literature have gradually paid more attention on the objects and contents of it, more concerns about the stakeholders, the natural environment, and the rights and interests protection of employees, but still have some shortages:lack of discussions on the particularity of different type of enterprises; lack of considerations on the priority of different stakeholders in enterprise social responsibility; and lack of detailed explorations on how to apply stakeholder theory into enterprise social responsibility.The third chapter is the absence of social responsibility of resource-based enterprises and the analysis of its reasons. The particularity, status quo and problems of social responsibilities of resource-based enterprises are analyzed, and the specific reasons of the absence of social responsibilities of resource-based enterprises are analyzed from inner and outer aspects, which concludes that:(1) the social responsibilities of resource-based enterprises have its particularity, the performance of it has great significance to the country, the society and the enterprises themselves; (2) the situation of the absences of social responsibilities of resource-based enterprises is serious, which brings severe social problems and starves for restriction and regulation; (3) it is lack of systematical researches and corresponding standards on social responsibilities of resource-based enterprises.The fourth chapter is the reorganization and classification of the stakeholders in resource-based enterprises. The stakeholders of resource-based enterprises are defined, whose importance to enterprises will be different according to the importance of the resources they controlled to enterprises, and this kind of difference should be materialized on enterprise social responsibility. Hence, classified researches on stakeholders in resource-based enterprises are needed in order to confirm the priority order of their social responsibilities. According to the characteristics of resource-based enterprises, resource dependency theory is selected as the classification standard to produce empirical research on the classification of stakeholders in resource-based enterprises. The stakeholders of resource-based enterprises are classified into key stakeholders, important stakeholders and general stakeholders in accordance with the results of empirical research.The fifth chapter is the priority and content of social responsibilities of resource-based enterprises from the perspective of stakeholders. Based on the classification of stakeholders mentioned above, the priority of social responsibilities of resource-based enterprises is analyzed, and the detailed contents of enterprise social responsibilities to different stakeholders are analyzed.The sixth chapter is the evaluation of social responsibilities of resource-based enterprises from the perspective of stakeholders. The evaluation system of enterprise social responsibilities both home and abroad are introduced and analyzed, which indicates that the current evaluation system of social responsibilities is lack of individual researches for different industries, and lack of considerations on the priority differences of stakeholders. Hence, the evaluation system of social responsibilities of resource-based enterprises is established, and the evaluating indicator system of social responsibilities of resource-based enterprises is established from three perspectives, namely, the perspectives of responsibilities to key stakeholders, responsibilities to important stakeholders and responsibilities to general stakeholders. Fuzzy colligate evaluation method is applied to study the social responsibilities of resource-based enterprises, and the validity of this evaluation system is empirically analyzed by typical cases. The seventh chapter is the improvement of social responsibilities of resource-based enterprises from the perspective of stakeholders. Countermeasures of improving social responsibilities of resource-based enterprises are proposed from enhancing the external supervising mechanism of resource-based enterprises and improving the co-promotion of stakeholders. The objective mode of social responsibilities of resource-based enterprises are also studied and proposed, namely, the mode of key stakeholders’responsibility take priority and the mode of stakeholders’responsibility totally promoting.The eighth chapter is the conclusions and policy suggestions.The main innovation points of this paper lie in:(1) researched the social responsibilities of resources-based enterprises start with stakeholder theory, and defined the conception of social responsibility of resources-based enterprise; (2) proposed the point of view that enterprise social responsibility has priority, and researched the priority of social responsibilities of resources-based enterprises according to the classification of stakeholders; (3) researched the different type of stakeholders in resources-based enterprises based on resources dependency theory, and according to the characteristics of resources-based enterprises; (4) established the evaluation system of social responsibilities of resource-based enterprises from the perspective of stakeholders, which provided basis for the self-evaluation and social supervision of resources-based enterprises. (5) The objective mode of social responsibilities of resource-based enterprises from the perspective of stakeholders are proposed, which providing referencing standards for performing social responsibilities of resource-based enterprises.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期