

The Study on Sixiao Literary Thoughts

【作者】 高云

【导师】 王巍;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 文艺学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 南朝是文学创作的繁荣期,作家作品数量众多,也是中古文艺理论的总结期,出现了《诗品》和《文心雕龙》这样的系统性、理论性很强的专著。梁武帝萧衍、梁昭明太子萧统、梁简文帝萧纲、梁元帝萧绎四人,是中国历史上著名的文学父子。四萧是梁代统治集团的核心人物,且多才艺,形成了各自的文人群体,囊括了当时的名家巨子。他们笃好文学,躬事创作,诗酒高会,品评臧否。其鼓吹“新变”的文学主张既是对前论的继承,又有一定拓展。其文艺思想左右一代风气,对后世影响颇深。四萧的文学艺术实践也能体现其美学思想,我们可以通过切实到位的解读印证其观念、艺术追求和批评标准。四萧作为一个时代的政治领袖和文坛领袖,对当时创作发展和理论总结作出了重要贡献,体现了一个时代的文学思潮和艺术精神,其文艺思想可以从一个侧面折射出一个时代的文艺精神和文学艺术的发展水平,比如书法和绘画艺术在六朝时期有长足发展,甚至被认为达到了难以企及的高峰,萧衍、萧绎的书论和画论在古代艺术史上有着不可或缺的地位,研究其文艺思想对于全面深入地认识魏晋南北朝文艺思想的发展历程不无补益。目前对四萧整体文学思想的研究仍嫌不足,还有很大的开掘空间。对四萧文学思想与其它“文学父子”文学思想的比较研究,四萧文学思想与前后朝代文学思想的关系,与同时代其它文论家、文学家文学思想的比较研究还有大量研究工作需要做。对四萧著作文本的开掘和系统整理仍为今后一个时期研究的基础。可以说,目前四萧文艺思想研究作为一个整体还处在起步阶段,有大量的工作要做和可做。本论文扼要评述了南朝中后期的历史背景、文学的创作与新变,对文艺审美规律进行了较为深入的探讨与总结;评述了以四萧为代表的南朝皇室贵族对文艺活动的重视、爱好和参与;评述和分析了四萧的人生轨迹;综括了四萧各类著述特别是文艺著述情况。从观念、批评、理论和创作入手,探讨四萧各自的文学思想及其异同、四萧及其各自文人群体在文学思想和创作方面对其时代文艺发展的贡献和存在的局限。通过四萧文人群体与三曹文人群体及与钟嵘、刘勰等同时代文论家文艺思想的比较,揭示出文艺思想在魏晋南北朝时期起始阶段与总结时期的发展与变化,以及南朝齐梁时期文学思想的主要特点。齐梁是文学进入“自觉”时代(也即三曹时代)以后,创作颇为繁荣,并继续进行有建树的广泛开拓(在文学特征的认识和题材内容的多样性上,在体裁形式、汉语美的规律的认识和艺术手段的丰富上,等等)和系统理论总结的时代。四萧对此作出了自己的贡献,其创作与文艺主张,应该说体现了一个时代的艺术精神和文学思潮。本文重在确切解读四萧有关文艺思想方面的重要论述,并作出中肯的理论分析。力求在详尽征引原始材料、借鉴现有成果的基础上,从三个方面实现研究的深化与拓展:一是对四萧文艺思想进行整体考察。四萧文艺思想有其历史和时代的因素,通过与三曹文艺思想的纵向比较和与刘勰、钟嵘等人文艺思想的横向比较,凸显自建安时代以后三百多年来文学观念和理论、批评走向相对成熟的发展脉络,说明四萧文艺思想的产生乃是文学进入自觉时代以后,创作繁荣、观念意识演进之必然,具有鲜明的时代特色。二是四萧的著述中有文学评论传世,这是认识其文学思想、艺术主张的关键性材料和直接证据,但以往学者们的读解还存在一定偏差和局限。在文学内容的拓展及其情感特征和语言形式美等方面深入探究四萧的文艺思想,进一步解读萧统、萧纲、萧绎的一些重要论断和主张,为其“正名”。如对萧统提出的“变本加厉”的理论意义缺少充分的阐发;虽然对萧纲“文章且须放荡”说的内涵的误解,近年来有所澄清,但仍缺少令人信服的实证和说明。本文力求以翔实的原始材料和严谨的辨析解读之,并力求给予惬当的评价。三是对四萧的书论、画论中体现的文艺思想进行较全面和系统的总结,并与三曹艺术思想进行比较,以见出魏晋南北朝时期的艺术思潮和四萧在这方面的贡献。论文从对四萧文艺作品及文艺论述的文本深入研读与分析出发,坚持还历史原貌与取当代理论视角相统一的原则,把个案研究法、比较研究法和综合研究法结合起来。在梳理、深化四萧文艺思想个案研究成果的基础上,着重从纵、横两种视角考察四萧文艺思想的异同,四萧与同时代其它重要文论家文学思想的异同,以及四萧、三曹文艺思想前后承继发展关系,从而确认四萧在中国古代文艺思想史上的贡献和历史地位。

【Abstract】 The Southern Dynasty is a summary period of literary theory of ancient China, there were a great number of writers and works, many of the literary works gave out a theoretical summary systematically to the literature of previous generation. The Realm of Poetry and Dragon Carving and the Literary Mind are both the monographs of this dynasty. Xiao Yan, Xiao Tong, Xiao Gang and Xiao Yi are the famous father-son group of literature in the literary history of China. Si Xiao are the core leaders of the hierarchy of Liang Dynasty, they are versatile as well, and naturally a group of writers of their own came into being. All of them are keen on literature, created a lot of works, sometimes, they come together to drink and write articles, judge other writers, the thought of new changes is not only a inheritance to previous dynasties, but also a further development, it had a far-reaching influence to the whole dynasty. Their literary and artistic practice can just express their thoughts. We can learn their concepts, artistic pursuits and the standard of criticism. The literary thoughts of Si Xiao can refract the development condition of literary spirits and literature and arts in that dynasty. For example, handwriting and drawing got a rapid growth of development, and that is considered as a peak which can hardly get. The commentaries of Xiao Yan and Xiao Yi on handwriting and drawing occupy the essential status in the history of ancient art. Making a thorough comprehension to the literary thoughts could help us recognize the literary thoughts existed in Wei Dynasty, Jin Dynasty and Northern and Southern Dynasty.The overall study on Si Xiao literary thoughts as a whole group is so inadequate at present. There’s still a huge amount of leeway to have a further study. The comparative work will still to be done between Si Xiao father-son group and other groups just like theirs, the thoughts and other contemporary writers’. It is the basic for us to study the true meaning of their articles and systematical arrangement. Now, the study on Si Xiao literary thoughts are in its initial stage, there are lots of work to do and can do.This paper comments the history background to mid-and-late of Southern Dynasty briefly, besides all of the above, the literature creations, new changes and literary aesthetic rules are all discussed and summarized in this paper. Introducing the attaching to literature activities of royal nobles of Southern Dynasty, especially represented by Si Xiao; life history of Si Xiao is commented as well. Literary works of Si Xiao are also summarized. The study of comparing the differences of literary thoughts of Si Xiao is carried out, mainly from the aspects of concepts, criticisms, theories and works. There’s a great amount of work to do on the comparisons between Si Xiao father-son group and San Cao father-son group, Zhong Rong, Liu Xie are both compared with Si Xiao. The aim of all of the study mainly is to reveal the main characteristics of literature thoughts of Southern Dynasty based on the development of Wei Dynasty, Jin Dynasty and Northern and Southern Dynasty.Qi and Liang Dynasty are the theoretical ages which occurred diversity on contents, variety of genre and the understanding of laws to the Chinese language. (It comes after the conscious age, that is San Cao.)Si Xiao did a considerable contribution, it stands for the art spirits and literary thought of the whole period.The emphasis of this paper is to explain the important works written by Si Xiao, and make a conclusion from the point of theory. From three aspects to make further study according to the original materials and existing achievements:First is the overall inspection to Si Xiao literary thoughts. The thoughts of Si Xiao have its own background of history and age. The paper tries to show the development context of literary concepts theory, criticism and how to become mature through the comparison between Si Xiao and San Cao, even liu Xie and Zhong Rong. The literary thoughts is provided with distinctive characteristics of the times since the era of literature got into a conscious state, it is the inevitable result of prosperity of works and the development of the concept and consciousness for about three hundred years since the age of Jian An.Secondly, the literature commentary in Si Xiao’s writings are handed down from ancient times, which is the most important materials and evidences to know their literary thoughts, art advocates. There are some deviations and limitations in the explanation and understanding in the past. It is necessary to study Si Xiao’s literary thoughts again, explain their main thesis and proposition, restore its original meaning. For example, to be further intensified, it has been lack of theoretical exposition for a long time; articles should be free in theory raised by Xiao Gang is made clear by others, but it is short for proves and explanation, which can convince others. This paper gives out interpretations based on the original materials and rigorous analysis, and then comes into an appropriate evaluation at the same time.Thirdly, summarize the literary thoughts occurred in the books and drawings’ reviews. Sum up the dedication made by Si Xiao through the comparison between Si Xiao and San Cao.From the literary works and literary treatise written by Si Xiao, the paper make a historical outlook and contemporary theory as a rule, use case study method, comparative study of law and research method. Study the differences and similarities of Si Xiao literary thoughts from vertical and horizontal aspects on the basis of results of case study. Besides the above, according to the comparison between Si Xiao, San Cao the contemporary writers, affirm the contribution, limitations and historical status of Si Xiao in literary history of thoughts in ancient China.

【关键词】 四萧文学观念文艺思想萧衍萧统萧纲萧绎
【Key words】 Si XiaoLiterary conceptLiterary thoughtXiao YanXiao TongXao GangXiao Yi
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期