

On the Culture of Modernity and the Antinomies

【作者】 孙建茵

【导师】 衣俊卿;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 现代性批判已经成为20世纪最重要的焦点性问题,而从文化层面反思现代性的危机也成为当代哲学、社会科学的主要研究路径。在众多理论流派之中,东欧新马克思主义因其独特的现实背景和批判视角,在20世纪的文化研究中占有重要地位,成为不可小觑的力量。作为匈牙利布达佩斯学派的重要代表人,马尔库什在最近30年的时间里,将研究的视点主要集中到现代性文化的问题上,建立了逻辑清晰、思想鲜明、体系相对完整的现代性文化批判理论。从总体上说,马尔库什的现代性文化批判理论就是对现代性危机的一种独特审视。这一理论的根本宗旨就是为如何解决现代性文化危机提供另一种思路和方案。简要地说,马尔库什通过对两种现代性文化意义的区分以及对它们历史和逻辑根源的分析,指出了现代性文化从诞生之初起便是一种悖论的形式。由此,他认为“悖论”是现代性文化的根本特征,而这一特征充分体现了现代性的内在机制。现代性文化的悖论是现代性的一种特征表现,虽然给现代性的发展带来了困扰,但是悖论本身并不是现代性危机产生的根源。马尔库什将批判的视角直接指向了理性扩张所产生的同一和普遍化的文化模式。在他看来,现代性文化的悖论特征能够提供一种批判的视角,矛盾双方的对抗与交流为现代性的发展提供了动力。基于这种理解,马尔库什围绕着文化理论中的基础与上层建筑概念、意识形态理论及范式理论,逐一展开了批判性分析。通过对因果思维的打破、对文化特殊性的关注和对文化多样性的维护最终为现代性文化指明了出路,那就是利用多元文化提供的批判视角不断进行自我反思。如此,现代性便有可能避免陷入理性普遍化、总体化、单一化的文化危机。

【Abstract】 The problem of modernity has been one of the most important issues during the 20th century. The culture of modernity became a major subject of philosophical theories and sociological theories. Because of the distinct background and original standpoints, Eastern European Neo-Marxism contributed a lot to the critique of culture in the 20th century. Gyorgy Markus as the representative of the Budapest School from Hungary devoted last thirty years of research towards a theory of the culture of modernity, and the great depth of his knowledge of the history of culture and philosophy inform all his writing. Generally, Markus investigated the cultural crisis in modern world in his critique of culture. He discussed no less serious a matter than the fate of the project of modernity, In his opinion, culture was used today in two senses which at the first glance were so distinct and different. They were anthropological concept of culture and value-marked conception of culture. They were interlocked constituents of one and the same project which was the Enlightenment. The semantical "confusion" of the two notions of culture, so completely different, and nevertheless inseparable, was only the outward sign of the genuine antinomies of our cultural situation. However, Markus could not agree with the idea of overcoming the contradictions of modernity. He thought that conflicting, agonistic pluralism was the basic source of modernistic dynamism. So, Markus formulated his critique of metaphor of base and superstructure, the critique of the notion of ideology and the critique of paradigms. The critical theories of Markus denied the sense of a unidirectional causal thought and claimed that the development of cutural modernity ought to be the continuous process of an uninterrupted dialogue between different cultures and different forms of life. Thus, self-reflection upon culture acquired the character of critique.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期