

Research on the Credibility of Warfare Simulation System

【作者】 唐见兵

【导师】 查亚兵;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 控制科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 可信性是作战仿真的生命线,对作战仿真系统建设的全生命周期进行校核、验证与确认(Verification, Validation and Accreditation, VV&A)是确保其可信性的重要途径。论文针对作战仿真系统的特点,主要从VV&A的总体、形式化建模、主要VV&A过程以及可信性评估等方面展开深入研究,并将研究成果应用于“XX作战仿真系统”VV&A实例中,取得了良好效果。论文首先从基本概念、研究框架、方法论、原则、过程模型及机制等方面对作战仿真VV&A进行总体研究。在阐述作战仿真VV&A概念的基础上,给出其形式化定义;针对作战仿真VV&A研究的特点,从宏观上提出其总体框架结构;引入复杂系统方法论,给出了指导作战仿真VV&A研究的综合集成、VV&A立方体及WSR(物理-事理-人理)三种方法;在全面分析一般仿真VV&A与VV&T原则的基础上,归纳了5条作战仿真系统VV&A原则作为补充;根据实际的作战仿真系统开发过程,建立了相应的VV&A过程模型;研究了作战仿真VV&A的人员及任务分解机制问题,建立了VV&A的组织结构,设计了VV&A任务分解算法。接着为了使VV&A过程描述规范化、标准化,论文对作战仿真VV&A过程及其管理进行形式化建模。基于UML(Unified Modeling Language)对作战仿真VV&A过程分别从用例、静态结构、动态行为及交互等方面进行形式化建模,对VV&A过程管理分别进行用例、静态结构及动态行为建模,并在此基础上,建立了包含活动代理的VV&A过程管理模型;为了对作战仿真VV&A过程进行全面描述,建立了基于IDEF0的VV&A过程模型,并给出其形式化定义。其次针对论文给出的作战仿真系统VV&A过程模型,重点对需求校核、军事概念模型验证、数学模型V&V(Verification and Validation)及软件模型V&V四个主要VV&A过程展开研究。①在给出需求校核的形式化定义的基础上,研究了作战仿真系统需求校核的方法、策略和指标,重点从语法和语义两个方面对需求的一致性校核进行研究。②给出了军事概念模型验证的形式化定义,总结了验证步骤,重点研究了军事概念模型的形式化验证方法和一致性验证指标,并给出了本体一致性验证算法。③从作战仿真系统数学模型的分类及其形式化描述入手,提出了数学模型校核机制,并归纳了六个校核指标;根据大量的工程实践,总结并提出了一些比较实用的数学模型V&V方法;提出从行为水平、状态结构水平和复合结构水平三个层次对数学模型的有效性进行验证的思想。④建立作战仿真系统软件模型的层次结构,给出软件模型V&V的形式化定义;引入软件测试方法,重点研究了面向对象的软件模型V&V方法与技术;从仿真算法校核、流程图校核及程序代码校核三个方面对软件模型校核进行全面研究;从理论验证和软件测试两个角度及仿真软件单元、软件部件和仿真系统三个层面对软件模型验证进行深入研究,并分别给出测试实例。再次,在作战仿真系统的可信评估研究上,从辨析可信性评估与VV&A之间的关系入手,分析了作战仿真系统可信性评估的三种类型,并提出了两种常用的可信性评估方式;结合工程实际,建立了一套可信性评估指标体系;在全面分析与比较已有的可信性评估方法基础上,针对作战仿真系统军事需求及军事概念模型等评估中突出主题专家作用的特点,在改进现有评估方法的基础上提出了主观综合评判法,并提出了一种基于专长权的主题专家权重定量计算方法;为了对作战模型的动态输出结果进行有效评估,提出了灰色关联综合评估方法。最后以作者作为主要骨干参与的“XX作战仿真系统”可信性评估实践为例,介绍了本文研究成果在该系统的VV&A和可信性评估方面的应用情况。结果表明,论文的研究工作在促进该仿真系统的顺利建设和确保它的可信性方面发挥了积极作用,为该系统的未来建设打下了良好基础。总之,论文的研究可以丰富作战仿真VV&A的理论体系,开展的VV&A活动以及可信性评估工作对确保作战仿真系统的可信性具有重要的意义,课题研究过程中所制定的《作战仿真VV&A规范》、可信性评估指标体系以及系列VV&A文档模板将对我国和我军的VV&A标准规范建设发挥一定的作用。

【Abstract】 The credibility is the lifeline of warfare simulation. To excute verification, validation and accreditation (VV&A) is an important approach to insure the credibility of warfare simulation system through out the life circle. Aiming at the characteristics of warfare simulation system, the VV&A collectivity, formalization modeling, primary VV&A processes, and credibility evaluation are researched thoroughly in the dissertation. The research production was applied in VV&A for a joint warfare simulation system as an example, and got great effect.First of all, the VV&A collectivity is studied as the basic theoretics, the research framework, methodology, principle, process model and mechanism in the dissertation. The formal definition of VV&A is put forward based on the expatiation of VV&A conception. According to warfare simulation, the collectivity framework of VV&A is brought forward macroscopically. Three methodologies including meta-synthesis, VV&A cube and WSR, are advanced to VV&A research on warfare simulation. On the base of comprehensive analysis on VV&A and VV&T (verification, validation and test) of normal simulation system, five principles for warfare simulation system are induced in this dissertation. Accroding to the development process of actual warfare simulation system, a relative process model is built. The mechanism of personnel and task decomposition is studied, in which VV&A construction and task decomposition arithmetic is designed.Secondly, in order to make criteria and standard VV&A process and its management discreption, the formal models of management is carried out, in which the details of use case, static construction, dynamic activities and interactions are modeled based on UML. Among these models, some are included with activity agent. VV&A process models dicrepted in IDEF0 and its formal definition are also put forward so as to show the warfare simulation VV&A process roundly.Thirdly, the four primary VV&A processes, requirement verification, military conceptual model (MCM) validation, mathematical model verification and validation (V&V), and software model verification and validation are studied focously. The method, strategy and index for requirement verification are researched on the base of formal definition, especially for the consistent verification in sematic and syntax. The formal definition of MCM validation and the arithmetic of ontology consistency validation are given. Especially, the method and index of validation are studied. Having been classified and formal definition, the verification mechanism of mathematical model is brought forward, and six verification indexes are summarized. Several practicable V&V methods for mathematical model are summarized according to practical project. An idea which is used to validate the validity of mathematical models in three levels including behavior, states structure and united structure is put out. The software models of warfare simulation system are arranged by hiberarchy, and the formal definition of software models V&V is also given. By introducing software test method, the method and technique of software models V&V based on object-oriented theory are studied. The research on software models’verification is carried out in three aspects, including arithmetic, flow chart and codes. The software models validation is studied from two aspects of theoric validation and software test, and three layers of simulation software unit, simulation software components and simulation system. And some tests are given as examples.Fourthly, credibility evaluation of warfare simulation system is also studied. Three styles of credibility evaluation are discussed and two types of evaluation manners are put forward from differentiating the relation between credibility and VV&A. A suit of index system for credibility evaluation is established from engineering practice. On the base of analysis and comparison with excisted evaluation methods, the subject integrate judgement method and quantitative weights formular for subject matter expert (SME) are put out, aiming at the characteristics of giving prominence to the function of SME in the credibility evaluation of military requirement and MCM. In ordr to evaluate the dynamic output of warfare models availably, a grayer correlative synthetic evaluation method is advanced.Finally, a credibility evaluation practice for a joint warfare simulation system, in which the author participates, is taken as an example, the application that the research of this dissertation used in VV&A and credibility evaluation of the system is introduced. The result shows that the research of this dissertation has a positive impact on promoting the construction of the simulation system and insuring its credibility, a nicer foundation for the future construction of the system is established.In a word, the academic system of VV&A is enriched by the research of this dissertation, the VV&A activity and credibility evaluation carried out play an important role to insure the credibility of the warfare simulation system, the VV&A standard for warfare simulation system, the index system of the credibility evaluation and the series of the document templates which are formed through the research will have an effect on the VV&A standard for our nation and army.
