

Study on Programming and Pattern of Urban Green Space and the Selection of Tree Breeds-Taking Huhhot City as an Example

【作者】 郭鑫

【导师】 张秋良;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 森林经理学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文以呼和浩特市城市绿地为研究对象,以Quick bird影像为主要信息源,在对呼和浩特市城市绿地现状进行遥感影像分析和地面调查的基础上,以统计学、植物学、植物生理学、景观生态学及城市绿地系统生态学等相关理论为依据,采用3S技术、实地调查、科学试验等方法,研究了园林绿化植物的物种组成及综合评判和分级、主要常绿树种对大气环境的滞尘能力、城市绿地的景观格局。在此基础上,以完善城市生态功能、提高城市环境质量、促进城市可持续发展为目标,提出了呼和浩特市城市绿地景观生态调控应遵循的原则及方案。主要研究结论如下:1.呼和浩特市园林绿化植物主要有122种。在园林植物资源调查的基础上,确定主要的指标因子并建立评价指标体系,对122种园林植物进行综合评判和分级,筛选出骨干树种为:油松、圆柏、杜松、白扦、侧柏、新疆杨、红花洋槐、龙爪槐、国槐等。常绿树种比例偏低,在一定程度上造成植物层次单调,冬季景观萧条,影响植物景观效果。2.不同常绿树种的滞尘能力差异较大,最大的可相差4倍以上,这主要与树冠形状、枝叶排列、叶片的形态特征及叶片横断面有关。四种常绿树种滞尘能力的顺序为:云杉>杜松>圆柏>油松;同一树种在不同高度,不同方向,内侧与外侧的滞尘能力也不尽相同。为呼和浩特市的树种选择提供参考依据。3.呼和浩特市城市绿地景观格局不尽合理,具体表现为绿地总量较少,公园绿地分布不均匀,道路绿地、居住绿地面积偏少;大型绿地斑块分布很不平衡,中部和东部大型绿地斑块多,西部和南部大型绿地斑块严重不足;小型绿地斑块数量占绝对优势,斑块破碎度高;带状绿地分布较少,廊道密度低,不利于城市物种多样性保护和景观生态功能的发挥。4.提出了呼和浩特市绿地系统的布局,形成“两环、两带、多园、横纵交错”的环网式生态绿地系统格局。为提高城市环境质量,完善其生态功能,呼和浩特市绿地率应达到38%,还应提高大型、大中和中型型绿地斑块比例,降低景观破碎度,加大绿色廊道建设力度,同时合理确定各类植物比例,科学选择各类城市绿地的骨干树种。

【Abstract】 The paper selects the urban green space landscape of Huhhot city as research target, with most information originated from Quick bird image. The study is based on the remote sensing images analysis and ground investigation of the current situation of urban green space in Huhhot city, as well as the related theories of statistics, plant physiology, landscape ecology and ecology of urban green space system, and the research methods adopted include 3 S technology, field investigation, and scientific experiment. The paper mainly studies makeup of species and comprehensive assessment and gradation of urban green landscape plants, as well as the seed selection and stress resistance of limber pine, the ability of main evergreen trees to remove dusts, and the pattern of urban green space. On the basis of all above, with the purpose of perfecting the urban ecological functions, improving urban environmental quality, and promoting urban sustainable development, the paper proposes the principles and blue print of urban green space landscape programming for the city of Huhhot. The main research findings are as following.(1) Landscape plants include 122 species, in Huhhot City. On the basis of the survey on the plant resource, the main index factors are fixed and assessment factors system is established. The paper also comprehensively assesses and categorizes the 122 kinds of plants. The main trees selected are Pinus tabuliformis, savin, juniper, arborvitae, populusbolleana, Saffron robinia, Sophora japonica, and Chinese scholartree. The propotion of evergreen trees is low, which, to certain degree, leads to the dullness of plant levels and the depression of landscape, and impairs the effect of plant landscape. In the following years, the introduction of evergreen tree breeds would be a very significant job.(2) The difference between dust removal functions of different evergreen trees is large, and the difference can be four times sometimes. The dust removal function is influenced by the crown shape, the leaf arrangement, the characteristics of leaf shape, and cross section of the leaf. The dusts-removing abilities of four types of evergreen trees are ranked as: spruce, needle juniper, Sabina chinensis, and pitch pine. Different heights and different directions can also lead to different abilities to remove dust. This can provide consulting information for the selection of trees breed of Huhhot city.(3) The distribution and pattern of urban green space landscape in Huhhot city is not reasonable enough. The shortcomings include: distribution of green space in the park is not equal; the street green space and residence green space are not sufficient; The distribution of large green belt is unbalanced, for most large green belts are located in the middle and east area, while the west and southern area are in great shortage; the number of small greenbelt is a great advantage, and the rate of green belt fragmentation is high; the area of linear green space is small, and the density of corridor landscape is low, which is a disadvantage to protect the diversity of urban species and perform the ecological function of landscape.(4) The paper puts forward the reasonable pattern of green space in the city of Huhhot, which includes two circles, two belts, multi-gardens, crossing, and ring and radial system. In order to improve the environmental quality and ecological function of the city of Huhhot, green space rate should reach 38%, and the proportion of large green belt should be raised, while the fragmentation rate of landscape should be reduced. Great effort should be made to construct green corridor landscape, meanwhile the proportion of various plants should be fixed, and the main tree breeds of urban green space should be selected scientifically.
