

A Study of the Contact between Mandarin and Dialect

【作者】 傅灵

【导师】 汪平;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 语言接触是语言学中的一个研究热点和重点,因为在当今社会,语言的接触是无处不在的,但是传统的语言接触研究主要关注的是类型学差异较大的系统之间的接触,对于类型学差异较小的系统之间的接触关注不够。普通话与方言的接触就属于这种类型学差异较小的系统之间的接触,从接触的广度上来看没有哪种语言与方言的接触如此广泛。那么这种接触的表现和规律主要有哪些?会受到哪些重要因素的影响?本文以语音为切入点,以湘语的长沙话与普通话的接触为个案考察对象,通过对长沙方言口音普通话、长沙方言新派发音变化的调查分析,以及与上海、武汉方言口音普通话和方言新老变化的比较,就上述问题进行了探讨。全文共分八个部分:绪论,除了介绍语言接触与方言口音普通话及其研究的相关内容外,还说明了选题的相关情况。第一章对长沙话和普通话的语音系统进行了描写和比较。第二章到第四章是从普通话的角度通过方言口音普通话看方言对普通话的影响。第二章主要从音类的角度分析长沙方言口音普通话中由于音类差异而引起的错误,通过长沙话与普通话的音类比较,长沙话与普通话中古音演变的比较,分析了音类错误产生的原因以及不同口音程度中音类错误的变化。第三章从音值的角度分析了长沙方言口音普通话中音值错误和音值缺陷,总结了错误的变化以及长沙方言口音普通话的语音特点。第四章对长沙、上海、武汉口音普通话进行了比较,总结方言口音普通话中的共性与个性,并探讨产生这些共性与个性的原因。第五章主要是从方言的角度看普通话对方言的影响,对长沙方言新老差异进行了调查和总结,并分析了这些变化产生的原因,同时结合上海、武汉方言新老变化,对一些与语言发展规律不一致的变化进行分析。第六章对语言的强势成分与弱势成分,普通话与方言的接触进行了一定的探讨。余论部分对全文作了一个总结,并提出了本文的不足与后续的研究内容。本文的研究意义主要有:第一,能够丰富长沙方言的研究资料,通过对长沙方言现在读音的调查,为长沙方言提供了最新的语言资料。第二,能够促进方言口音普通话的研究,从语音角度对长沙方言口音普通话进行如此深入详细的研究,本文是第一个。这一研究首先能为方言口音普通话提供比较翔实的一手语料,而且对今后方言口音普通话研究也能起到借鉴作用。第三,能够促进普通话与方言接触的研究,本文尝试从方言新老差异看普通话对方言的影响,从方言口音普通话看方言对普通话的影响,为普通话与方言接触研究提供了一个新的角度。第四,能够对语音识别,尤其是方言区人所说普通话的识别提供参考。通过深入的调查分析发现:一、在语言中存在着强势成分与弱势成分,成分的标记性、相似性等都会对语言的成分的强势与弱势起到制约作用。二、语言的演变是内部因素与外部因素作用的结果,但是在不同的历史阶段,内部因素与外部因素所起的作用是不平衡的,在语言接触频繁发生的今天,外部因素在语言变化的过程中起主导作用,尽管内部因素的作用降低,但它仍然对语言的发展起到作用。

【Abstract】 Language contact is a research hotspot and focus in linguistics. The traditional study of language contact whose main concern is on the contacts between the systems of quite different typology, pay insufficient attention to the contacts between the systems of smaller different typology. Contacts between Mandarin and dialect belong to the contacts between the systems of smaller different typology. What are the exhibition and law of these contacts? And what are the important factors that will be affected? Taking pronunciation as entrance, the contact of Changsha dialect and Mandarin as case, This thesis approaches these questions through analyzing the changes of mandarin with Changsha dialect and the change of new-style Changsha dialect, comparing the mandarin with Changsha dialect with that of Shanghai and Wuhan.This thesis has eight sections. Section one is the introduction, following with six chapters and a conclusion. In the introduction, it shows the related situation about the chosen topics as well as introduces the language contact, the mandarin with dialect and materials about its research. Chapter one describes the voice system of Changsha dialect and Mandarin, and compares the voice system of Changsha dialect with the voice system of Mandarin. The following three chapters talk about the impact how dialect affects mandarin through Mandarin with dialect. Chapter two analyses the error which is caused by the differences of phonetic categories in Mandarin with Changsha dialect. Comparing phonetic categories of Changsha dialect with that of Mandarin, comparing the development of Gu Yin in Changsha dialect with that in Mandarin, this thesis analyses the reason how the error of phonetic categories comes into and the change of the error of phonetic categories in different accent. Chapter three analyses the error in Mandarin with Changsha dialect from two aspects, value error and value defect. Chapter four compares mandarin with Changsha dialect, Shanghai dialect and Wuhan dialect. It tells the general and specific character of Mandarin with dialect, and approaches the reason how the general and specific character comes into. Chapter five mainly researches the impact by Mandarin to dialect. It makes an investigation on the differences between the old-style and the new-style of Changsha dialect. The thesis also analysis the reason how these changes take place. Chapter six approaches the strong elements and weak elements of language as well as the contact of Mandarin and dialect to a certain degree. The end, which is the conclusion to the whole thesis, also points out the imperfection of the study and the content of further research. This study has four main significances. Firstly, the study can enrich the data about Changsha dialect. Through the investigation to the pop pronunciation of Changsha dialect, it provides the latest information about the Changsha dialect. Secondly, it can promote the research about mandarin with dialect, it is the first time to do such a deep and detailed study to mandarin with Changsha dialect through pronunciation. The study can provide firsthand material for Mandarin with dialect which is relatively full and accurate, and that can play a role of learning to the later study of Mandarin with dialect. Thirdly, the study can promote study of the contact between dialect and mandarin. This thesis which provide a new way to the study of contact between mandarin and dialect, tries to analysis the influence caused by mandarin to dialect through the differences between the old-style of dialect and the new-style of dialect, the influence caused by dialect to mandarin through the mandarin with dialect. Fourthly, the study can provide a reference to the voice recognition, especially the accent in the area where the people speak dialect.According to the analysis, the study gets some conclusion. Firstly, in language, there are strong elements and weak elements, which are fettered by the development of language itself and markedness ingredients. Secondly, language development is the result of the functions by both internal factors and external factors, but in different historical stages, the internal factors and external factors played a role of unbalanced development. Nowadays when language contact happens frequently, in process of language change, external factors play a leading role while function of internal factors is decreasing.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】H17;H102
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】3567
  • 攻读期成果