

Song-Ci and Feasting Entertainments

【作者】 马丽梅

【导师】 杨海明;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文从宴饮活动的角度研究宋词,以宴饮文学的发展历程为经,以宋代的社会文化为纬,研究作为一个动态整体的宴饮活动及其与词的互动关系,在此基础上分析宴饮在词的风格形成中的作用,宴饮对于词的交际、娱乐和抒情功能的影响。本文共分五章。第一章,回溯宴饮和宴饮文学发展的历史轨迹。最早的宴饮文学是《诗经》中的宴饮诗,此后历经汉、魏、晋、南北朝、唐、五代,宴饮文学一直是文学创作的一个重要门类。《诗经·小雅》中的宴饮诗以礼俗文化为主要特色,《国风》中的宴饮诗则较为真率,出现了及时行乐思想的萌芽。汉末魏初的邺下游宴将宴聚、游览、赋诗结合起来,开创了文人“游宴”的传统。曹丕和建安七子的游宴诗具有较强的政治性和交际性,在感情抒发上开创了乐尽哀来的情感生成方式。两晋南北朝的宴饮活动以帝王贵族为中心,其主要产品是游宴序和宫体诗。唐代的宴饮文学种类繁多,达到全面繁荣。安史之乱带来社会的巨大变革和转型,中晚唐以后,宴乐活动呈现出纷繁热闹的世俗化特征,词就是生长于这片土壤中的一丛绮艳富贵的花。西蜀词和南唐词虽然特点不同,但都是新的社会条件下世俗化艳情化宴饮生活的写照。第二章,考察宋人的宴饮活生活。宋人的宴饮生活是在发达的商业经济、新型的官僚士大夫政治、统治者的崇文政策和全面繁荣的封建文化的背景下展开的。皇室的宴饮活动对大臣和百姓的宴乐有着鼓励和示范的作用;市井民众的宴席是文化产品生产、传播并迅速流行的舞台;士大夫文人是宋代宴饮活动的主体,他们对社会交往的重视、追求享乐的思想和国家提供的丰厚物质生活条件造成了文人士大夫宴乐的频繁。宋代士大夫的宴饮活动继承了前代宴饮与游览、文学相结合,集社交与娱乐功能为一体的传统,并有着新的时代特色,如包含富有文化气息的物质要素、采取了歌妓侍宴侑酒的娱乐形式、以谈诗、论文、赋词等文学活动为基本内容等。第三章,宴饮和词有着密切的互动关系。词是宋人宴饮中的文学活动之一,它产生的基础是宴席上的“主人——歌妓——宾客”角色结构。从主人的“备词”,歌妓?的“索词”到宾主的酬唱,从邀客、备宴到正式宴会和回请,宴饮活动对词的催生、对词人词艺的塑造是全面的。反过来,词对宋人的宴饮生活也有着巨大的影响。从宫廷到民间,词全面渗透于宋人宴饮生活当中,以词送酒、以词伴舞、以词展示才艺构成了宋代宴席注重文采风华的时代风尚。第四章,宴饮生活对词主体风格的形成和发展有着重要影响。宴饮词中多喜欢采用果肴杯盏、花香烛雾、绣帘罗幕、舞裙歌板等宴席物象,对于词形成以“富”为美和以“艳”为美的审美风格有着重要的意义。词是“场上之文”,是歌妓演唱的底本,这要求词不但要合乐可歌,还要符合演唱者的年龄性别和身份特征。听者不同的身份和心理期待又使文本具有雅、俗两种倾向。宴饮还使词具有明显的交际功能和娱乐功能,在娱乐功能强化的条件下,作者和作品中的叙述者呈现出明显的区分,人们有意识地在词中进行某种角色扮演,词中独特的“代言体”就是这种“反串”和“角色扮演”的结果。词又是抒情文学,宴饮环境下词的抒情有着真实真挚、深婉、强烈的特色。第五章,宴饮词中的情感内涵。惜春乐生的生命意识是宴饮词所表达的主旋律之一。从迎春、赏春到留春、伤春,宋人的宴席歌唱有着一个共同的惜春情结。宴饮词的主旋律之二是抒发爱情与相思。宋词中的爱情意识是逐渐觉醒的,大致可以分为代言式抒情、描写宾客和歌妓之间的微妙情愫、词人置身其中地抒写自身的情路历程三个阶段。宴饮词还是人格修养、心灵境界的真实写照,表达出士大夫积极用世、闲散淡远、高远豪迈等各种各样的心灵境界。政治斗争风云折射在宴席上,使宴饮词中出现对现实的激烈批判,出现怨愤和讥刺之音。羁旅之愁与去国之悲是宋词中最现实最深沉的悲感,在某些经历特殊的词人身上和某些特定的历史条件下表现得最为典型。

【Abstract】 The paper will explore Songci from the point of view of feasting, taking the developing process of feasting culture as longitude and taking the social culture of Song Dynasty as latitude. We will study the dynamic total feasting activities and the mutual relationship between feasting activities and Ci-poetry. Further, we will analyze the function of feasting on the style formation of Ci-poetry,the effect on the function of communication, entertainment and on emotional lyric. There are five chapters in this paper:Chapter one, Trace back the History of feasting and feasting culture in China. The earliest feasting literature is the feasting poetry in The Book of Songs,and the feasting literature writing has always been an important categories in creative writing during the literature history. The feasting poems in Xiaoya took the culture of social ethic and rites as their main subject,while the feasting poetry in Guofeng are relatively more forthright and sincere, the rudiment of such idea as making merry while one can has appeared. The sightseeing feasting at Yexia from the end of Han Dynasty to the beginning of Wei Dynasty combined the feasting gathering, sightseeing and poetry creation together, and the sightseeing feasting tradition of literati has been founded by then. The sightseeing feasting poetry written by Caopi and the Seven Scholars of Jian’an is of relatively strong political and communicative features, and created a new lyric way of happiness ending and sadness coming. The feasting activities in Jin and the four coming dynasties took the emperors and noblemen as centre, creating sightseeing feasting preface and gong’ti poetry as main products. Feasting literature reached the level of total flourishing in Tang Dynast, with manifold feasting pieces appeared. The rebellion of An and Shi brought great social reformation and switching, feasting and entertainment activities extensively and lively spreaded among people after mid Tang Dynast, and Ci-poetry is a bunch of beautiful and luxurious flower cultivated in this soil. In despite of different features existing, xishu Ci-poetry and nan’tang Ci-poetry are all reflection of the worldly and romantic feasting life under new social conditions. Chapter two, observe and study the feasting life of people in song dynasty. The feasting life of Song is under the background of developed commercial economy, the new bureaucratic policy, the cultural worship policy and overall prosperity of feudal culture. The royal banquet activities played an encouraging and demonstrating role for the feasting activities of ministers and common people, the banquet of common people is the stage for cultural products production and their quick spreading, while bureaucrat scholars is the main body of the feasting activities. The attention to social communication, the idea of seeking for pleasure of bureaucrat scholars, and the rich social conditions together caused frequent literati pleasures. The feasting activity in Song Dynasty of bureaucrat scholar inherited the tradition of the former Dynasties: combination of the sightseeing and feasting with literature activities, combination of social communication with recreational function. Meanwhile, The substance elements which contained cultural atmosphere, the entertainment modus of singing girls waiting on, and the literature atmosphere of talking about poetry, papers, and Ci-poetry built up great new characters of the age.Chapter three, feasting and Ci-poetry have closely interacting relationship. Ci poetry is the main literary activities of Song feasting, its creation based on the“host---singing girls---- guests”role construction on banquet. The feasting activities have the overall function on the promotion of Ci-poetry and on shaping of poets. We can find it from the host’s preparation about Ci-poetry for the banquet, singing girls asking for Ci-poetry to compliments and acknowledges between host and guests during the banquet, also we can find it from invitation to the guests, feasting preparation to pre feasting, pro feasting and turning back feasting. in return, Ci-poetry also had great effect on feasting life of Song people. From the palace to folk, Ci-poetry had totally penetrated into the feasting life of Song people. Sending wine by Ci-poetry, dancing accompanied by Ci-poetry and show talents by Ci-poetry leaded to the fashion of paying more attention to cultural abilities on banquet of song Dynasty.Chapter four, The feasting life has an important effect on the formation and development of the main styles of Ci-poetry. Ci-poems often use wine, wineglass, curtains, candles, flowers, fruits, dancing girls , musical instruments as images, which contributes to the rich and gorgeous features of Ci-poetry. Ci-poetry is the script for stag, which should be song by singing girls, this means that Ci-poem should not only be singable, but also it should fit to the characters’of the sing girls. The listener’s different identity and ?psychological expect has showed two tendencies: elegant and vulgar。Feasting makes ci poetry be of obvious communicative functions and recreational function. Communicative functions have two levels: direct communication and communication through the medium of courtesan. Entertainment function based on the independence of Ci-poetry, Under the condition of strengthening entertainment function, the writer and the narrator in work has been obviously distinguished, people would consciously play a role in the Ci-poetry, the special substituted form in Ci-poetry is just the result of cross-Dressing role-playing。Ci-poetry is lyrical literature, The true feeling of ci poetry under the feasting surrounding is of sincere, deep euphemism, and strong characters.Chapter five, the emotional connotation of Ci-poetry. cherishing spring and making the life happy are the main melody expressed by feasting Ci-poetry, from meeting spring, appreciating spring to keeping the spring, being sad for spring. there existed a common feeling of valuing spring among feasting singing of song people. The feeling of cherishing spring is essentially to cherish youth as well as beauty, friendship, love, and happy times. The second main melody of feasting poetry is to express love and missing. the love sense is gradually wakened in song Ci-poetry, it can be divided roughly into three stages: the first stage is substituting lyric stage, the poet would express the common, stereotype missing for the women who missed their lovers; the second stage is to describe the subtle love feeling between the guests and singing girls; The third stage is to express the emotion course and missing feeling of the writers themselves. Moreover, There exist elegant, generous, sad, graving feelings in feasting Ci-poetry.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期