

On the Anthologies of Song Poetry in the Qing Dynasty

【作者】 高磊

【导师】 马卫中;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 选本是文学作品传播的重要载体之一,也是文学批评的一种特殊形式。近年来学界对其关注颇多,研究成果丰硕。然其中有关清代宋诗选本之研究却十分滞后,亟需加强。清代宋诗选本的产生深受当时的政治生态、经济状况、地域文化、藏书条件、刻书水平、选家素养、读者需求等因素之影响,与清代的诗歌创作、诗歌流派、诗学理论亦密不可分。清代诗学的一大特色即唐宋诗之争,宋诗选本则在其中扮演了十分重要的角色。探究二者之间的联系,对于深化清诗学、清代文学批评史的研究尤其对考察唐宋诗之争的流变意义重大;对于丰富宋诗史、宋诗学的研究也颇有价值。本文以笔者所调研的七十种清代宋诗断代选本为研究对象,采用文献与批评相结合的研究方法,探讨清人编宋诗选本的动因及其主要特征,梳理宋诗选本与唐宋诗之争之间的关系,并选取一些有代表性的选本,开展深入的个案研究,做到宏观研究与微观剖析的有机结合。绪论部分对研究对象进行了界定,分析研究现状,并介绍本文的研究方法、思路及意义。第一章依次叙述了宋诗选本的三个发展阶段:宋代—宋诗选本的发轫期、元明—宋诗选本的中衰期、清代—宋诗选本的鼎盛期,并分析此驼背状发展格局形成之原因。第二章探讨清人编辑宋诗选本的主要特征。首先,选家获取稿源手段的多样性与综合性。其不仅综合运用了购买、家藏、借钞、征稿等传统方式,还可凭借记忆编辑选本,或以他人选本为祖本进行二次选编。手段的多样保障了稿源的充足,可资选家更好地甄取。其次,编刻时间及地域上的不平衡性。时间上,康熙、乾隆两朝是宋诗选本编刊的高潮,所产生的选本数量占总数的63%,这与二帝高度重视文治、清初经济的迅速恢复与繁荣、清初宋诗风的兴起、文网高张下文人的趋利避害等因素都有关系。地域上,江南地区是清代宋诗选本的主要产地,三分之二的选本出于斯,这与其深厚的文化积淀有关。江南经济富庶,可为编刻选本提供资金保障;先进的文化教育,既为宋诗选本的编辑孕育了大批优秀的选家,又为其流通开辟了广阔的读者市场;江南又素以藏书精富著称于世,即为选本的编刊提供了充足的底本;刻书业的高度发达,则为宋诗选本的刊刻提供了技术保障,故其地编选繁盛乃势之使然。第三章探讨清人编宋诗选本的动因。概括而言,主要有四种:对唐宋诗之争的回应、溯源诗教以改变颓靡的诗风、指导初学、辑存文献。清代宋诗选本,加强了与诗学思潮、经世致用、诗以存史等方面的联系,遂使其批评价值、文献价值都得到极大提升。第四章从诗学流衍的角度,先后梳理了由宋迄清历代宋诗选本与唐宋诗之争的相互关系,以管窥宗唐、宗宋势力之消长。比较而言,清代二者的关联更为紧密,清人选宋诗大都基于或宗宋、或宗唐、或唐宋兼采的立场,多少与唐宋诗之争有所牵连。选本一时成为诗争的特殊阵地,是丹非素。而经过清初近百年的诗学发展,人们对主奴唐宋之流弊已有清醒的认识,至乾隆朝则逐渐走上唐宋兼采、不拘一家的道路。第五章为几种代表性选本的专题研究。第一节通过对相关文献的钩稽,指出吴之振诗学思想上宗宋而不废唐,能转益多师;探讨吕留良对《宋诗钞》成书之贡献;叙录经眼《宋诗钞》的版本;考证出三余堂藏板的《宋诗钞选》约刊刻于嘉庆以后。第二节探讨《宋诗啜醨集》编者潘问奇的遗民生活对其诗歌创作的影响,以及此书尊唐黜宋的批评主调。第三节叙录寓目《宋诗别裁集》的版本;考证出张景星为松江府人,并勾勒其家族图谱;归纳此选的批评宗旨:推崇理学、唐宋兼采。结语部分概括文章主要内容,并对今后努力的方向作了说明。附录四种,从文献的角度,对所调研的七十种清代宋诗选本的卷数、刊刻时间、版式、收录情况、编撰优劣、版本流衍、书目著录、选家概况、藏书单位等信息加以叙录,制表列举其成书形式,并迻录寓目选本之序跋及《宋诗类选》的征引书目,这些工作或可为学界的相关研究提供参考。

【Abstract】 Anthology is one of the most important means for the transmission and the criticism of the literature works. It has become a hot topic recently and achieved a lot. However, the study on the Song Anthologies of the Qing Dynasty is still in a poor state, hence, it should be imposed much attention in future. The Song Anthologies of the Qing Dynasty are affected by many elements such as the policy, the economy, the zone culture, the book-storage, the publishing capacity, the literacy of the selectors and the demands of the readers, except that, they also have some relationship with the poetry writing ,the Poetry School and the Poetry Theories of the Qing Dynasty. The anthology played a critical role in the debate between Tang Poetry School and the Song Poetry School which was a conspicuous characteristic of the Qing Poetry. In this point, the study on the relationship between the anthology and debate will deepen the study of the Poetry Theory and the history of the literature criticism of the Qing Dynasty. Meanwhile, it will also benefit a lot for enriching the research of the history of Song Poetry and the Song Poetry Theory. This thesis will focus on the survey of the 70 Anthology exclusively by Song poets but selected in the Qing Dynasty, the causes and the main features of anthology edition, the relationship between Song Anthology and the debate between Tang Poetry School and the Song Poetry School, basing on the combined methods of documentary and critic. Of course, some very anthologies will be picked up as the examples, in order to mix up the macroscopic research and the microscopic study.The content of the preface contains the following three aspects, such as the subject that this thesis concerns, the present situation and the methods, the clue and the significance. In the first chapter, the thesis narrates the three periods of the development of Song Anthology, that’s the developing period (the Song Dynasty), the declining period (the Yuan and Ming Dynasty) and the prime period (the Qing Dynasty). Then the thesis also tells the readers the reasons why there comes the unparallel situation. In the second chapter, it will analyze the main edition characters of the Song Anthologies of the Qing Dynasty. First and foremost, the selectors could obtain the poetry source by multiple means which could provide them ample source and let them make full use of them. So they could not only use the ways of buying, storing, borrowing, requesting, but also the ways of memorizing or basing on others’selections. Besides, there was the imbalance in the terms of the times and the areas of the publishing. In the terms of the times, the anthology came to its prime in the KangXi and QianLong period which took up 63 percent of the total number of the whole Qing Dynasty. The result stems from the situation of the early Qing Dynasty such as the two emperors focused much attention on the literature, the economy revived and prospered swiftly, the popularity of the song poetry and the scholars took to the writing in order to get ride of the persecuting. While in the terms of the areas, JiangNan relying on the two thirds of the total number of the anthologies became the key area of the Song Anthologies. This has much relation with its profound literature history. The flourish economy provided stable funds for the block-printers to publish the poetry. Some of the countless talents played the role of publisher, while the others became the main readers of the publication. Except those above advantages, JiangNan was also honored by its vast books of real quality and the publish industry, which gave the best sources and excel skills to the publishers. All of the above elements contribute to the flourishing of the publishing of JiangNan area.In the third chapter, the thesis probes into the causes of the edition, which can be summarized as four, that’s the response to the argument between Tang Poetry Scholar and the Song Poetry Scholar; the aim to change the declining present currency with the help of the origin of the poetry; the guideline for the freshmen of poetry learning; the storage of documents. The Song Anthologies of the Qing Dynasty enhanced the relationship among the current of poetry, the utility and usage and the storage of the history, and meanwhile, the value of the criticism and documents are ascended. In the forth chapter, aiming to make clear of the situation of the debate between Tang Poetry and Song Poetry, the thesis will arrange the mutual relation between the debate of Tang Poetry and Song Poetry and the Song Anthologies that from Song Dynasty to Qing Dynasty. Comparing to other dynasties, the relationship of them in the Qing Dynasty was more intimate. The purposes of the Qing citizens were either praised the Song Poetry or praised the Tang Poetry, or praised the both. All in all their attitudes had something to do with the debate. So the selection became the special front to express their standpoints. Not until to the period of QianLong, did the scholars begin to accept both Tang and Song Poetry, realizing the disadvantage of the debate.In the fifth chapter, the thesis mainly does some research on certain important anthologies. That’s in the first part, to reveal the trait of Wu Zhizhen’s wholesome poetry ideas, namely, he sticks to the Song Poetry Theory but not repels the Tang Poetry Theory; to praise Lv Liuliang’s contribution to the accomplishment; to display the editions of the Song Shi Chao the author have witted and to testify the time of selection of song shi chao of the San Yutang which came out no early than JiaQing period of Qing Dynasty. All of them are based on some relative documents. In the second part, the thesis will talk about the affection of the experience as an adherent of former Ming Dynasty (the person didn’t submit to the new emperor, living in the period that a new dynasty replaced the old one) of Pan Wenqi to his poem writing who is the author of the Song Shi Chuo Li Ji and his criticism ideal that respected the Tang Poetry while looked down upon the Song Poetry. In the third part, the paper mainly casts spotlight on the following content: listing the editions of the Song Shi Bie Cai Ji; obtaining the idea that Zhang Jingxing’s hometown is SongJiang Fu, then sketching his family genealogy; summarizing the goal of this book, that’s taking the Neo-Confucianism as the standard and accepting the poetry theory of both Tang and Song. In the conclusion, there is a review of the whole content of the thesis and the author’s researching direction in the future. There are four attachments of the 70 Song Anthologies of the Qing Dynasty in the end of the thesis. The content comprises the rolls, the time, the edition, the content of each anthology, the quality of the publishing, the transmission of the edition, the catalogs, the introduction of the selectors and the places that store the anthologies. Besides, the publishing process will be listed in a table form, the prefaces and postscripts will be attached and the books’name that the Song Shi Lei Xuan has cited will also be showed in the attachments. The author of this thesis hopes all of them can give reference to the academic field.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期