

Humid Personality in the Historical Current

【作者】 陈发明

【导师】 刘祥安;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 本文旨在以中国现当代文学中一九八〇年代(具体指一九七〇年代末至一九八〇年代末)小说创作为研究对象,以寻绎新的、能揭示一九八〇年代中国小说创作发展趋势的历史叙述为旨归,以历史的美学的方法,对一九八〇年代中国小说创作作展开深入的分析和研究。本文共分六个部分。导论:本部分从中国二十世纪美学与政治的紧密关系分析入手,指出中国一九八〇年代小说是在中国社会历史转型的背景下发生,并且呼应了这一意义巨大的历史转型;在描述国内外研究状况基础上,立足批判解构的立场,对一九八〇年代的小说创作予以新的叙述;并从美学形态入手,提出优美形态的小说这一概念,指出所谓优美形态的小说,无论是在小说描写表现的对象,叙述者对于这样的人生与世界的态度,还是小说的文本都表现出与崇高形态的小说不同的一系列特征;进一步分析这一美学形态背后的社会历史和意识形态内容,指出本文的研究意义。第一章:本部分主要过时间、空间、人物、情节等小说形态的结构性要素,对优美形态小说展开分析论述。优美形态小说在时间表达上,解构了线性“宏伟时间”叙事模式,确立了个人化经验时间的表达方式;在空间叙事上,致力于揭示庸常人生自为的世俗化空间;人物的性格不是小说的首要目标,世俗生活中卑微人物不再是批判、启蒙、改造的对象,而是认同与欣赏的“客体化”风景;“自然化”成为情节编排的标准,世俗生活逻辑决定了情节要素的运行准则。第二章:本部分主要从美学与性别冲突的视角考察一九八〇年代优美形态小说的性别意识,结合小说创作情况,分析、探讨崇高美学对性别的扭曲乃至改写情况,重点分析优美形态小说在对生活的观照方式、人物表达、场景描绘等方面呈现的女性化文本特征,揭示其背后的叙事动机。第三章:本部分首先探讨中国二十世纪崇高形态叙事对日常性卑微个体的批判、改造,讨论其背后的意识形态内涵;然后分析一九八〇年代日常卑微个体重现的文化思潮背景;最后讨论一九八〇年代文学实践对日常性、世俗化的卑微人生的呈现形式,重点分析讨论刘心武等京味小说、李庆西的《人间笔记》和新写实小说中的个体形象,揭示其精神特征。第四章:本部分主要内容是探讨优美形态小说对社会历史与现实的观照方式,深入分析汪曾祺、林斤澜和池莉的小说是如何冲决崇高形态历史叙事成规,如何对历史与现实展开个性化想象,并进一步揭示这一历史叙事的深层意识形态内容。结语:概括优美形态小说在一九八〇年代的价值、意义,指出汪曾祺、孙犁、林斤澜、阿城等人的创作是相互关联、并体现了新的历史发展趋势的一脉,为一九八〇年代小说史研究提供了新的具有学术意义的历史叙述,并试图立足小说艺术的支点,结合崇高与优美的美感互补关系,对日常生活叙事提出自己的见解。

【Abstract】 This essay aims to research into the literature written in the 1980s (Specifically from late 1970s to late 1980s )through the insight into the trend of the novel in that historical period.The essay lies in six parts.IntroductionThis part involves the close relationship between the 20th-century aesthetics and discloses that the novels in the 1980s was written under the background of the turning point of the society and coordinates with the turning point; On the basis of the description of the research home and abroad ,this essay tries to describe the novel through criticism and proposes the concept of“embellished novel”.“Embellished novel”refers to the symptom that either the character depicted in the novel or the attitude shown by the narrator towards life and the world or the writing skills itself show a series of different qualities varied with the“noble novels”; Besides, the novel further analyzes the content of history as well as ideology and advance the significance of research.Chapter One: This part discusses the“embellished novel”from the structural elements such as time, space, character, plot etc. The embellished novel interprets the linear narrating model called“grand time”and establishes the expression mode as personalized time; as to the spacial narrating line, it embodies the common atmosphere existed in common life; the Humble personality is no longer the sole aim of the novel and the character is no longer the object to be criticized, enlightened and transformed, but the scenery appreciated and approved; naturalism becomes the criteria of the plot arrangement of the plot and the pace of life in society set the standard of the plot.Chapter Two: This chapter probes into the view of sexual distinction combined with the writing of the novel to analyze the wrenching of the sex in the novel and lay an emphasis on the lifestyle, character expression and the situation description which conveys the clear female significance. Chapter Three: This part focuses on the interior ideology behind the description of the criticism and reform of the Humble personality in daily life and analyzes the background of the cultural tide shown by the humble individual in the 1980s and pays close attention to the daily narrating of LiuXinwu, the Diary in the World by Li Qingxi and the individual image and exposes the spirit.Chapter Four: This part is related with the approach into the comparison between history and the reality and analyzes the novel written by Wang Zengqi, Lin Jinglan and Chi Li on the theme how to contradict the traditional narrating rule and how to develop individual imagination toward history and reality and further discloses the deep ideology pattern.Conclusion: To conclude the value and significance, it is obvious that the writings of the Wang Zengqi, Sun Li, Lin Jinglan and A Cheng are interrelated ,which reflect the new historical trend to provide the reference to the research into the literature in the 1980s and attempts to offer personal opinion upon the basis of the art of literature with the combination of the high prestige and beauty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期