

A Study on the Jiangsu Lost Chorography Compiled from Yong Le Da Dian

【作者】 崔伟

【导师】 王鑫义;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 历史文献学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要对明代官修大型类书《永乐大典》残卷中的江苏佚志及其佚文进行研究。明成祖朱棣命解缙、姚广孝、王景、邹辑等人纂修的大型类书《永乐大典》,依洪武正韵“用韵以统字,用字以系事”,辑录了上自先秦,下迄明初的八千余种古籍资料。宋元以前的佚文秘典,多藉以保存流传,即便是现在存世不多的残卷也具有很高的文献价值。中华书局曾先后影印出版了《永乐大典》残卷近八百卷,马蓉,陈抗等学者据影印本及其他海外典藏辑出了九百种方志,包括总志七种,方志八百九十三种,于2004年由中华书局出版了《永乐大典方志辑佚》一书,其中收录江苏省方志六十八种,去除同书异名者,共四十八种。本文以《永乐大典方志辑佚》为底本,结合2006年出版的古方志学家张国淦先生所著之《永乐大典方志辑本》,按照江苏省现行政区分章对其中的佚志进行逐部研究。少数对重要典籍文献有校勘和辑佚价值的现存方志,如《大典》本《金陵新志》,也加以研究。《大典》本江苏方志所涉及的地区包括南京、上元、江宁、溧水、溧阳、江浦、邳州、山阳、淮安、淮阴、清河、盱眙、盐城、扬州、仪征、泰州、高邮、兴化、海门、镇江、句曲、句容、常州、江阴、无锡、苏州、吴县、宜兴、长洲,近三十个市县,四十八种方志中,佚志有四十三种。其中多宋元古志,佚文价值较高,有的在明清时就已佚失,如《宝祐惟扬志》、《金陵志》等。《大典》本江苏佚志的内容涉及[山川]、[湖泊]、[人物]、[诗文]、[艺文]、[官署]、[仓廪]、[物产]、[寺庙]、[宫室]、[古迹]、[村寨]、[宦迹]、[祥异]、[遗事]诸多方面,保留了许多珍贵的史地、经济和文化方面的资料。本文对《大典》本江苏佚志的研究,概括而言,主要包括三个方面:一是对志书编纂的研究,即梳理各地区的方志编修源流,借助前人成果,尽可能考证出佚志的编纂时代,纂修人生平、学术背景以及考证《大典》本佚志的同书异名现象。二是对佚文进行逐条考释和研究,这包括运用史源学等方法结合正史、前人文集、著述以及现存方志等典籍,解释佚文内涵并发掘其史料价值;三是做一些对佚文和现存典籍文献比对、校勘和辑佚的工作。本文既利用《大典》佚文订正了传世文献的一些讹误,也利用传世文献订正了《大典》佚文存在的讹误。同时,又发现了不少可用于辑补相关总集或别集的诗文。总的来看,本文通过对《大典》本江苏古代方志及其佚文的系统研究考释,逐步掌握了一些研究历史文献的门径和方法,可为以后的学术研究打下良好的基础。

【Abstract】 This thesis is main about study on Jiangsu Chorography compiled from Yongledadian which are great books compiled in Ming Dynasty.Yongledadian were compiled by Xiejin,Yaoguangxiao,Wang Jing and Zhouji etc who obeyed Imperial edict of Emperor Zhudi. Yongledadian were very precious for included about 8000 kinds of books from pre Qin dynasty to Song dynasty. For history reason, only a little of this great book were handed down. During the 1950’s, Book Bureau of China investigate carefully on the fragments of Yongledadian. In 1980’s and 2003 Photoprints of books in Yongledadian Remained were published by Book bureau of china. These Photoprints is basis of study on Yongledadian.Chorography is a subject emanated from ancient China,which saved many costful information in different areas about personality, history, geography, learning, religion, products etc of ancient era. Scholar Quanzuwang in Qing dynasty is a pioneer of compiling chorography from Yongledadian. But he compiled only one chorography named ningbofuzhi. The pioneer of compiling chorography in numbers from Yongledadian is Mr. Zhangguogan in twentieth century who was accomplished in textual reaseach.His main literature of compiling chorography from Yongledadian is Yongledadianfangzhijiben which We named Jiben for short in this thesis. In this book Mr. Zhang research about every chorography he compiled,his comment about these chorographies were very important reference of our study. Anther important book of compiling is Yongledadianfangzhijiyi by Marong and Chenkang etc. which published.by Book Bureau of China in 2004. For having more datum, Yongledadianfangzhijiyi, for short, Jiyi had compiled some chorographies that Jiben had not compiled,in another word, Jiyi is more full than Jiben. So we mainly study the chorogrophies of Jiangsu Province in Jiyi.Yongledadianfangzhijiyi include 68 kinds of chorographies of Jiangsu province which deal with Nanjing,Zhengjiang,Changzhou,Suzhou,Huaian,Wuxi etc,about 30 cities and counties. Study on these Chorographies is a work of significance that can help us knowing about the economy, politics, culture of these areas in ancient, perfecting literature handed down.The main content of this thesis is about these aspects:Make clear the headstream of chorographies in relational areas; Do the best making clear the time that every chorography compiled,at the same time,we’ll try beating out all life of the author of each chorogrophy,then study his academic thought; exegesis fragments of Yongledadian one by one digging out historical value of it;do some works such as proofreading、emending and compiling,finding some poems and articles of the ancients that be lost.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期