

【作者】 王志飞

【导师】 郭霞珍;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 中医基础理论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 藏象学说是中医理论体系的核心内容,是中医学整体观和系统观的典型代表。藏象系统实质上是一个以五脏为核心,联系人体六腑、五体、五官、五窍、五声、五志及自然界五方、五季、五气、五色、五味、五化等要素而形成的以整体性为主要特点的大系统。因此,对藏象学说的研究,必然要将人放在自然的整体,即时间和空间的构架中去考虑。本研究即从时间结构的角度研究藏象学说,以“心应夏”理论为入手点,从文献和实验两方面探讨“心应夏”的调控机制,以期为藏象的时间结构本质研究提供线索。1目的:以中医“心应夏”脏腑适应性调控机制为研究对象,从气化的角度入手进行理论研究,并在此研究基础上,通过对心血管系统受体调控的实验研究,探索“心应夏”的具体内涵,探讨中医藏象学说的科学性及其实验研究的可行性思路,从而为中医藏象学说的研究提供实验上的支持。2方法:2.1理论探讨采用文献学的研究方法,探讨了中医“法时”思想的科学性,梳理了心藏象的理论结构,提出了从气机升降角度来探讨“心应夏”学说的可行性,并概括了“心应夏”脏腑适应性调控假说。2.2实验研究2.2.1实验设计:松果体是光照刺激与机体反应的中介,它一方面接受视网膜传入的光照信号,一方面将此信号转变为褪黑素的节律性分泌,对全身多系统、多器官产生调节;心血管系统受体是心血管系统功能调控的基础,无论是神经调节还是体液调节,受体都是极为重要的环节,并对调控的性质起决定性作用。本实验通过摘除松果体以阻断光信号转导通路,观察心血管系统功能和其受体变化,并阐释产生这一变化的内在调控机制。2.2.2实验动物:SD大鼠,雄性,80-100g/只。随机分成生理组、模型组和伪手术组;自然光照,自由摄取食水,室温饲养;在每年冬至、夏至日前一个月分别对模型组和伪手术组大鼠实施松果体摘除手术和伪手术,术后饲养到二至日断头处死,取心脏、主动脉、股动脉和松果体以备测指标。2.2.3检测方法:心率和血压采用大鼠血压仪直接检测;受体采用酶联免疫法检测。2.2.4分析方法:统计学分析使用SAS8.2统计分析软件。2.2.5结果:发现松果体介导的光信号转导通路在将季节性光照信号传入机体的过程中起着关键性的作用,但可能并非唯一的通路;血管的季节性调控并非单一方向的舒缩调控,但其调控的强度却有冬夏季节的不同。从心主血脉的角度认识“心应夏”,可能主要表现为其调控功能在夏季的加强。3结论:3.1“心应夏”调控以心主血脉为基础,但不能简单地理解为心血管舒缩功能的季节性不同。心血管系统的调控在夏季加强,可能是“心应夏”脏腑适应性调控的一个重要方面。3.2在“心应夏”的调控网络中,松果体介导的光信号转导通路起着重要作用,但并非沟通人与自然界季节变化的唯一途径。因此推测,“心应夏”脏腑适应性调控应该存在多方面的调节机制,有必要进一步深入研究。

【Abstract】 1 ObjectiveThis study tries to find the meanning of the adaptive regulation of "the heart responding to summer", and explore the impossible methods of empirical study in Visceral Manifestatina Theory research. The study has two parts, the theoretical research makes views of the functional activities of qi, and the experimental study observes the receptors in diovascular system.2 Methods2.1 The Theoretical ResearchThis article using philological method to explore the scientific connotation of "corresponding to nature", card the theoretical structure of the heart zang-organ, put forward the feasibility of studying "the heart responding to summer" theory from the view of the functional activities of qi, and then summarize the hypothesis of "the adaptive regulation of the heart responding to summer".2.2 The Experimental Research2.2.1 Collectivity designPineal gland secretes melatonin to regulate the activity of body organs according to the light signal which accepted by retina; Receptor is very important to the functional regulation of diovascular system, and dicides the result of the functional regulation. So, this study interferes in the secretion of pineal gland, and research the change of receptor’s expression in summer and winter.2.2.2 Experiment animalSprague-Dawley male rats, weighted 80-100 gram, were randomly divided into groups as normal, model, false operation, natural light, ate and drank freely, room temperature.The false operation and the operation of removal pineal gland were carried out at 1 month before the Winter Solstice and the Summer Solstice each year, rats were bred after the operation and were decollated at night on the Winter Solstice and the Summer Solstice.2.2.3 Test methodsHeart rate and blood pressure are detected with the BP-98A sphygmomanometer; and the receptors are detected with the method of enzyme linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA).2.2.4 Analysis methodsThis study use SAS8.2 to do statistical analysis.2.2.5 Results:This study finds that the optical signal transduction pathway with pineal land maybe not the sole way to to communicate body and nutrue, and the strength of regulation is diffirent in summer and winter. So, the "the heart responding to summer" theory maybe showed as the strength of regulation.3 Conclusions3.1 Controlling blood circulation is the base of "the heart responding to summer" theory, but we could not understand it as vasomotor directly. The strength of regulation in summer and winter may be the meaning of this theory.3.2 The optical signal transduction pathway with pineal is very important in the adaptive regulation course of "the heart responding to summer", however, it may be not the sole way to to communicate body and nutrue. So, it’s necessary to study deeply.
