

Study on Mechanism of Flocculant Dissolving and Automatically Adding

【作者】 高贵军

【导师】 寇子明;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 机械设计与理论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本项研究得到山西省公关项目(絮凝剂配制及自动添加关键技术与装备研究051169)、阳煤集团重大科技项目(选煤厂絮凝剂自动添加系统GY0426)、西山煤电重大科技项目(絮凝剂配制装置及添加技术的研究与应用07140109200705)、太原市大学生创新基金项目(浓缩机防压耙报警装置的研究8122005)的资助。随着综采技术和洁净煤技术的快速发展,原煤入选量越来越大,产生的煤泥水也越来越多。为了降低企业成本,节约水资源,节约煤炭资源,如何加快煤泥水沉降实现洗水循环利用成为许多研究人员关注的课题。絮凝剂的出现促进了煤泥水处理关键工艺之一的浓缩技术发展,一定程度上提高了浓缩效率。絮凝剂本身难溶解的特点和对煤泥水絮凝沉降规律有着巨大的作用,使得如何控制其溶解添加成了制约煤泥水浓缩处理的重大难题。煤泥水的絮凝沉降是一个受多种因素影响的复杂的物理化学过程。首先是絮凝剂溶解效果的影响。絮凝剂是长分子链的有机物质,溶解越充分其活泼基团暴露在外面的越多,会更多地吸附煤泥水中悬浮颗粒。其次是絮凝剂的添加的影响。实践表明絮凝剂的添加要适量,过少起不到加速沉降的效果,过多不仅浪费絮凝剂,而且还可能出现压耙事故。再者是浓缩机的压耙状态检测。只有保证浓缩机运行正常,絮凝剂添加规律才能起作用,才能正常有效地处理好能够循环利用的煤泥水。这三者互相配合、协调统一才能维持浓缩池的有效作用,改善煤泥水的处理效果,为企业和社会创造效益。因此,作者提出了絮凝剂溶解液制备、絮凝剂溶解液自动添加、浓缩机运行工况监控的关键技术研究。论文分析了煤泥水的性质和影响煤泥水沉降的因素。利用现代计算流体力学FLUENT软件,对浓缩机在不同入料方式下的浓缩池内部流场进行了动态仿真,深入分析了浓缩池流场对于煤泥水沉降的影响。在此基础上又应用多相流理论对浓缩池煤泥水沉降规律进行了仿真,得出浓缩池内煤泥水沉降规律的数学模型(利用实验测得的浓缩池中煤泥水浓度分布规律对仿真数学模型进行了验证和修正,为絮凝剂自动添加控制提供了理论基础。论文分析研究了絮凝剂物理化学性质,提出了用溢流形成的流动水面来分散药剂和旋流器紊流场浸润药剂相结合的絮凝剂预溶解方法。利用正交实验方法对于影响絮凝剂溶解的温度、搅拌速度和搅拌时间关键因素进行了显著性研究,并给出推荐溶解条件。综合以上研究结果研制了絮凝剂溶解液制备装置。应用计算机仿真技术确定了溢流堰预溶装置结构参数,应用实验研究,验证了絮凝剂溶解液制备装置良好的溶解效果。絮凝剂自动添加控制采用前馈与反馈相结合的控制方法。在前馈环节研究中,提出了基于流量和浓度检测的——煤泥水干煤泥量预添加控制机理。在反馈环节研究中,提出了以浓缩池煤泥水沉降数学模型为基础的煤泥水溢流浓度的间接检测技术。这项技术可以实现浓缩池内多项指标如煤泥界面、溢流浓度、底流浓度等的检测,同时实现了这些指标测量的连续性。在控制策略中使用模糊控制策略,根据经验建立了模糊控制规则表,并应用simulink仿真技术对于模糊控制规则进行了仿真试验研究。基于前馈和反馈的絮凝剂自动添加控制系统获得国家发明专利(ZL200610102033. 2),并经山西省科技厅组织的专家鉴定,确认达到国际先进水平(061160)。通过对电流型压耙检测报警装置在周边轨道传动浓缩机上的失效机理分析,提出了随动压耙报警装置。通过建立压耙报警的数学模型,进行报警阈值设定。在实验中再次修正各项指标设定,取得了比较满意的结果,并获国家发明专利(ZL200610102034.7)。根据以上研究结果对絮凝剂溶解液制备及自动添加系统提出模块化设计方法和模块配置表。根据不同选煤厂的实际情况可实现快速方案设计。工业试验运行情况表明,基于模糊控制的絮凝剂溶解液制备、自动添加控制装置和随动压耙检测装置的分别应用和有机组合应用,可以适合于不同选煤厂的煤泥水沉降控制。对煤泥水溢流浓度的有效控制,降低生产成本,防止压耙事故的发生,提高企业的经济和社会效益,具有十分重要意义。

【Abstract】 This study is supported by the project in Shanxi Province PR (automatically add the flocculant preparation and study of key technology and equipment 051169),Yangquan Coal Industry’s major technology project (flocculant automatically adding system of washers GY0426) , Xishan Coal and Electricity Company’s major technology project (research and application of flocculant preparation equipment and adding technology 07140109200705) and Taiyuan University Students innovation fund project(study on anti-pressuring rake of thickener and alarming device 8122005)With rapid development of the mechanized mining technology and clean coal technology, the amount of coal selection increases, resulting in more and more slime water. In order to reduce costs and save water and coal resources, many researchers concerne about how to accelerate slime water settling and water recycling. The emergence of flocculant improved one of the key process enrichment technology developments for treatment of the slime water and improved the efficiency on certain extent. Which that the characteristics of flocculant difficult to be dissolved and the significant role of flocculent about slime water settlement rules make the control of its water-soluble slime to add constraints become a major problem.Slime water settlement is complex physical and chemical processes which is impacted by variety factors. First, effected by flocculant dissolution. Flocculant is a long molecular chain of organic matter. The more adequate dissolved, the more active group exposed flocculant will be absorbed more suspended particles. Second, effected by flocculant adding. Practice shows that flocculant adding must be appropriate, otherwise, it would not achieve the effect of accelerating settlement and wastage and may occur pressure rake accident. Furthermore, it is impacted by pressure rake state detection. Only which ensuring the concentrator running normally, flocculant adding in order to work laws make concentrate machine has a normal settlement rules. These three parts complement each other in order to maintain the harmonization of effective role and to improve slime water treatment effects, and create benefits for enterprises and the society. Therefore, the authors propose that key technology research about preparation of flocculant dissolution and automatically add the dissolved flocculant’s liquid and thickener operation condition monitoring.The nature and factors impact slime water sedimentation are analyzed in this paper .Modern computational fluid dynamics software FLUENT are used to simulate the concentrated pool of internal flow field in different feeding modes and then deeply analysis the concentrated pool of water flow field for the settlement of slime water. On this basis, application of multi-phase flow theory concentrated pool of slime on the settlement of law of the simulation of water. Thesis has been concentrated pool of slime water sedimentation law mathematical model.The actual measured sedimentation law is used to optimized the mathematical model. That provides a theoretical basis for automatically flocculant adding controlThe flocculant physical and chemical properties is analyzed in this paper, and the method useing the overflow water to disperse flocculant and the cyclone turbulent field to soak flocculant is presented. Orthogonal experimental method is used to study critical factors impact of flocculant dissolution temperature and of stirring speed and stirring time. And dissolution recommends conditions is given. Based on above, the flocculant dissolving liquid preparation device is designed in this paper. And in this paper computer simulation technology is use to determine the structure parameters of the overflow pre-dissolving device. Experimental results show that the flocculant dissolving liquid preparation device has a good effect.The combining method of feed-forward and feedback controll is used in flocculant automatically adding controll. Flocculant adding control mechanism basing on the net amount of slime is proposed in studying on feed-forward part. Study on the feedback part, author put forward a indirect detection technique about concentration of thickener overflow which bases on the law of the of slime water. This technology can detect a number of indicators, such as the slime interface, overflow concentration, the concentration of underflow’s. In the control strategy using fuzzy control strategy, based on experience building a fuzzy control rule table and the application of stimulant tool for fuzzy control rules, a computer simulation was studied. That the system of flocculant automatically adding based on feed-forward and feedback control access to national patent (ZL200610102033. 2) and Shanxi Provincial Science and Technology Department experts confirmed that it reached the international advanced level (061160).The failure mechanism that current-pressure rake detection alarm device is used on driving around the thickener is analyzed and the servo anti-pressure rake alarm device is proposed. Pressure rake alarm mathematical model is stablished and according model the alarm threshold is set. In the experiment author amended the target setting again and achieved satisfactory results. The device obtains the national invention patent (ZL200610102034.7).Based on above study the modular design method and module configuration table about the system of flocculant dissolving and automatically adding is designed in this paper. Industrial experiments shows that the fuzzy control-based flocculant dissolution fluid preparation, automatically adding controls and servo anti-pressure rake alarm can be either used by organic combination of applications or individual. The system is very significant about effective controlling overflow and reducing production costs and preventing pressure rake and improving the enterprise’s economic and social benefits.
