

A Study on the Effects of Social Capital upon Firm’s Regional Relcation Behavior

【作者】 常伟

【导师】 张道宏; 胡海青;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 跨地域转移是企业生存和发展的重要战略决策,对企业绩效和当地经济发展均有重要的影响。但从目前的实际情况来看,跨地域转移还存在盲目性、跟随性、布局不合理性的特征,这已经成为增强企业竞争力的严重制约。在经济全球化的大背景下,开放的资本投资体系给企业提供了一个在全世界范围内接触互补性资源的机会。然而,仅仅存在机会是不够的,企业必须意识到这种机会的潜在价值,并有相应的能力以利用这种机会。因此,探讨企业如何依赖其所在集群提供信息,并利用自身能力捕捉战略机会,推动企业跨地域战略转移的成功,具有战略性的现实意义。本文正是围绕着这一核心问题展开研究。以往针对企业跨地域转移的研究中,各种宏观视角下的研究占据了理论研究的主流,而以企业的跨地域转移决策为研究对象的微观分析视角相对较少。本文以企业的跨地域转移决策为微观研究对象,提出了模式选择和行动特征的构建以刻画企业的跨地域转移行为。本文主要提出了要解决的三个研究问题:第一,如何刻画企业跨地域转移战略行动的微观特征;第二,企业所在集群内嵌入的社会资本对跨地域转移模式选择和行动特征的影响;第三,投资所在地的环境不确定性对于社会资本与跨地域转移的关系调节作用和影响。为了解决上述问题,本文在理论和相关研究文献的回顾基础上,首先对博世力士乐和JF半导体两家企业进行了深入的访谈和案例分析,随后对陕西省内多个地区的企业进行实地调研,对跨地域转移行为影响因素进行了探索性因子分析以形成合适的研究问卷,并进行了大样本的问卷调查,即采用典型案例分析和大样本数据分析相结合的方法对本文提出的理论假设进行了实证检验。本文的主要创新点为以下几个方面:第一,通过引入“行动特征”与“模式选择”两个关键的战略行为变量,更加细致地刻画了企业在面临跨地域转移决策时的战略选择差异性。从微观视角分析企业跨地域转移行为,并将企业跨地域转移通过模式选择(整体转移和部分转移)和行动特征(独立转移和集体转移)的方式进行刻画。不同的转移方式存在着显著的组织间资源、信息和能力上的差别要求,对企业及其所在集群的影响也不同,转移所带来的风险和收益也存在差异。第二,提出了可以从社会资本的结构维度和关系维度角度来分析企业跨地域转移决策行为,拓展了社会资本理论在研究企业战略转移行为方面的应用。企业所在集群的社会资本的结构特征、关系特征对于企业跨地域转移行为有显著影响,相关结论表明,位于有着广泛异质性的集群内,非中心位置,且与主要合作伙伴保持着密切的联系关系的一家企业,更有可能采取独立行动、部分转移的跨地域转移战略模式;反之,则更有可能采取跟随行动、整体转移的跨地域转移战略模式。这一结论大大拓展了社会网络理论对于组织战略行动选择的解释。第三,解释了投资环境不确定性对外部社会资本与集群中企业跨地域转移关系的调节作用。投资所在地的环境不确定性对于社会资本-跨地域转移决策的关系存在调节作用,具体而言,投资所在地的环境不确定性程度越高,异质性程度高、非中心性、联系强度高的企业采用独立行动、部分转移的倾向性将下降。这样的结论说明企业的跨地域战略决策既受到自身所在的集群网络内部的结构、关系特征的影响,同时也受到投资所在地环境引发的不确定性和风险的影响。第四,构建了基于社会资本的集群内企业跨地域转移的概念模型,力图更加全面地解释处于同一集群内企业在面临战略转移过程中的选择差异性的微观机理。通过采用探索性因子分析方法,对影响企业跨地域转移的相关因素进行确认,以此尽可能地保证概念模型的科学性,然后应用大样本统计分析的方法对相关假设进行实证检验。基于层次回归模型和结构方程模型的结果均显示出样本数据对于本文假设的支持,论文最后对相关假设的结果进行了讨论分析,研究结论可以帮助企业有效降低转移战略的高风险,并采取合理有效的措施去改进企业社会网络,同时为迁出地与迁入地的企业机构、行业协会和利益相关决策者提供基础性的研究资料和参考依据。

【Abstract】 The cross-regional relocation is an important strategic decision-making for the enterprise survival and development, which has an important impact on the enterprise performance and local economic environment. However, on the view of China’s current actual situation,cross-regional relocation has the features of blindness,following accuracy and irrational distribution,which has seriously constrained China’s enterprises to enhance the competitiveness. In the backdrop of the economic globalization, the open capital investment system has provided a worldwide opportunity for the enterprise to touch the complementary resources. However, the mere existence of such an opportunity is not enough, and companies must be aware of the potential value of such opportunities and own the corresponding ability to make use of such an opportunity. Therefore, it has the strategic and practical significance to explore how companies rely on their cluster to provide information, and how to use its ability to capture strategic opportunities to promote the success of the cross-regional strategic relocation. This article is precisely centered on this core question.In the past research for the enterprise cross-regional relocation, the research under a variety of macro-perspectives has occupied the mainstream while the study on the decision-making of the enterprise cross-regional relocation is relatively rare. The decision-making of the enterprise cross-regional relocation is studied as the micro object and the model choice and the construction of action features are proposed to characterize the behavior of enterprise cross-regional relocation. Three main research issues are put forward in this paper. The first one is how to describe the micro-features of strategic action of the enterprise cross-regional relocation. The second point is about the effect on the model choice and action features of the cross-regional relocation The third one is on the effects of the uncertainty of local investment environment for the relationship of the social capital and the cross-regional relocation. In order to solve the above problems, on the basis of review of theory and related research literature,the author for this paper has had in-depth interviews and case studies on the compnanies of Bosch Rexroth and semiconductor crystal, then has made field research on a number of the enterprise in a lot of regions of Shaanxi province, and has conducted a large sample questionnaire survey, that is adopting the method of combining typical case studies with large sample data analysis to empirically test the theoretical assumption in this paper. The main research innovations in this paper are following aspects.First of all, through the introduction of two variables of key strategic behaviors -- the "action features" and "mode selection", a more detailed portrait of the differences of the enterprise in the decision-making process of relocation is proposed. The author analyses the behavior of enterprise cross-regional relocation from the micro-perspective and describes the behavior of cross-regional relocation as model choices (the overall relocation and part of the relocation) and action features(independent relocation and mass relocation). The different ways of relocation have significant difference requirements on inter-organizational resources, information and capacity, which have different impacts on their host clusters. The risks and benefits of the relocation are also different.Secondly, the proposed framework from the social capital perspectives to analyze the decision-making behavior of relocation expands the social capital theory and business strategy theory in the study the application of the relocation behavior. The structural and relationship features of the socal capital in the enterprise clusters have significant effects on the behavior of the enterprise cross-regional relocation. These findings indicate that the enterprise which is in a cluster of broad heterogeneity in the non-central location and maintains close links with key partners is more likely to use the strategic cross-regional relocation model of the independent act and the part relocation. On the other hand, the enterprise located in a relatively high homogeneity within the cluster, the center position, and linked not closely enough with key partners.is more likely to adopt strategic model of cross-regional relocation with following the action and the overall relocation.This conclusion greatly expands the explanation of the social network theory for options of organizational strategy action.Thirdly, the moderating effects of environmental uncertainty on the relationship between external social capital and relocation behavior are analyzed. The uncertainty of the location for the investment environment has regulating effect on the relationship between social capital and decision-making of the cross-regional relocation. In particular, the degree of the uncertainty of the location for the investment environment, heterogeneity, non-central and contact intensity is higher, the less likely for enterprises to use the independent action and part relocation it is. Such a conclusion shows the cross-regional strategic decision-making is influenced not only by internal structure and relationship characteristics within their own cluster network but also the uncertainty and risks caused by the investment environment.Fourthly, based on the above reviews of existing research findings, this paper constructs a conceptual model of cross-regional transfer based on the social capital, which gives a more fully explanations about the enterprises in the same cluster play different strategies of relocation process in the face of the strategic differences about the choice of micro-mechanisms. Though the use of exploratory factor analysis, we ensure the scientific nature of the conceptual model about the possible factors for cross-regional transfer; and then we apply the method of statistical analysis of a large sample to test the relevant empirical hypothesis.The results from both hierarchical regression models and structural equation models are indicative of supporting for the hypothesis. The final results are then discussed, the research findings can help companies reduce the high-risk of relocation strategy, and to take reasonable and effective methods to govern the corporate social networks. The results also give valueable suggestions for business organizations being moved in-and-out, the trade associations and the desion-makers in various stakeholders.
