

【作者】 李飞龙

【导师】 李东朗;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 中共党史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 从新中国成立到改革开放初期的三十五年(1950—1985),中国农村社会经历了土地改革、社会主义改造、人民公社化运动、三年自然灾害、“三级所有、队为基础”管理体制的确立、“四清”、“文革”、家庭联产承包责任制建立等一系列的重大的变动。每一次重大的变革都给中国农村社会带来剧烈的影响:或带来积极的影响,推动农村社会的发展,或带来灾难性的打击,导致了经济的倒退;或对农村少部分人影响巨大,或波及到农村中的多数人;或政治冲击明显,经济和农民生活影响甚小,或政治影响不大,经济和生活受到冲击。在诸多反映农村社会生活变化的因素中,农村社会的婚姻与家庭无疑是其中最重要的因子之一,这也是本文的述论所在。农村中的婚姻问题。首先,本文探讨了婚姻的准备阶段,即结识、择偶与婚龄。中国农村婚姻结识方式经历了包办婚姻→媒人牵线→中间人介绍→自己结识的发展过程,在新中国成立以后的三十五年里,几个形式都有体现,并且互相交织。从总体上看,中间人介绍是这一时期的主流。在择偶时,农村青年男女在考虑诸多因素的过程中,门当户对是最重要的一条标准。在改革开放前,阶级出身也是择偶时必须考虑的重要因素之一。在婚龄问题上,在新中国成立以后的三十五年中,男女结婚年龄总体上是上升的,大部分地区都已经符合国家婚姻法的规定。其次,讨论婚姻的礼仪。婚前的礼仪一般来说可以分为三个阶段:即提亲、相亲、订婚。在中国农村社会中,婚礼的重要性要强于婚姻登记,青年男女只有办了婚礼以后才能得到农村社会的认同。在建国以后三十多年的历史变迁中,彩礼和嫁妆变化也很大,支付方式逐渐演变为唯一有效而实用的单一形式,即现金。再次,本文涉及婚姻的解体,即离婚。从20世纪50年代以来,中国农村的婚姻保持着极低的离婚率,这与改革开放的今天都存在着很大的差别。在分析诸多离婚率低的原因之时,农村社会网络和法律的调节程度是最重要的原因之一。到了70年代末期,随着离婚调节程序更替、人口流动增加、大众传媒方式改变和生活质量的变化,中国农村社会的离婚率明显提高。最后讨论的是婚姻圈。从新中国成立到改革开放初期,中国农村社会的婚姻圈经过了一个循环变化的过程。婚姻圈的外沿由大变小,再变大;婚姻圈内核中心地带先是由内聚发展到均化、再内聚。20世纪50年代的婚姻圈和改革开放初期的婚姻圈具有极大的相似之处。农村中的家庭问题。首先讨论家庭的结构和规模。从家庭结构上看,20世纪以来,中国农村家庭小型化趋势加剧。从新中国成立以后,由于中国农村兄弟分家提前,核心家庭和主干家庭占据着绝大多数比例。从家庭规模上看,在1950年代和改革开放初期户均人口向小型化发展,不过1962年以后,是一个家庭规模的增长时期,一直持续到70年代末期。其次讨论的是家庭的功能和家庭关系。在家庭功能上,中国农村社会的家庭一般具有经济功能、生育和性生活功能、教育和抚养功能、赡养功能等多种形式,在新中国成立以后的三十五年中,家庭功能的表现形式有很大差异。在家庭关系上,主要讨论了夫妻关系、亲子关系和婆媳关系。从总体上看,家庭内部的关系不断向民主化方向发展,妇女和子女的地位不断提高。最后是家庭生命周期与分家析户。在新中国成立以后,家庭的生长周期的变化出现新的特点,直系联合家庭不再出现,家庭生命周期由繁变简。分家析户问题是和家庭生命周期紧密相连的,分家析户的越早,家庭的生长周期就越短。通过对三十五年中国农村婚姻与家庭的讨论,本文认为:首先,国家对农村社会婚姻与家庭的影响是显而易见的,这种影响曾经迫使传统的以血缘关系为基础的社会等级和社会结构边缘化,农民的私人生活领域也受到重大影响。其次,在这一历史时间段内,社会变迁和社会延续这两种趋势在新中国成立以后农村社会的婚姻与家庭中都有所体现,这两种截然相反的发展趋势在建国以后的三十五年内相互共存,社会变迁中的变与社会延续中的不变交织于整个农村社会之中。最后,婚姻家庭的建立是农村社会网络搭建,创建熟人社会网络的重要途径。新中国成立以后,应该说原有的农村关系网络并没有消亡,而是通过农村社会的婚姻与家庭形式,顽强的存在。改革开放初期的农村社会网络在扩大的同时,这种网络变得松动和脆弱。在现代建设新农村社会之时,这一点无疑值得思考。

【Abstract】 In the stage from the founding of new China to early days of the reform and opening up (1950-1949), China’s rural society has experienced a series of major changes, such as the land reform, the socialist transformation, the people’s commune movement, the three years of natural disasters, the establishment of the management system based on“three-levels ownership, with the team as the base”, the“four clearings”, the“Cultural Revolution”, the establishment of household contract responsibility system. Each of the major changes have had impact on China’s rural society to a certain extent, either had a positive effect to stimulate the development of it, or had a devastating blow to cause an economic setback; sometimes, they impacted on small number of people, sometimes impacted on the majority of people; sometimes they had significant political impact, but little economical and social impacts, sometimes, had little political impact, but significant economical and social impacts. For the large number of factors that reflected changes of rural social life, there is no doubt that the rural marriage and family is one of the most important one.Marriage problem in rural areas. Firstly, the paper discusses the preparation phase of the marriages: meeting, choosing of potential spouse and reaching the marriage age. China’s rural marriage ritual had undergone development stages through arranged marriages to matchmaker to introduction by acquaintances to free love. All forms of marriage forms were observed and intervened in the thirty-five years from the founding of new China to early days of the reform and opening up. Overall, the introduction by acquaintances was the main method during this period. When choosing a spouse, it seemed that the matching of the social status of the two families was one of the most important factors that are considered by young people. Before the reform, the social group of the other spouse was a factor that could never be overlooked. About the age of marriage, age of both male and female when first marriage takes place tended to increase over time in those 35 years. The ritual before the actual marriage was generally in three stages: proposition, meeting and engagement. Secondly, in rural Chinese society, the importance of wedding ceremony was more important than registration at the local civil administration departments. Only after the young couple had had their wedding ceremony, could they be recognized by their society. Also among the changes, the changes of gifts to the bride’s family by the bridegroom’s family and the bride’s dower were also very significant. They changed from many different forms to only one form, i.e. cash. Thirdly, the paper discusses the dissolution of marriage that is the divorce. Since the 1950s, China’s rural areas had maintained a very low divorce rate, which is different from today. In analyzing the many causes of low divorce rate, the rural social networks and the degree of legal regulation was one of the most important reasons. Since the late 1970s, the divorce rate has increased significantly with the change in divorce mediation process, increased population mobility, change of mass media and quality of life in rural society. Finally, the marriage circle will be discussed. China’s rural social marriage circle had changed through a circular changing process in the thirty-five years since the founding of New China. The outer ring of marriage changed from big to small, then back to big again; the core of the marriage ring changed from cohesion to averaged, then cohesion again. The marriage circles were similar between those in the1950s and those in the early days of the reform and opening up. Discussion about the family in the rural areas. Firstly, the structure and size of the family will be discussed. From viewing the family structure, the family appeared have the trend of miniaturization since the beginning of the 20th century. Since the founding of new China, the proportion of nuclear families and the stem families occupy the majority of the families because of early separation in rural brothers. Judging from the family size, the number of people per household became less in the 1950s and the early days of the reform and opening up. But from the year of 1962 to the end of 1970s, the family size underwent a growing period. Then, discussion is about the family functions and family relations. Generally, the rural families had a number of functions such as economic function, having children and sexual function, education and support functions, maintenance functions, and others. And these family functions were shown in very different ways in the thirty-five years since the founding of New China. The discussion mainly focused on the relationships between husband and wife, parent and child, and mother and daughter. Overall, the direction of the relationship development in the family tended to democratize, the status of women and children continued to improve. Finally, the discussion is about the family cycle and the separation of families. After the founding of New China, the growth cycle of the family showed a new feature, Lineal joint family no longer existed. The growth cycle of the family changed from complicated to simple. The separation of the household was linked to the growth cycle of the family, the earlier the separation of households, the shorter the growth cycle of the family.By the discussion about the 35 years’marriage and family life in Chinese rural areas, this paper argues the following points. First of all, the state had an obvious influence on the marriage and family life in rural society. The impact had caused the marginalization of traditional social hierarchy and social structure, which was based on the traditional kinship. The private lives of the rural people were also significantly affected. Secondly, in this period, social change and social continuity were reflected in marriage and family life in rural Chinese society after the founding of new China. These two diametrically opposite points mutually coexisted in those 35 years, and were observed through out the whole rural society. Finally, the establishment of marriage and family was an important way to structure the social network and create acquaintance social network. After the founding of New China, it should be said that the existing network of rural areas did vanish, but lived on in the forms of marriage and family in the rural community. In the early days of the reform and opening up, the expansion of rural social networks, at the same time, the network became looser and more fragile. During the establishment of a new rural society in the modern time, it certainly deserves further consideration.

【关键词】 社会变迁农村婚姻家庭三十五年
【Key words】 social changerural areamarriagefamily35 years
  • 【分类号】K27
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】3272