

【作者】 邓向辉

【导师】 康绍邦;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 国际政治, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 能源是关系到国民经济发展和国家安全的重要资源,随着全球对能源渴求的不断加剧,能源不但成为世界经济贸易与竞争的重要内容,而且成为大国之间政治博弈的着力点,是引发地缘政治格局演变的重要因素。世界各能源中心越来越成为世界各大国争夺的焦点,综合运用政治、经济、外交和军事等多种手段保障本国的能源安全已经成为世界各国必然的战略选择。而油气资源储量和产量丰富的非洲对能源消费国来说具有相当大的诱惑力,近年来世界各大国纷纷抢滩非洲,围绕非洲油气资源的争夺已经达到了白热化的程度。在这场争夺战中,以美国为首的西方国家占据了优势地位,中国等发展中国家正在奋起直追。非洲是世界八大产油区之一,然而大自然在赐予他们财富的同时并没有赐予他们和平与安宁。由于能源的巨大吸引力,该地区成为各利益集团和跨国公司竞相争夺和角逐的热点。因此,在研究该地区能源问题的时候,不能仅仅关注其丰富的能源储备,还要看到其背后各股国际政治势力的较量,看到能源与地缘政治格局的互动。美国、欧盟、日本、俄罗斯、印度是当今世界的主要战略力量,但是他们的能源状况和能源利益各不相同。这些国家从本国实际和国家利益出发,纷纷制定了不同的非洲能源战略,通过政治、经济、外交、军事等各种手段以期在激烈的竞争中占据有利地位。众多非洲产油国由此被推向了世界政治经济舞台,围绕该地区油气资源的争夺大有愈演愈烈之势。由此将直接影响到国际能源格局的调整和能源生产国及消费国之间的政治关系和国际关系,已经成为国内外研究机构和专家学者关注的重大课题。中国作为世界上最大的发展中国家,也是能源资源分布不均衡的国家,要实现全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标,就必须有效解决能源问题对中国经济发展的制约,主动参与到国际能源的竞争与合作中去。中非传统友好关系源远流长,在政治关系稳定、经贸关系逐步深入的大背景下,加强双方在能源领域的合作势在必行。在实施能源进口来源多元化战略的过程中,中国已经将非洲作为一个重要来源区纳入战略考虑甚至将之视为中国石油外交战略的一个重要支柱。非洲油气资源丰富,开发潜力巨大,这对中非双方来说都是难得的机遇,一方面可以帮助非洲国家将资源优势转变成发展优势,同时也可以缓解中国国内的能源短缺问题。随着中非交往的日益密切,合作内容也由过去单一的石油贸易扩展到石油勘探和开发领域,中非能源合作呈现良好势头。与此同时,中非能源合作也面临一些严峻的挑战。中国在与非洲国家开展能源合作的过程中,应当充分发挥自己相对于西方国家的比较优势,积极致力于公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序的建立,以实现与非洲国家平等互利互惠的“双赢”目标。随着中非合作论坛北京峰会的召开,中非之间必将在更大范围、更广领域、更高层次上开展合作,中非之间在能源领域的合作也会走的更稳、更远。本文从梳理国际能源格局的演变入手,在分析非洲能源状况及在国际能源格局中的地位和作用的基础上,进一步探讨了当今世界主要大国的非洲能源战略,主要研究了当今世界上比较有影响、有代表性的大国和大国联盟,美国、欧盟、日本、俄罗斯和印度的非洲能源战略。中国作为仅次于美国的世界第二大消费国,为了确保本国能源安全,坚持“走出去”和“引进来”相结合,将非洲作为其重要的能源来源地之一。本文在研究中国当前的能源安全形势和能源战略的基础上,深入探讨了中非能源合作的现状,面临的机遇与挑战,非洲社会经济发展与中非传统友好关系对中非能源合作的影响以及如何加强新世纪的中非能源合作。虽然非洲地区油气资源的勘探和开发不能代替中东在国际能源市场上的地位,不能从根本上打破世界石油资源的分布格局,但是随着非洲石油储量的不断增长,将影响到国际石油航线的走向。这不仅对21世纪非洲的社会和经济发展带来史无前例的发展机遇,而且也会在相当程度上改变世界石油市场的分布格局。

【Abstract】 Energy is an important resource that related to the development of national economy and national security. With the global growing for energy thirst, energy is not only an important part of global economic trade and competition, but also becomes the focus of the political game in the major powers, it is the important factors of evolution of global geopolitical pattern. The world’s energy center has increasingly become the focus of the world’s major powers struggle. Comprehensive use of political, economic, diplomatic, and military and other means to protect the country’s energy security has become an inevitable strategic choice of countries around the world. Africa that the oil and gas reserves and production are rich is having considerable allure to the main consumer countries. In recent years, the major powers have a beachhead in Africa, the competition for African oil and gas resources has reached a fevered pitch. In this battle, US-led Western countries occupy the dominant position, China and other developing countries are catching up.Africa is one of the world’s eight major oil producing areas, however, when nature gives them the wealth, it doesn’t give them peace and tranquility. As the great attraction of energy, the region has been hot spots various interest groups and multinational companies scramble and contest. Therefore,when we study energy issues in the region, not only concerned about its rich energy reserves, and also see the contest of international political forces behind them, and see the interaction of energy and geopolitical pattern. U.S., EU, Japan, Russia and India are the world’s major strategic forces, but their energy situation and energy interests are different. These countries have developed a different energy strategy for Africa according to their actual situation and state interests, they use political, economic, diplomatic, military and other means in order to occupy a favorable position in the fierce competition. Thus many African oil-producing countries are pushed to the world political and economic arena, the competition around Oil and gas resources of the region become increasingly fiercer. So this will directly affect the adjustment of the international energy pattern and the international and political relations of energy producing and consuming countries, it has become a major issue the domestic and foreign research institutions and scholars concern. China as the world’s largest developing country, its distribution of energy resources is uneven, to achieve the goal of building a moderately prosperous society, it must effectively address the issue of energy constraints on China’s economic development, and actively participate in international competition and cooperation of energy. China-Africa traditional friendly relations is so long that it is imperative to strengthen bilateral cooperation in the energy field in the context of stability in political relations and economic relations gradually in-depth. In the process to implement the strategy of diversified sources of energy imports, China has been Africa as an important source area into the strategic considerations even as an important pillar of the China’s oil diplomacy strategy. Africa’s oil and Gas resources is rich and the potential to exploit is great, this is a rare opportunity for both China and Africa, on the one hand ,it can help African countries turn resources into development advantages, on the other hand ,it also can alleviate the energy shortage in China. With the increasingly close contacts between China and Africa, the contents of cooperation from the previous single oil trade extend to the field of oil exploration and development, China-Africa energy cooperation show good momentum. At the same time, n is also facing some serious challenges. in the process of China-Africa energy cooperation, China should play its comparative advantage to Western countries, and actively engaged in establishing a fair and rational international political and economic new order to achieve equality and mutually beneficial "win-win" goal with the African countries. With the convening of China-Africa Cooperation Forum Beijing Summit, China and Africa will cooperate in a larger, broader and higher level. China-Africa cooperation in the energy field will be more stable and longer.This article starts with carding the evolution of the international energy pattern, on the of analyzing the situation and the status and role in the international energy pattern of Africa energy, and to further explore energy strategy for Africa of the major powers in today’s world such as United States, European Union, Japan, Russia and India. China as the world’s second largest after the US consumer adhere to combine with the "going out" and "bringing in" , and has been Africa as one of important energy sources in order to ensure national energy security. The last chapter on the basis of studying China’s current energy security situation and energy strategy, further discuses the status quo of China-Africa energy cooperation, opportunities and challenges facing, the impact of African socio-economic development and China-Africa traditional friendly relationon on China-Africa energy cooperation and how to strengthen China-Africa in new century.Although Africa’s exploration and development of oil and gas resources can not replace the Middle East‘s position in the international energy market, and not fundamentally break the distribution pattern of the world’s oil resources, it will affect the trend of international oil route with the growing African oil reserves. This will not only bring unprecedented social and economic development opportunities to the 21st century, but also to change the distribution pattern of the world’s oil market to a considerable extent.

  • 【分类号】D822.3;F416.2;F426.2
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1762