

【作者】 邵沁妍

【导师】 贾建芳;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 科学社会主义, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在中国共产党执政条件下,干部代表党执掌和行使权力,干群关系是党群关系的重要组成部分,党群关系直接体现为干群关系。作为我国社会关系中最重要的一对关系,干群关系的和谐与否直接关系到社会的和谐、稳定与健康发展,直接关系到党执政地位的巩固。本文在梳理马克思列宁主义和西方政治学关于干群关系的理论,总结前苏联和西方国家处理干群关系的实践经验,正确认识中国国情的基础上,阐明了干群关系的基本内涵和干群关系的理想状态。干群关系是指掌握一定公共权力和公共资源的领导者和管理者同在其领导下的社会各阶层群众之间在工作、生产和生活中产生、发展起来的相互联系。其实质是利益、地位、权力关系。其中,利益关系是干群关系的本质;地位关系是利益在社会等次关系中的表现;权力是应利益的要求而产生,为争取和维护一定社会主体的利益的社会强制力量。在社会主义条件下,干群关系的理想状态是指干部与群众之间平等相处、相互尊重、彼此信任、和谐共融的一种状态。本文在考察了新中国前30年干群关系发展历程、总结我们党认识和处理干群关系经验教训的基础上,着力揭示了改革开放30年来干群关系的新变化。不同历史阶段上,干群关系的状况不同。新中国建国初期,干群关系总体上是同甘共苦的和谐关系;社会主义建设初期,干群关系经历了曲折;“文化大革命”中,干群关系被严重扭曲。1978年以来,我国进入空前未有的社会变革时期,即社会转型期,亦即1978—2050年的中国现代化建设时期。由于改革开放的快速发展,中国社会出现新的变化,表现为:经济体制深刻变革,所有制结构和分配方式多元化转变;人口结构、家庭结构、就业结构、职业结构、组织结构、阶级阶层结构、收入分配结构、城乡结构、区域结构等社会结构深刻变动;利益格局深刻调整,社会各阶层的利益和个人利益进一步凸显;思想观念深刻变化,不同区域之间、阶层之间、代际的认识差异明显增加,形成社会共识和社会认同的难度加大。与此相适应,干群关系也出现一些新的变化。从总体上看,干群关系是健康的、和谐的、融洽的。但多样化的现实增加了密切干群关系的难度和许多不确定因素,在局部地方、特殊时期、特定环境和具体工作上,干群关系不和谐的现象甚至很严重,表现为干群之间收入差距拉大增加了群众对干部的不满;干群之间信任危机加重;干群之间日趋疏离;干群之间的对抗性增强;干群之间的利益冲突凸显;腐败向深层次发展。本文在分析社会转型期干群关系问题成因的基础上提出了密切干群关系的基本思路和对策。社会转型期干群关系问题,是由内因和外因相互作用而引起的。其中,根本原因在于权力和利益配置的不平等、不公正。同时,人们的社会行为是由社会心理直接支配的,社会心理因素是干群关系变化的外在因素。影响干群关系的利益因素主要表现为利益沟通机制不畅和利益分配失衡;权力因素主要体现为政府运用公共权力制定社会政策偏离公共利益、公共权力的违规运作以及公共权力的监督缺位;社会心理因素主要表现为当前社会心理普遍浮躁化、信仰危机和部分社会成员不公平感增强等对干群关系的负面催化作用。因此,实现社会转型期干群关系和谐,必须正确处理干部与群众之间的利益关系,始终坚持群众利益高于一切的立场和观点,以利益整合获取民心,建立利益发展机制、通畅的利益表达机制、合理的利益分配机制和完善的利益补偿机制;正确处理干部与群众之间的权力关系,以清正廉洁取信于民,各级领导干部要自觉坚持“一切权力属于人民”的权力观,真正把执政作为为群众谋利益的资格和条件,努力做好领导和支持群众当家作主的工作;正确认识和对待影响干群关系和谐的社会心理问题,努力营造有利于干群关系和谐发展的社会心理环境。

【Abstract】 Under the governance of Communist Party of China, cadres, in representative of the Party, are in control of and exert power. The relation between cadres and people is the important part of the relation between the Party and people, while the relation between the Party and people directly embodies the relation between cadres and people. As the most important one in our social relations, the harmonious relation between cadres and people will bring about the harmonious, steady and healthy development of the society, and stable authority position of the Party.Arranging the theory of the relation between cadres and people narrated in Marxism and the western political science, and summing up the practical experience of dealing with the relation between cadres and people in Soviet Union and western countries, the thesis expounds fundamental connotation and ideal situation of the relation between cadres and people based on the Chinese reality. The relation between cadres and people refers to mutual connection developed during working, production and life between the leaders and managers who are in control of certain public power and public resources and the people in every level who are under the lead ship. The nature of it is the benefit, position and authority relation. Among them, benefit relation is the essence of the relation between cadres and people; the position relation is the reflection of benefits distributed in the society. Authority comes to being under the request of the interest, and it is a kind of compelling power to gain and maintain the benefits of certain social main part. In the condition of socialism, the ideal relation between cadres and people is a condition of equal treatment, mutual respect and trust, and harmony.Exploring the development process of the relation between cadres and people during the previous 30 years, summarizing the experience of how the Party understood and dealt with the relation between cadres and people, the thesis puts more emphasis on the new changes between cadres and people during 30 years of implementing Reform-and- Opening policy. The situation of the relation between cadres and people varies on different historical stages. At the early period of Foundation of China, the overall relation between cadres and people is harmonious and they share both the happiness and difficulties. At the early period of the socialist construction, the relation between cadres and people met ups and downs. During Cultural Revolution, the relation between cadres and people was seriously distorted. Since 1978, our country has entered the unprecedented social revolution period, that is, social reforming period. Also, it is called China modernization period from 1978 to 2050. Because of the quick development during Reform -and- Opening period, there appear new changes,such as, revolution of economic system, change of ownership structure, diversification of distribution patterns, profound changes in population composition, family composition, employment composition, occupational composition, framework of organization, class stratum, income distribution composition, urban-rural composition and regional composition, complete adjustment of patterns of interest and conspicuous display of the benefits of every class and individuals, profound change of views and thoughts. With the obvious increasing diversity between different districts, classes, and inter-generations, it is more difficult to reach a consensus. Overall, the relation between cadres and people is developing healthily, harmoniously. However, the reality of diversion makes it more difficult to build a close relationship between cadres and people and brings about some uncertain factors. At some districts, in some specific periods, under certain conditions and for some specific work, the relation between cadres and people is seriously not harmonious. It can be seen form the following facts: the income gap between cadres and people is enlarging which leads to complaint from the people; trust crisis between cadres and people becomes more severe; cadres and people are becoming alien; cadres and people is conflicting; benefits distribution between cadres and people is deepening; contradict crisis is strengthening; corruption is more serious.Based on the analysis of the cause of problems in the relation between cadres and people during the conformation period of the society, the thesis proposes the basic train of thoughts and strategies of closing the relation between cadres and people. The problems existing in the relation between cadres and people are caused by both internal cause and inner cause. The fundamental cause lies in unequal and unfair distribution of benefits and power. In the meanwhile, people’s social behaviors are dominated by social psychology, and social psychology is the internal factor of influencing the relation between cadres and people. The benefit factor that influences the relation between cadres and people is the imbalance of benefits distribution and the block of communication channel. The authority factor is that social policies made by the government are deviating from public interests, and illegal operation of public power and lack of supervision. Social psychology factor is that people tend to be impatient and impetuous recently; belief crisis and the feeling of unfair are strengthening. Therefore, to realize the harmony between cadres and people, we should deal with the interests relation between cadres and people properly, and stick to the standpoint of people’s interests are the most supreme. To gain trust from people by distributing benefits properly, we should build an interests developing system, a smooth communication system, a proper interest distribution system and a perfect interest compensation system. We should handle properly the power relation between cadres and people so that we can gain trust from the people by integrity. All levels of cadres should stick to the idea of“all the authority belongs to the people”and take holding the reins of government as the qualification of seeking benefits for the people, and make great efforts to do a good job in leading and supporting people to be the master of the nation. We should understand and handle the social psychology factors properly to build a social psychology environment which is beneficial for harmonious development of the relation between cadres and people.

  • 【分类号】D262.3
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1352