

【作者】 黄海明

【导师】 刘海藩;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 政治经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 人类文明进步的历史,在很大程度上也是一部科学技术进步发展史。在这个历史进程中,世界的科学技术中心有过多次重大转移,从而也就引发了多次世界经济中心的转移。这就证明了科学技术是第一生产力的科学论断。回顾历史,我国曾经有过科学技术领先的辉煌,也曾数次与工业革命失之交臂,以致工业化的进程比西方发达国家晚了二百多年。党的十七大明确提出“提高自主创新能力,建设创新型国家”,并认为“这是国家发展战略的核心,是提高综合国力的关键。”在科技领域,高新技术处于现代科技的最前沿,高新技术及其产业的发展状况在一定程度上代表了一个国家科技自主创新能力的高低。当前,国际金融危机对世界经济格局和经济增长模式都产生了深刻的影响,世界正处于产业结构大调整、大变动的非常时期,挑战与机遇同在。这也为我国实现经济赶超和民族复兴提供了难得的历史机遇,如何抢占“后危机时代”竞争的制高点,是我国目前面临的重大课题。在此背景下,本文力图通过分析制约我国高新技术产业发展因素和我国高新技术产业发展政策中存在的不足,为我国提高自主创新能力,建设创新型国家;提高我国综合国力,增强国际竞争力;迎头赶超,促进我国高新技术产业的发展提供创造性的建议。本文坚持马克思主义基本原理、立场、观点和方法,综合运用抽象与具体相结合的方法、系统与联系的研究方法、规范研究与实证研究相结合的方法、归纳与演绎的研究方法、定性分析与个案分析相结合的方法以及对比分析方法,从理论和实践两个方面对我国高新技术产业发展政策进行深入分析。全文包括导言和正文五章,共六个部分。为了把握理论研究的最新动向,本文在查阅大量国内外文献的基础上,在导言部分总结了高新技术产业发展政策相关理论的研究现状。总起来看,国外的研究紧跟时代变化,不断赋予产业政策新的内涵;国内的研究注重解决实际问题。从研究方法上看这两方面都是本文需要借鉴的。本文首先系统回顾了产业政策的理论基础,概括了产业政策存续的理论依据。在综合诸多学者对高新技术产业政策和产业发展政策研究的基础上,对高新技术产业发展政策的概念、内涵进行界定,为以后的分析奠定了一般性的理论基础。同时,本文比较详细地分析了美国和日本的高新技术产业发展政策,为具体分析我国高新技术产业发展政策中存在的问题提供了一个参照物。然后,本文简要回顾我国高新技术产业发展历程,分析了目前我国高新技术产业发展中存在的突出问题和矛盾。带着这些问题,本文从宏观指导政策、重要?科技计划与项目、发展支撑政策三个层面对我国高新技术产业发展政策进行全面、认真梳理,重点分析了政策实施的效果、存在的问题与原因。最后,应用马克思主义经济学理论和产业经济学理论,根据以上对我国高新技术产业发展中存在的问题和政策中不足之处的详细分析,在发展战略、科技体制改革、具体发展政策三个方面提出了完善我国高新技术产业发展政策的具体举措。通过上述研究,本文得出以下主要结论:1、通过制定产业政策来促进本国高新技术及其产业的发展是各国通行的做法。但是,由于在综合国力、科技管理体制、高新技术产业发展战略等方面的差异,各国在具体的实施方法上又不完全一致。2、高新技术产业发展政策是一个政策体系。本文以马克思主义产业政策理论和科学发展观为指导,结合众多学者对产业政策的研究和产业发展政策在实践中的运用,对高新技术产业发展政策的定义、内涵进行新的科学界定,并把高新技术产业发展政策体系分为三个层次:宏观指导政策、重要科技计划与项目、发展支撑政策。3、分析我国高新技术产业发展现状得出,人才缺乏、融资渠道不畅和科技成果转化率低是三个亟待从政策层面加以解决的问题。这些问题的出现,既有科技管理体制上的原因,又有具体政策上的原因。本文提出应在科学发展观的指导下深化科技管理体制改革,并完善我国高新技术产业发展政策。同时,结合美国、日本的成功经验,对人才开发政策、金融支持政策和产学研政策提出新的政策建议。4、“后危机时代”是世界产业结构大调整、大变动的非常时期,机遇与风险并存。我国在一定程度上具备加快发展、迎头赶上、奋力抢占先机的条件。本文根据“后危机时代”的新形势和科技发展的新特点,提出应解放思想、抢占先机、加快制定高新技术产业发展的新战略,并以此促进科技创新、产业结构的优化和发展方式的转变。

【Abstract】 The history of human civilization and progress is largely a history of scientific and technological progress. In this historical process, the world’s center of science and technology has been changed several times, which also induces a shift of the world’s economic center. This proves that the science and technology is the primary productive forces. Looking back on history, Our country’s science and technology have been in the lead in the world, and have missed the industrial revolution several times, which lead to our country’s process of industrialization 200 years later than the western developed countries. The Report to the Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China has been show clearly "enhance the independent innovation capability and building an innovative country" and that "this is the core of national development strategy and the key to enhancing overall national strength."In science and technology field, high-tech is at the forefront of modern technology, and high technology and industrial development to some extent represents the ability of a country’s level of technological innovation. The current international financial crisis had a profound influence on the world economy and economic growth patterns. The world is in a very important period with the industrial structure readjustment and great change, and challenge and opportunity exist at the same time. This also provides a rare historical opportunity for our country to catch up with the developed countries in economic field and fulfill our national rejuvenation. How to seize the "post-crisis era" in the international competition is an important issue for our country. In this context, this paper seeks to analyze the factors which restrict our country’s high-tech industries and the weakness in our country’s high-tech development policies, and to provide creative industry’s proposal for enhancing the innovative capacity, building an innovative country, improving our country’s overall national strength, enhancing international competitiveness and the promotion of high-tech.The text can be divided into six parts including introduction.Introduction, this part of the paper briefly outlines the research background, purpose and significance,and summarize the research achievements on ?domestic and foreign research and gives a simple review, and then outlined the main contents of the paper and summarizes the major innovation points of this article.The first chapter analyzes basic theory of high-tech industrial development policy. The chapter laid a general theoretical basis for future analysis and research.The second chapter, the title of the chapter is the analysis and reference of developed country’s high-tech industrial development policy. This chapter provides a reference for specifically analyzing the issues which exist in our county in the high-tech industrial development policy.Chapter III analyzes the situation and problems in development of high-tech industries in our country. This chapter is the foundation for analyzing the policies of high-tech industry development, and to solve the problems is the ultimate objective to perfect our country’s policies of high-tech industry development.Chapter IV is the analysis of our high-tech industry development policy. The chapter can be divided into three parts, the third section describes the implementation situation of our country’s high-tech industry development policy, focusing on analysis of the effects of policy implementation, problems and causes.The last part is further improving our country’s high-tech industrial development policies. In the reform of science and technology system, I put forward to strengthen the relevant institutions‘functions of macro-management, optimize mechanism for Science and Technology Investment and improve the incentive mechanism to scientific and technical personnel. In the supporting policies of development, I propose the human resource development policy, financial support policies and cooperative policy of combination of production, studying and researching, and so on.The main conclusions of this paper are:1. It is a common practice for every country to set up industrial policies to promote local high-tech and industrial development. This paper is under the guidance of the Marxist theory of industrial policy and scientific outlook on development, combines with many scholars’researches on the industrial policy and industrial development policy in practice, and the definition and contents of high-tech industrial development policies are newly scientifically defined.2. High-tech industrial development policies are policies system. High-tech industrial development policies are combination of a series of policies, which can be divided into three levels: macro guide policy, development plans and projects, support policies of development. In order to achieve the goal to promote the development of high-tech industries, it is necessary to make these policies complement each other, closely co-ordinated.3. Through the analysis of situation of our high-tech industrial development, shortage of human resource, the lack of financing channels and too low of the technology transferring ratio are the major problems which must be solved immediately from the policy aspect. The emergence of these problems is because of both scientific and technology management system and specific policies. This paper points out that we should be under the guidance of scientific outlook on development to deepen the reform of scientific and technological management system, and improve our high-tech industry development policy. In the meanwhile, with the combination of the successful experience in the United States and Japan, I provide some new advisement on the human resources policy, financial support policy and the combination of production, studying and researching policy.4. "Post-crisis era" is a very important period with the industrial structure readjustment and great change, and challenge and opportunity exist at the same time. To some extent, our country has a better condition to accelerate the development to catch up with developed countries, struggle to seize the opportunities. According to the new situation and new features of the scientific and technology development in the“post-crisis era”, this paper suggests that we should emancipate our minds, seize opportunities, and speed up the development of new strategies for the development of high-tech industries, so as to promote technological innovation and optimization of industrial structure and mode of development changes.

  • 【分类号】F276.44
  • 【被引频次】12
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