

【作者】 卞靖

【导师】 徐祥临;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 政治经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 金融与经济的发展息息相关,新时期下,农村经济的发展、“三农”问题的解决、社会主义新农村建设,都对农村金融提出了新的要求。改革开放以来,我国农村金融体制历经变革,中央政府对这一工作高度重视。1983年以来的10个中央一号文件、1994年以来的中央年度经济工作会议、1997年以来的3次全国金融工作会议、党的十七届三中全会《决定》等重要文件和会议精神都曾反复提到要加大农村金融改革力度,大力发展农村金融,解决农民贷款难的问题。然而,在国民经济迅速发展、中央政府大力支持、科技水平大幅提高、金融机构资金充裕的大好形势下,我国农村金融市场却始终处于需求难以满足的局面,农村金融供求失衡问题始终没能得到很好的解决。原因何在?出路何方?为了解决这两个问题,本文在总结前人研究成果的基础上,以贷款交易成本的视角重新审视我国各类农村金融机构的变迁原因和制度缺陷,从融资成本、经营成本和风险成本三个方面对我国正规和非正规的农村金融机构进行交易成本分析,对我国当前农村金融供求失衡的原因作出更为有效的解释,进而以降低农村金融机构贷款交易成本为主线,提出解决我国农村金融供求失衡问题的有效对策。全文共由六个部分组成:第一章为绪论。本章从研究背景入手,简单介绍了我国农村金融存在的问题,梳理了金融与经济发展理论、金融抑制与金融深化理论和金融约束理论等现代金融理论以及相对应的农业信贷补贴论、农村金融市场论和不完全竞争市场论等农村金融的理论,并进一步回顾了交易成本理论的发展演变和国内外研究现状,确立了本文以农村金融机构贷款交易成本为切入点的研究思路,同时介绍了本文的研究方法和研究路线,并对全文的研究内容做了简要概述。第二章是对相关问题的现状描述和原因分析。本章首先回顾了建国后我国农村金融发展的四个阶段,随后从经济学的角度对金融供求失衡的标准进行了界定。在此基础上,论证了当前我国农村金融市场存在的供给严重不足的问题,并阐述了该问题给我国经济发展带来的五大不利影响。本章最后一节阐述了金融机构贷款交易成本的三个主要组成部分(融资成本、经营成本和风险成本),从理论上对我国农村金融失衡的主要原因进行了总体分析。第三章是对我国农村正规金融机构贷款交易成本的研究。按照一般分法,我国农村金融机构可分为正规金融机构和非正规金融机构,其中正规金融机构包括国有商业银行、邮政储蓄银行、农业发展银行和农村信用社(包括改革后成立的农村商业银行和农村合作银行)等。本章对这些正规金融机构的变迁进行了历史回顾,并从交易成本的角度分析了变迁原因,进而指出了各类农村正规金融机构在农村贷款交易成本方面的优势与不足。第四章与第三章相对应,是关于农村非正规金融机构贷款交易成本的研究。本章回顾了我国农村民间金融和农村小额信贷的发展历程,阐述了其在我国农村经济发展中的重要作用,分析了各自在贷款交易成本方面相对于农村正规金融机构的优势,指出了其具有顽强生命力的原因,同时也揭示了各自在发展过程中的失误与问题,最后对我国农村正规和非正规金融机构贷款交易成本的优劣之处进行了分析总结。第五章对国外典型国家的农村金融体系进行介绍和分析。本章分析了农业现代化程度极高的美国、农民合作组织极其发达的日本以及国情与我国相似的印度这三个极具代表性国家的农村金融体系,从交易成本的视角总结了这三个国家在解决农村贷款问题方面的经验与亮点,归纳了这三个国家的可取之处,为改革和完善我国农村金融体系提供了经验及借鉴。第六章是本文的最后一章,本章主要在前文分析研究的基础上,提出改革和完善我国农村金融体系的对策,力图从根本上解决我国农村金融供求失衡问题。本章以科学发展观为指导,以加快经济发展方式转变为途径,以降低农村金融机构贷款交易成本为主线,实事求是、以人为本、立足国情、借鉴经验,对我国农村正规金融机构和非正规金融机构的改革提出政策建议,并进一步提出完善农业保险、建立农村征信体系等有效降低交易成本的措施。本文的创新性研究主要在于从农村金融机构贷款交易成本的角度来研究我国农村金融供求失衡问题,并在此基础上进一步将交易成本分为融资成本、经营成本和风险成本三个部分,揭示了当前我国农村正规金融机构存在的贷款交易成本过高的问题,并系统地提出了我国农村金融机构改革的目标、框架和具体措施。然而,囿于相关参考资料不多的制约和对某些金融机构的数据收集的困难,本文没能通过建立数学模型对农村正规和非正规金融机构在贷款交易成本方面的差异进行量化分析,实为遗憾。希望未来能够在这一方面继续深入研究,力求有所突破。

【Abstract】 Since reform and opening up, the rural financial system of our country has changed a lot, the central government has aslo put a new premium on this work. Eleven No. 1 central documents since 1982, the annual Central Economic Working Conference since 1994, three national financial Working Conference since 1997 and many important documents and conference spirit ,for exmaple,the decision of the Third Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China have repeatedly mentioned that china will increase rural financial reform and vigorously develop the rural finance to solve financing difficulties facing the peasants.Although under the excellent situation of rapid development of national economy, considerable support of the central government, great improvement of technology level and financial institutions with abundant funds, the financial imbalances between demand and supply in our rural financial market has never been solved entirely.Why? What should be done?In order to solve these two problems, this paper re-examines the changing cause of rural financial institutions and the institutional defects in view of the transaction cost, based on the previous research achievements , analyzing the formal and informal rural financial institutions from three aspects of the financing cost,operation cost and risk cost, making more effective explanation to the current financial imbalances, and taking reduction of transaction cost as its storyline,the paper trys its best to propose the effective countermeasures. The whole paper can be divided into following six parts:The first chapter is introduction.Starting with research backgrounds,this chapter simply introduces the problems faced by rural finance, combs modern financial theories such as the financial and economic development theory, financial control and financial deepening theory and financial constraint theory, it meanwhile traces agricultural credit subsidies theory, rural financial market theory and imperfect competition market theory, and further reviews the evolution of transaction cost theory and relative researches at both home and abroad, establishing the loan transaction cost of rural financial institutions as the breakthrough point, introducing the research methods and maproad, and making simple summarization to the content of paper.The second chapter is mainly about descripton of the current problems and analysis of the reason. At first ,it reviews the development of rural finance after 1949 which can be divided into four stages,And then defines the standards of financial imbalance of the supply and demand from the perspective of economics, on the basis of them, this chapter demonstrates the current problem of being under supply seriously in our rural financial market, and expounds the five adverse effects which it brings to the economic development.The final part of chapter explains three main sections of loan transaction cost of financial institution(financing cost, operation cost and risk cost) ,and theoretically analyses the main reasons of rural financial disequilibrium in our country .The third chapter chiefly focus on the research about the loan transaction cost of formal rural financial institutions. by convention , the rural financial institutions in our country can be fallen into formal ones and informal ones, the former includes State-owned commercial banks, postal savings banks, agricultural development banks and the rural credit cooperatives (including rural commercial banks and the rural cooperative banks after reform) an so on. The chapter reviews the history of these formal financial institutions, analyses their changing resons in view of transaction cost and explores the advantages and disadvantages of them.Accordingly, The fourth chapter is about the loan transaction cost of informal rural financial institutions. This chapter reviews the development of rural civil finance and the credit of small amount in rural, expounds their vital roles during the development of rural economy in our country, analyses their advantages in comparion with the fomal financial institutions, pointed out the reasons of the dogged vitality of them as well as the mistakes and problems in their development processes, and summarize the advantages and disadvantages of loan transaction cost of formal and informal rural financial institutions in the last section. The fifth chapter introduces the foreign rural financial system. It takes three typical countries such as America with high degree of agricultural modernization and Japan with extremely advanced farmer cooperative organizations as well as India which is same as china for example,summarizes their experiences in solving rural credit problems from the perspective of transaction cost, provides excellent reference to reform and perfect our rural financial system.As the last chapter, chapter six tries to propose some suggestions to improve our rural financial system on the basis of the above analysis. This chapter, under the guidance of the scientific viewpoint of development,by the means of accelerating transformation of the mode of economic development,takes the reduction of the loan transaction cost as its storyline, projects advices on the reform of formal and informal rural financial institutions,and further gives some effective measures including improvement of agricultural insurance and establishment of rural credit system to reduce transaction costs .The innovation of this paper mainly lies in that it discusses the inbalance between supply and demand of rural finance from the perspective of transaction cost , divides transaction cost into three parts which are financing cost,operation cost and risk cost,reveals the current problem of high transaction cost in our rural formal financial institutions,and systematically puts forward the goal,framework and the concrete measures of reform of rural financial institution in our country.However,because there have difficulties to collect related material and data of some financial institutions, it is hard to make the quantitative analysis to the loan transaction cost differences between formal and informal financial institutions through the establishment of mathematical model, hope research in this area can be further continued and make a breakthrough in the future.

  • 【分类号】F832.35
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1540