

Emotional Attachement Effect on the Relation between Corporate Social Responsibility and Customer Loyal Intention

【作者】 陈业玮

【导师】 郝云宏;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工商大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着企业社会责任研究的不断深化,在理论界有关是否应该承担社会责任的争议已经逐渐趋于融合。只要现实中企业的社会责任行为没有造成长期利润的损失,而是为企业避免了与重要利益相关者对立所带来的生存风险,企业自然而然受到利益最大化的激励采取承担责任的行为。理论界关注的焦点从“为什么”渐渐转入“是什么”和“怎么办”。在现实中,越来越多的企业也树立起了社会责任意识,但是与切实的社会责任行动却仍然存在着巨大的差距。大量实证研究表明,企业社会绩效与企业财务绩效之间的关系十分复杂,存在正相关、负相关、不相关的严重冲突。意识相同,行为却不同;行为相同,财务绩效竟然不同。企业社会责任理论的融合后,企业社会责任实证的矛盾依然存在。另一方面,越来越多的消费者在购买产品时考虑企业的社会责任承担水平,运用“货币选票”来决定企业在市场上的生死存亡,企业社会责任行为对消费者的影响越来越显著,作为企业的关键利益相关者,消费者成为社会公众压力集团中越来越强大的力量。但是,基于利益相关者理论的框架,企业针对消费者承担的社会责任仅指针对消费者的切身经济利益,而消费者对企业社会责任的关注则已经从自身利益积极转变到他人的社会利益。“血汗工厂”的抵制行动,“汶川地震”捐款中力挺王老吉,都是鲜活的现实佐证。那么,从企业社会责任行为到企业绩效的转化过程中,究竟是否存在中间过程?这个中间过程又是如何影响企业社会责任到企业绩效的转化的?企业在满足了消费者的切身利益要求后,为什么还要以满足其他利益相关者要求的方式来获得消费者的认可?消费者除了切身的利益要求,还具有哪些利益要求?究竟什么样的消费者会对企业社会责任产生敏感性反应?企业又是通过何种机制来获得消费者的“货币选票”?本文从企业—消费者关系的视角出发,沿着“企业社会责任→消费者情感依恋→消费者忠诚意向”的研究思路,探讨从企业承担社会责任到消费者忠诚意向这一路径演化,试图对上述问题进行系统的分析。论文主要分为理论分析和实证分析两个部分。理论分析部分在国内外相关文献的基础上,依次梳理了企业社会责任理论、企业社会责任与消费者响应的研究成果和情感依恋理论,从而提出了本文的研究主题,即以消费者情感依恋为切入点来分析企业社会责任与消费者忠诚意向之间的关系。论文从企业—消费者的关系角度出发,分析了消费者情感依恋对“企业社会责任→消费者忠诚意向”的中介效应,探查了消费者个性特征中的利他性、活动需求、自我提升对“企业社会责任→消费者情感依恋”的调节效应,以及个性特征通过情感依恋的中介对“企业社会责任→消费者忠诚意向”的调节效应,从而提出论文的理论模型和研究假设。实证研究首先通过对企业社会责任水平进行控制,以环保、员工对待和慈善赠予为情境,通过问卷的方式对消费者进行个性特征调查以及消费者情感依恋和忠诚意向的调查;其次,通过探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析对理论模型进行测量和优化;最后,运用回归分析和方差分析方法对所提出研究假设进行了验证,确立了理论模型中消费者个性特征、消费者情感依恋对企业—消费者纽带的作用机理。本文通过理论分析和实证研究得出以下结论:(1)企业社会责任是利益相关者人格在企业内化的表现。企业为利益相关者提供了博弈的舞台,而利益相关者为企业注入了人格化特征。企业本身并无人格,只有人才可以通过规范内化进行自我赞扬得到自我满足、自我实现和自我丰富。消费者正是借助企业这个平台,从企业社会责任行为中获得利他性、活动需求和自我提升的满足。企业承担社会责任的行为就成为消费者人格在企业内化的表现。(2)情感纽带是企业—消费者关系的强烈联结。在市场经济主导的市场中,消费者具有众多选择,如何防止消费者的背叛,建立消费者的顾客忠诚,成为企业营销的重点。本文将消费者情感依恋作为中介变量,考察“企业社会责任→消费者忠诚意向”的关系。通过实证分析结果表明企业社会责任水平越高,消费者情感依恋就越高;消费者情感依恋越高,消费者忠诚意向就越高;消费者情感依恋对企业社会责任和消费者忠诚意向之间的关系起部分中介作用。具有情感依恋的消费者会保持顾客忠诚,甚至提升顾客忠诚。企业社会责任可以成为营销战略的一种工具来建立企业与消费者之间的情感纽带。(3)企业社会责任是消费者与企业进行人格关联的重要资源。本文将企业社会责任作为消费者对企业产生情感依恋的前因自变量,企业社会责任成为消费者与企业进行人格关联的一种途径。企业承担社会责任能够为消费者情感依恋所提供的资源包括享乐性资源、功能性资源和象征性资源,消费者能通过企业的这些资源提供得到自我满足、自我实现和自我丰富,企业承担社会责任可以从这三方面来促进消费者与企业之间的联系。(4)具有特殊个性特征的消费者对企业社会责任行为敏感度高。本研究发现具有特殊个性特征的消费者对企业承担社会责任行为的信息尤其敏感。企业社会责任成为消费者向企业投入情感依恋的重要信息来源,成为企业—消费者情感纽带的重要决定因素。这部分消费者的个性具有以下特征,即利他性要求高、活动需求高、自我提升要求高。(5)消费者的个性特征是决定企业获得“货币选票”的重要根源。本文从个性特征角度考察企业社会责任和情感依恋关系之间的边界条件,发现消费者的利他性、活动需求、自我提升对企业社会责任与消费者情感依恋关系起调节作用。消费者的利他性、活动需求和自我提升水平越高,企业社会责任对消费者情感依恋的正向影响就越强。由于个性特征的调节变量会通过情感依恋的中介变量影响消费者忠诚意向的结果变量。因此如果企业承担社会责任期望获得消费者忠诚,就必须通过满足消费者的利他性、活动需求和自我提升来得到消费者的情感依恋,进而获得消费者的“货币选票”。本文的研究意义主要体现以下在两个方面:第一,在理论方面,首先,本文为企业社会责任研究引入了新的范式。以情感依恋为中介变量,以消费者个性特征为调节变量,考察其对企业社会责任与消费者忠诚意向之间关系的作用机理。其次,本文为情感依恋理论找到了实证研究的新内容,以企业社会责任为前因变量,以消费者忠诚意向为结果变量,论证了以企业社会责任行为通过满足消费者在情感依恋上的自我满足、自我实现和自我丰富,建立企业与消费者之间情感纽带,进而获得消费者忠诚意向的演化路径。最后,本文为消费者态度理论找到进一步深化的方向。本研究将消费者个性特征和情感引入企业—消费者关系中,通过理论和实证的分析证明了个性特征和情感也是引发消费者行为意向的一个方面。第二,在实践方面,本文采用实证调查的数据研究了企业社会责任与消费者情感依恋之间的关系、消费者情感依恋与忠诚意向的关系、企业社会责任与消费者忠诚意向的关系、情感依恋对企业社会责任与消费者忠诚意向关系的作用、消费者个性特征对企业社会责任与消费者情感依恋以及忠诚意向的作用。本文为企业进行社会责任行为提供了可供参考的策略,包括:企业需从情感纽带出发建立与消费者的战略关系;企业承担社会责任需识别消费者的“自我”心理期望,企业承担社会责任行为应该从“心”出发,满足具有利他性、活动需求和自我提升消费者的需求。本文的创新点主要集中在以下三个方面:第一,以企业—消费者关系的视角研究企业社会责任行为。对企业社会责任的研究有两个不同的视角:企业外部视角和企业自身视角。前者从企业外部看企业,后者站在企业内部向外看。本文结合两种视角,将消费者视角内化为企业承担社会责任的内部动因,拓宽了企业社会责任理论的研究视野。第二,以情感纽带为切入点研究企业社会责任—消费者响应。提出了“企业社会责任—消费者情感依恋—忠诚意向”的研究模型,在企业社会绩效向企业绩效转化的路径上找到了新的中介变量,为企业社会责任理论引入了新的研究范式。第三,以心理学范式研究利益相关者框架下的消费者响应机制。以往利益相关者研究中,企业—消费者关系建立在相互利益满足的基础上,企业社会责任责任对特定利益相关者满足的要求多涉及经济层面。然而消费者对企业社会责任的关注远远超越自身的经济利益,还包括对环保、员工和慈善的关注。本文采用心理学研究范式分析消费者自我知识、自我体验和自我调节的内在需要,为企业社会责任的情感实现路径找到明确方向,拓展了基于利益相关者分析框架进行企业社会责任研究的关注焦点。企业社会责任是一个横跨哲学、社会学、伦理学、经济学、管理学、心理学的跨领域研究。本文提出的“企业社会责任→消费者情感依恋→消费者忠诚意向”分析框架只是一个初步的局部性框架。受数据、研究时间和个人能力的限制,本文的研究还有很多不足需要克服和完善。在本文研究的基础上,继续识别新的影响因素,深入探究他们发挥作用的机理,都是未来的研究方向。

【Abstract】 The gap of dispute has narrowed between whether it should take corporate social responsibility or not as CSR theory explores. When it takes advantage of the corporate social initiative to avoid against the important stakeholders without lost of long benefits, the firm would involuntarily intend to commit CSR for profit maximization. The academic focus has transformed gradually from why to what and how. Nevertheless, the firms in CSR practice just take the role of ideological giant but behavioral dwarf. Lots of empirical study show, it is so complicate of relation between corporate social performance and corporate financial performance. The two performances are simultaneously both positive related and negative related as well as irrelevant. The same CSR thoughts result in different behaviors while the same behaviors lead to different financial outcomes. The gap narrowing in the theoretical discussion does not fortunately happen in practical conflicts. On the other hand, consumers come to take the CSR in regard when they buy products, and the firms depend on critically their money votes. Corporate social initiative makes more and more significant effect on consumer response. As the key stakeholder to the firm, consumers come to gather the most powerful group in social public. The firm just satisfy the customers with their economic benefits, however, the customers has taken caring from own benefits to the others’ one with the proving of resistance to sweatshop and support to Wanglaoji in Wenchuan Earthquake donation. Is there any mediation in the transformation from corporate social initiative to corporate financial performance? And what is the mediate effect? After the satisfaction of own economic benefit, why consumers ask for more to identify the firm? What are those additional requirements? What kind of consumers would take sensitive reaction to the CSR? And what is the mechanism for firm to get consumers money votes?Focused on the relation between firm and consumers, the paper established a logic path of "CSR→Consumer Emotional Attachment→Loyalty Intention" to analyze systematically the relation between CSR and customer response. The theoretical study and empirical study are both applied in the research. First, it examines the CSR theory, CSR and customer response research and emotional attachment theory based on the international and domestic literatures. By the help of emotional attachment research, the paper studies the relation between CSR and consumer loyalty intention. On the view of firm-customer relation, the mediate effect of emotional attachment on CSR to loyalty intention, the moderate effect of customer personality traits (altruism, need of activity and self-enhancement) on CSR to emotional attachment, and the mediated moderatate effect of traits are explored. Second, the empirical research takes experiment to control the CSR level with the domain of environment protection, employee treatment and charitable giving. The investigation surveys customer personality traits, emotional attachment and loyalty intention by questionnaires. The theoretical model is tested for its reliability and validity by EFA and adjusted by CFA further. The hypotheses are proved to be true by the data analysis with ANOVA and regression method, and the theoretical model is explained of the personality traits and emotional attachment effect on firm-customer bond.Results indicate:(1) CSR is the internalization of stakeholders’personality inside the firm. Firm provides a stage for the stakeholders going while the stakeholders fill the firm with personality traits. Firm is not able to have personality. It is only human could get self-appraisal taking norm internalization to achieve self-gratifying, self-enabling and self-enriching. By the help from the firm, customer could satisfy its altruism, need of activity and self-enhancement from corporate social initiative.(2) It is the emotional tie that connects strongly between the firm and customers. As customers have various choices in the market economy, it is difficult to prevent betray and establish customer loyalty. Taking the customers’emotional attachment as the mediator variable, the paper investigates the relation of CSR loyalty→intertion and finds that, a high level of CSR leads to higher levels of emotional attachment than a low level of CSR; high customer emotional attachment results in high loyalty intention; customer emotional attachment mediates partially the effect of CSR on loyalty intention. Customers with emotiaonal attachment to the firm could keep even improve their customer loyalty through the affectional tie with the firm. CSR comes to be a mean of marketing strategy to set up the emotional bond.(3) It is indicated that CSR is the important resource offerred to the customers to make personality association with firm. Takeing the CSR as an antecedent of customer emotional attachment, the paper shows corporate social initiative provides hedonic, functional and symbolic resources for customer emotional attachment; with those resources supplied by firm, customers could realize self-gratify, self-enabling and self-enriching. By promotion of these three resources, corporate social initiative comes to be a mean to encourage customers’personality association and improve the connection between customers and firm.(4) Customers with specific personality traits would be more sentitive to corporate social initive. Thoses customers are identified with high altruism, high need of activities and high self-enhancement, which is contribute to firm’s marketing segment.(5) Customers’personality traits are proved to be one of the key origins of firm to achieve money vote. In the dimention of personality traits, the paper investigates the boundry of CSR and emotional attachment and finds that, it is altruism, need of activity and self-enhancement that moderate the relation of CSR and customer emotional attachment. The heterogeneity of customer makes variations on emotional attachment induced by CSR change. The more the customer is altruistic and the higher level of need for activity and self-enhancement, the greater the CSR alters customers’emotional attachment.The values of the paper are as follows:Theoretically, the paper introduced a new paradigm in the research on CSR. By the help of emotional attachment, the psychological paradigm is used to study the consumer heterogeneity on CSR and loyalty intention. In addition, the paper brings new practical topic to emotional attachment theory. The corporate social initiative builds emotional bond between the firm and consumers and satisfy the customers’ self-gratifying, self-enabling and self-enriching for emotional attachment. Moreover, the paper explores the attitude theory studying customers. By the help of emotional attachment research, it brings affection into the relation between customers and firm and indicates the emotion also cause customers’behavior intention through logical and empirical analysis.Practically, the paper surveys the CSR-emotional attachment link, customer emotional attachment-loyalty intention link, CSR-loyalty intention link and customers’personality traits affecting on CSR-emotional attachment. Recommendations are also discussed for firms:Firms should establish strategic relation with customers by emotional bond; Firms should distinguish customers’ psychological attempt of self when taking CSR; Firms should focus on sharing heart in stead of sharing wallet when taking CSR.The paper also blazes new trails as follows:First, the paper selects the view from relation of firm and customers to examine corporate social initiative. There are two angle of CSR study, one is from external of the firm and other is from internal. AS CSR is a topic connecting firm and society, it is inappropriate neither on external nor on internal. The link of firm and customer helps to takes a new look on CSR and customer response.Second, the paper pioneers the emotional attachment on the research on CSR and customer response. Most customer relation strategy is studied at the paradigm of satisfaction-trust-loyalty. But it is exclusive and unpredictable to keep customer loyalty. The construct of emotional attachment is the one beyond the attitude to investigate relations of CSR and customer response.Third, the paper initiates the psychological analysis on research of CSR-customer response link. The stakeholder theory claims the firm-customer link is based on mutual satisfaction of benefits, especially of economic one. However, customers not only focus on their own but also the environment protection, employee treatment and charitable giving. By the psychological method, the paper explores customers’ need for self-knowledge, self-experience and self-regulation to achieve the emotional tie by CSR.CSR research is a Multidisciplinary study cross philosophy, sociology, ethics, economics, management and psychology. What the paper established, "CSR→Consumer Emotional Attachment→Loyalty Intention", is a primary and partial framework. Limited by data, time and personal ability, the study has some shortcoming. It is expected to identify new determinants and explore their new effect process for further research.

  • 【分类号】F270;F274
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